--- toc_folder_title: F.A.Q. toc_hidden: true toc_priority: 76 --- # ClickHouse F.A.Q {#clickhouse-f-a-q} This section of the documentation is a place to collect answers to ClickHouse-related questions that arise often. Categories: - **[General](../faq/general/index.md)** - [What is ClickHouse?](../index.md#what-is-clickhouse) - [Why ClickHouse is so fast?](../faq/general/why-clickhouse-is-so-fast.md) - [Who is using ClickHouse?](../faq/general/who-is-using-clickhouse.md) - [What does “ClickHouse” mean?](../faq/general/dbms-naming.md) - [What does “Не тормозит” mean?](../faq/general/ne-tormozit.md) - [What is OLAP?](../faq/general/olap.md) - [What is a columnar database?](../faq/general/columnar-database.md) - [Why not use something like MapReduce?](../faq/general/mapreduce.md) - **[Use Cases](../faq/use-cases/index.md)** - [Can I use ClickHouse as a time-series database?](../faq/use-cases/time-series.md) - [Can I use ClickHouse as a key-value storage?](../faq/use-cases/key-value.md) - **[Operations](../faq/operations/index.md)** - [Which ClickHouse version to use in production?](../faq/operations/production.md) - [Is it possible to delete old records from a ClickHouse table?](../faq/operations/delete-old-data.md) - **[Integration](../faq/integration/index.md)** - [How do I export data from ClickHouse to a file?](../faq/integration/file-export.md) - [What if I have a problem with encodings when connecting to Oracle via ODBC?](../faq/integration/oracle-odbc.md) {## TODO Question candidates: - How to choose a primary key? - How to add a column in ClickHouse? - Too many parts - How to filter ClickHouse table by an array column contents? - How to insert all rows from one table to another of identical structure? - How to kill a process (query) in ClickHouse? - How to implement pivot (like in pandas)? - How to remove the default ClickHouse user through users.d? - Importing MySQL dump to Clickhouse - Window function workarounds (row_number, lag/lead, running diff/sum/average) ##} {## [Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/faq) ##}