// FIFOBuffer.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Core
// Module:  FIFOBuffer
// Definition of the FIFOBuffer class.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef Foundation_FIFOBuffer_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_FIFOBuffer_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/BasicEvent.h"
#include "Poco/Buffer.h"
#include "Poco/Exception.h"
#include "Poco/Format.h"
#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include "Poco/Mutex.h"

namespace Poco

template <class T>
class BasicFIFOBuffer
/// A simple buffer class with support for re-entrant,
/// FIFO-style read/write operations, as well as (optional)
/// empty/non-empty/full (i.e. writable/readable) transition
/// notifications. Buffer can be flagged with end-of-file and
/// error flags, which renders it un-readable/writable.
/// Critical portions of code are protected by a recursive mutex.
/// However, to achieve thread-safety in cases where multiple
/// member function calls are involved and have to be atomic,
/// the mutex must be locked externally.
/// Buffer size, as well as amount of unread data and
/// available space introspections are supported as well.
/// This class is useful anywhere where a FIFO functionality
/// is needed.
    typedef T Type;

    mutable Poco::BasicEvent<bool> writable;
    /// Event indicating "writability" of the buffer,
    /// triggered as follows:
    ///	* when buffer transitions from non-full to full,
    ///	  Writable event observers are notified, with
    ///	  false value as the argument
    ///	* when buffer transitions from full to non-full,
    ///	  Writable event observers are notified, with
    ///	  true value as the argument

    mutable Poco::BasicEvent<bool> readable;
    /// Event indicating "readability" of the buffer,
    /// triggered as follows:
    ///	* when buffer transitions from non-empty to empty,
    ///	  Readable event observers are notified, with false
    ///	  value as the argument
    ///	* when FIFOBuffer transitions from empty to non-empty,
    ///	  Readable event observers are notified, with true value
    ///	  as the argument

    BasicFIFOBuffer(std::size_t size, bool notify = false) : _buffer(size), _begin(0), _used(0), _notify(notify), _eof(false), _error(false)
    /// Creates the FIFOBuffer.

    BasicFIFOBuffer(T * pBuffer, std::size_t size, bool notify = false)
        : _buffer(pBuffer, size), _begin(0), _used(0), _notify(notify), _eof(false), _error(false)
    /// Creates the FIFOBuffer.

    BasicFIFOBuffer(const T * pBuffer, std::size_t size, bool notify = false)
        : _buffer(pBuffer, size), _begin(0), _used(size), _notify(notify), _eof(false), _error(false)
    /// Creates the FIFOBuffer.

    /// Destroys the FIFOBuffer.

    void resize(std::size_t newSize, bool preserveContent = true)
    /// Resizes the buffer. If preserveContent is true,
    /// the content of the old buffer is preserved.
    /// New size can be larger or smaller than
    /// the current size, but it must not be 0.
    /// Additionally, if the new length is smaller
    /// than currently used length and preserveContent
    /// is true, InvalidAccessException is thrown.
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);

        if (preserveContent && (newSize < _used))
            throw InvalidAccessException("Can not resize FIFO without data loss.");

        std::size_t usedBefore = _used;
        _buffer.resize(newSize, preserveContent);
        if (!preserveContent)
            _used = 0;
        if (_notify)

    std::size_t peek(T * pBuffer, std::size_t length) const
    /// Peeks into the data currently in the FIFO
    /// without actually extracting it.
    /// If length is zero, the return is immediate.
    /// If length is greater than used length,
    /// it is substituted with the the current FIFO
    /// used length.
    /// Returns the number of elements copied in the
    /// supplied buffer.
        if (0 == length)
            return 0;
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
        if (!isReadable())
            return 0;
        if (length > _used)
            length = _used;
        std::memcpy(pBuffer, _buffer.begin() + _begin, length * sizeof(T));
        return length;

    std::size_t peek(Poco::Buffer<T> & buffer, std::size_t length = 0) const
    /// Peeks into the data currently in the FIFO
    /// without actually extracting it.
    /// Resizes the supplied buffer to the size of
    /// data written to it. If length is not
    /// supplied by the caller or is greater than length
    /// of currently used data, the current FIFO used
    /// data length is substituted for it.
    /// Returns the number of elements copied in the
    /// supplied buffer.
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
        if (!isReadable())
            return 0;
        if (0 == length || length > _used)
            length = _used;
        return peek(buffer.begin(), length);

