#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include namespace Poco { class Logger; } namespace DB { class IFileCache; class FileSegment; using FileSegmentPtr = std::shared_ptr; using FileSegments = std::list; class FileSegment : boost::noncopyable { friend class LRUFileCache; friend struct FileSegmentsHolder; public: using Key = UInt128; using RemoteFileReaderPtr = std::shared_ptr; using LocalCacheWriterPtr = std::unique_ptr; enum class State { DOWNLOADED, /** * When file segment is first created and returned to user, it has state EMPTY. * EMPTY state can become DOWNLOADING when getOrSetDownaloder is called successfully * by any owner of EMPTY state file segment. */ EMPTY, /** * A newly created file segment never has DOWNLOADING state until call to getOrSetDownloader * because each cache user might acquire multiple file segments and reads them one by one, * so only user which actually needs to read this segment earlier than others - becomes a downloader. */ DOWNLOADING, /** * Space reservation for a file segment is incremental, i.e. downaloder reads buffer_size bytes * from remote fs -> tries to reserve buffer_size bytes to put them to cache -> writes to cache * on successful reservation and stops cache write otherwise. Those, who waited for the same file * file segment, will read downloaded part from cache and remaining part directly from remote fs. */ PARTIALLY_DOWNLOADED_NO_CONTINUATION, /** * If downloader did not finish download of current file segment for any reason apart from running * out of cache space, then download can be continued by other owners of this file segment. */ PARTIALLY_DOWNLOADED, /** * If file segment cannot possibly be downloaded (first space reservation attempt failed), mark * this file segment as out of cache scope. */ SKIP_CACHE, }; FileSegment( size_t offset_, size_t size_, const Key & key_, IFileCache * cache_, State download_state_); State state() const; static String stateToString(FileSegment::State state); /// Represents an interval [left, right] including both boundaries. struct Range { size_t left; size_t right; Range(size_t left_, size_t right_) : left(left_), right(right_) {} bool operator==(const Range & other) const { return left == other.left && right == other.right; } size_t size() const { return right - left + 1; } String toString() const { return fmt::format("[{}, {}]", std::to_string(left), std::to_string(right)); } }; const Range & range() const { return segment_range; } const Key & key() const { return file_key; } size_t offset() const { return range().left; } State wait(); bool reserve(size_t size); void write(const char * from, size_t size, size_t offset_); /** * writeInMemory and finalizeWrite are used together to write a single file with delay. * Both can be called only once, one after another. Used for writing cache via threadpool * on wrote operations. TODO: this solution is temporary, until adding a separate cache layer. */ void writeInMemory(const char * from, size_t size); size_t finalizeWrite(); RemoteFileReaderPtr getRemoteFileReader(); void setRemoteFileReader(RemoteFileReaderPtr remote_file_reader_); void resetRemoteFileReader(); String getOrSetDownloader(); String getDownloader() const; void resetDownloader(); bool isDownloader() const; bool isDownloaded() const { return is_downloaded.load(); } static String getCallerId(); size_t getDownloadOffset() const; size_t getDownloadedSize() const; void completeBatchAndResetDownloader(); void complete(State state); String getInfoForLog() const; size_t getHitsCount() const { return hits_count; } size_t getRefCount() const { return ref_count; } void incrementHitsCount() { ++hits_count; } void assertCorrectness() const; static FileSegmentPtr getSnapshot(const FileSegmentPtr & file_segment); private: size_t availableSize() const { return reserved_size - downloaded_size; } size_t getDownloadedSize(std::lock_guard & segment_lock) const; String getInfoForLogImpl(std::lock_guard & segment_lock) const; void assertCorrectnessImpl(std::lock_guard & segment_lock) const; void setDownloaded(std::lock_guard & segment_lock); void setDownloadFailed(std::lock_guard & segment_lock); void wrapWithCacheInfo(Exception & e, const String & message, std::lock_guard & segment_lock) const; bool lastFileSegmentHolder() const; /// complete() without any completion state is called from destructor of /// FileSegmentsHolder. complete() might check if the caller of the method /// is the last alive holder of the segment. Therefore, complete() and destruction /// of the file segment pointer must be done under the same cache mutex. void complete(std::lock_guard & cache_lock); void completeImpl( std::lock_guard & cache_lock, std::lock_guard & segment_lock); static String getCallerIdImpl(); void resetDownloaderImpl(std::lock_guard & segment_lock); const Range segment_range; State download_state; String downloader_id; RemoteFileReaderPtr remote_file_reader; LocalCacheWriterPtr cache_writer; size_t downloaded_size = 0; size_t reserved_size = 0; mutable std::mutex mutex; std::condition_variable cv; /// Protects downloaded_size access with actual write into fs. /// downloaded_size is not protected by download_mutex in methods which /// can never be run in parallel to FileSegment::write() method /// as downloaded_size is updated only in FileSegment::write() method. /// Such methods are identified by isDownloader() check at their start, /// e.g. they are executed strictly by the same thread, sequentially. mutable std::mutex download_mutex; Key file_key; IFileCache * cache; Poco::Logger * log; bool detached = false; std::atomic is_downloaded{false}; std::atomic hits_count = 0; /// cache hits. std::atomic ref_count = 0; /// Used for getting snapshot state }; struct FileSegmentsHolder : private boost::noncopyable { explicit FileSegmentsHolder(FileSegments && file_segments_) : file_segments(std::move(file_segments_)) {} FileSegmentsHolder(FileSegmentsHolder && other) : file_segments(std::move(other.file_segments)) {} ~FileSegmentsHolder(); FileSegments file_segments{}; String toString(); }; }