#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { FunctionPtr FunctionModelEvaluate::create(const Context & context) { return std::make_shared(context.getExternalModelsLoader()); } namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT; extern const int TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS_FOR_FUNCTION; extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN; } DataTypePtr FunctionModelEvaluate::getReturnTypeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments) const { if (arguments.size() < 2) throw Exception("Function " + getName() + " expects at least 2 arguments", ErrorCodes::TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS_FOR_FUNCTION); if (!isString(arguments[0].type)) throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0].type->getName() + " of first argument of function " + getName() + ", expected a string.", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT); const auto name_col = checkAndGetColumnConst(arguments[0].column.get()); if (!name_col) throw Exception("First argument of function " + getName() + " must be a constant string", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN); bool has_nullable = false; for (size_t i = 1; i < arguments.size(); ++i) has_nullable = has_nullable || arguments[i].type->isNullable(); auto model = models_loader.getModel(name_col->getValue()); auto type = model->getReturnType(); if (has_nullable) { if (auto * tuple = typeid_cast(type.get())) { auto elements = tuple->getElements(); for (auto & element : elements) element = makeNullable(element); type = std::make_shared(elements); } else type = makeNullable(type); } return type; } void FunctionModelEvaluate::executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result, size_t /*input_rows_count*/) { const auto name_col = checkAndGetColumnConst(block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()); if (!name_col) throw Exception("First argument of function " + getName() + " must be a constant string", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN); auto model = models_loader.getModel(name_col->getValue()); ColumnRawPtrs columns; Columns materialized_columns; ColumnPtr null_map; columns.reserve(arguments.size()); for (auto arg : ext::range(1, arguments.size())) { auto & column = block.getByPosition(arguments[arg]).column; columns.push_back(column.get()); if (auto full_column = column->convertToFullColumnIfConst()) { materialized_columns.push_back(full_column); columns.back() = full_column.get(); } if (auto * col_nullable = checkAndGetColumn(*columns.back())) { if (!null_map) null_map = col_nullable->getNullMapColumnPtr(); else { auto mut_null_map = (*std::move(null_map)).mutate(); NullMap & result_null_map = assert_cast(*mut_null_map).getData(); const NullMap & src_null_map = col_nullable->getNullMapColumn().getData(); for (size_t i = 0, size = result_null_map.size(); i < size; ++i) if (src_null_map[i]) result_null_map[i] = 1; null_map = std::move(mut_null_map); } columns.back() = &col_nullable->getNestedColumn(); } } auto res = model->evaluate(columns); if (null_map) { if (auto * tuple = typeid_cast(res.get())) { auto nested = tuple->getColumns(); for (auto & col : nested) col = ColumnNullable::create(col, null_map); res = ColumnTuple::create(nested); } else res = ColumnNullable::create(res, null_map); } block.getByPosition(result).column = res; } void registerFunctionsExternalModels(FunctionFactory & factory) { factory.registerFunction(); } }