    std::size_t read(T * pBuffer, std::size_t length)
    /// Copies the data currently in the FIFO
    /// into the supplied buffer, which must be
    /// preallocated to at least the length size
    /// before calling this function.
    /// Returns the size of the copied data.
        if (0 == length)
            return 0;
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
        if (!isReadable())
            return 0;
        std::size_t usedBefore = _used;
        std::size_t readLen = peek(pBuffer, length);
        poco_assert(_used >= readLen);
        _used -= readLen;
        if (0 == _used)
            _begin = 0;
            _begin += length;

        if (_notify)

        return readLen;

    std::size_t read(Poco::Buffer<T> & buffer, std::size_t length = 0)
    /// Copies the data currently in the FIFO
    /// into the supplied buffer.
    /// Resizes the supplied buffer to the size of
    /// data written to it.
    /// Returns the size of the copied data.
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
        if (!isReadable())
            return 0;
        std::size_t usedBefore = _used;
        std::size_t readLen = peek(buffer, length);
        poco_assert(_used >= readLen);
        _used -= readLen;
        if (0 == _used)
            _begin = 0;
            _begin += length;

        if (_notify)

        return readLen;

    std::size_t write(const T * pBuffer, std::size_t length)
    /// Writes data from supplied buffer to the FIFO buffer.
    /// If there is no sufficient space for the whole
    /// buffer to be written, data up to available
    /// length is written.
    /// The length of data to be written is determined from the
    /// length argument. Function does nothing and returns zero
    /// if length argument is equal to zero.
    /// Returns the length of data written.
        if (0 == length)
            return 0;

        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);

        if (!isWritable())
            return 0;

        if (_buffer.size() - (_begin + _used) < length)
            std::memmove(_buffer.begin(), begin(), _used * sizeof(T));
            _begin = 0;

        std::size_t usedBefore = _used;
        std::size_t available = _buffer.size() - _used - _begin;
        std::size_t len = length > available ? available : length;
        std::memcpy(begin() + _used, pBuffer, len * sizeof(T));
        _used += len;
        poco_assert(_used <= _buffer.size());
        if (_notify)

        return len;

    std::size_t write(const Buffer<T> & buffer, std::size_t length = 0)
    /// Writes data from supplied buffer to the FIFO buffer.
    /// If there is no sufficient space for the whole
    /// buffer to be written, data up to available
    /// length is written.
    /// The length of data to be written is determined from the
    /// length argument or buffer size (when length argument is
    /// default zero or greater than buffer size).
    /// Returns the length of data written.
        if (length == 0 || length > buffer.size())
            length = buffer.size();

        return write(buffer.begin(), length);

    std::size_t size() const
    /// Returns the size of the buffer.
        return _buffer.size();

    std::size_t used() const
    /// Returns the size of the used portion of the buffer.
        return _used;

    std::size_t available() const
    /// Returns the size of the available portion of the buffer.
        return size() - _used;

    void drain(std::size_t length = 0)
    /// Drains length number of elements from the buffer.
    /// If length is zero or greater than buffer current
    /// content length, buffer is emptied.
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);

        std::size_t usedBefore = _used;

        if (0 == length || length >= _used)
            _begin = 0;
            _used = 0;
            _begin += length;
            _used -= length;

        if (_notify)

    void copy(const T * ptr, std::size_t length)
    /// Copies the supplied data to the buffer and adjusts
    /// the used buffer size.
        if (0 == length)

        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);

        if (length > available())
            throw Poco::InvalidAccessException("Cannot extend buffer.");

        if (!isWritable())
            throw Poco::InvalidAccessException("Buffer not writable.");

        std::memcpy(begin() + _used, ptr, length * sizeof(T));
        std::size_t usedBefore = _used;
        _used += length;
        if (_notify)

    void advance(std::size_t length)
    /// Advances buffer by length elements.
    /// Should be called AFTER the data
    /// was copied into the buffer.
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);

        if (length > available())
            throw Poco::InvalidAccessException("Cannot extend buffer.");

        if (!isWritable())
            throw Poco::InvalidAccessException("Buffer not writable.");

        if (_buffer.size() - (_begin + _used) < length)
            std::memmove(_buffer.begin(), begin(), _used * sizeof(T));
            _begin = 0;

        std::size_t usedBefore = _used;
        _used += length;
        if (_notify)

    T * begin()
    /// Returns the pointer to the beginning of the buffer.
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
        if (_begin != 0)
            // Move the data to the start of the buffer so begin() and next()
            // always return consistent pointers with each other and allow writing
            // to the end of the buffer.
            std::memmove(_buffer.begin(), _buffer.begin() + _begin, _used * sizeof(T));
            _begin = 0;
        return _buffer.begin();

    T * next()
    /// Returns the pointer to the next available position in the buffer.
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
        return begin() + _used;

    T & operator[](std::size_t index)
    /// Returns value at index position.
    /// Throws InvalidAccessException if index is larger than
    /// the last valid (used) buffer position.
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
        if (index >= _used)
            throw InvalidAccessException(format("Index out of bounds: %z (max index allowed: %z)", index, _used - 1));

        return _buffer[_begin + index];

    const T & operator[](std::size_t index) const
    /// Returns value at index position.
    /// Throws InvalidAccessException if index is larger than
    /// the last valid (used) buffer position.
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
        if (index >= _used)
            throw InvalidAccessException(format("Index out of bounds: %z (max index allowed: %z)", index, _used - 1));

        return _buffer[_begin + index];

    const Buffer<T> & buffer() const
    /// Returns const reference to the underlying buffer.
        return _buffer;

    void setError(bool error = true)
    /// Sets the error flag on the buffer and empties it.
    /// If notifications are enabled, they will be triggered
    /// if appropriate.
    /// Setting error flag to true prevents reading and writing
    /// to the buffer; to re-enable FIFOBuffer for reading/writing,
    /// the error flag must be set to false.
        if (error)
            bool f = false;
            Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
            if (error && isReadable() && _notify)
                readable.notify(this, f);
            if (error && isWritable() && _notify)
                writable.notify(this, f);
            _error = error;
            _used = 0;
            bool t = true;
            Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
            _error = false;
            if (_notify && !_eof)
                writable.notify(this, t);

    bool isValid() const
    /// Returns true if error flag is not set on the buffer,
    /// otherwise returns false.
        return !_error;

    void setEOF(bool eof = true)
    /// Sets end-of-file flag on the buffer.
    /// Setting EOF flag to true prevents writing to the
    /// buffer; reading from the buffer will still be
    /// allowed until all data present in the buffer at the
    /// EOF set time is drained. After that, to re-enable
    /// FIFOBuffer for reading/writing, EOF must be
    /// set to false.
    /// Setting EOF flag to false clears EOF state if it
    /// was previously set. If EOF was not set, it has no
    /// effect.
        Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
        bool flag = !eof;
        if (_notify)
            writable.notify(this, flag);
        _eof = eof;

    bool hasEOF() const
    /// Returns true if EOF flag has been set.
        return _eof;

    bool isEOF() const
    /// Returns true if EOF flag has been set and buffer is empty.
        return isEmpty() && _eof;

    bool isEmpty() const
    /// Returns true is buffer is empty, false otherwise.
        return 0 == _used;

    bool isFull() const
    /// Returns true is buffer is full, false otherwise.
        return size() == _used;

    bool isReadable() const
    /// Returns true if buffer contains data and is not
    /// in error state.
        return !isEmpty() && isValid();

    bool isWritable() const
    /// Returns true if buffer is not full and is not
    /// in error state.
        return !isFull() && isValid() && !_eof;

    void setNotify(bool notify = true)
    /// Enables/disables notifications.
        _notify = notify;

    bool getNotify() const
    /// Returns true if notifications are enabled, false otherwise.
        return _notify;

    Mutex & mutex()
    /// Returns reference to mutex.
        return _mutex;

    void notify(std::size_t usedBefore)
        bool t = true, f = false;
        if (usedBefore == 0 && _used > 0)
            readable.notify(this, t);
        else if (usedBefore > 0 && 0 == _used)
            readable.notify(this, f);

        if (usedBefore == _buffer.size() && _used < _buffer.size())
            writable.notify(this, t);
        else if (usedBefore < _buffer.size() && _used == _buffer.size())
            writable.notify(this, f);

    BasicFIFOBuffer(const BasicFIFOBuffer &);
    BasicFIFOBuffer & operator=(const BasicFIFOBuffer &);

    Buffer<T> _buffer;
    std::size_t _begin;
    std::size_t _used;
    bool _notify;
    mutable Mutex _mutex;
    bool _eof;
    bool _error;

// We provide an instantiation for char
typedef BasicFIFOBuffer<char> FIFOBuffer;

} // namespace Poco

#endif // Foundation_FIFOBuffer_INCLUDED