#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import os.path as p from argparse import ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ArgumentParser, ArgumentTypeError from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union from git_helper import TWEAK, Git, get_tags, git_runner, removeprefix FILE_WITH_VERSION_PATH = "cmake/autogenerated_versions.txt" CHANGELOG_IN_PATH = "debian/changelog.in" CHANGELOG_PATH = "debian/changelog" GENERATED_CONTRIBUTORS = "src/Storages/System/StorageSystemContributors.generated.cpp" # It has {{ for plain "{" CONTRIBUTORS_TEMPLATE = """// autogenerated by {executer} const char * auto_contributors[] {{ {contributors} nullptr}}; """ VERSIONS = Dict[str, Union[int, str]] VERSIONS_TEMPLATE = """# This variables autochanged by tests/ci/version_helper.py: # NOTE: has nothing common with DBMS_TCP_PROTOCOL_VERSION, # only DBMS_TCP_PROTOCOL_VERSION should be incremented on protocol changes. SET(VERSION_REVISION {revision}) SET(VERSION_MAJOR {major}) SET(VERSION_MINOR {minor}) SET(VERSION_PATCH {patch}) SET(VERSION_GITHASH {githash}) SET(VERSION_DESCRIBE {describe}) SET(VERSION_STRING {string}) # end of autochange """ class ClickHouseVersion: """Immutable version class. On update returns a new instance""" PART_TYPE = Literal["major", "minor", "patch"] def __init__( self, major: Union[int, str], minor: Union[int, str], patch: Union[int, str], revision: Union[int, str], git: Optional[Git], tweak: Optional[str] = None, ): self._major = int(major) self._minor = int(minor) self._patch = int(patch) self._revision = int(revision) self._git = git self._tweak = TWEAK if tweak is not None: self._tweak = int(tweak) elif self._git is not None: self._tweak = self._git.tweak self._describe = "" self._description = "" def update(self, part: PART_TYPE) -> "ClickHouseVersion": """If part is valid, returns a new version""" if part == "major": return self.major_update() if part == "minor": return self.minor_update() if part == "patch": return self.patch_update() raise KeyError(f"wrong part {part} is used") def major_update(self) -> "ClickHouseVersion": if self._git is not None: self._git.update() return ClickHouseVersion(self.major + 1, 1, 1, self.revision + 1, self._git) def minor_update(self) -> "ClickHouseVersion": if self._git is not None: self._git.update() return ClickHouseVersion( self.major, self.minor + 1, 1, self.revision + 1, self._git ) def patch_update(self) -> "ClickHouseVersion": if self._git is not None: self._git.update() return ClickHouseVersion( self.major, self.minor, self.patch + 1, self.revision, self._git ) def reset_tweak(self) -> "ClickHouseVersion": if self._git is not None: self._git.update() return ClickHouseVersion( self.major, self.minor, self.patch, self.revision, self._git, "1" ) @property def major(self) -> int: return self._major @property def minor(self) -> int: return self._minor @property def patch(self) -> int: return self._patch @property def tweak(self) -> int: return self._tweak @property def revision(self) -> int: return self._revision @property def githash(self) -> str: if self._git is not None: return self._git.sha return "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" @property def describe(self): return self._describe @property def description(self) -> str: return self._description @property def string(self): return ".".join( (str(self.major), str(self.minor), str(self.patch), str(self.tweak)) ) def as_dict(self) -> VERSIONS: return { "revision": self.revision, "major": self.major, "minor": self.minor, "patch": self.patch, "tweak": self.tweak, "githash": self.githash, "describe": self.describe, "string": self.string, } def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: return (self.major, self.minor, self.patch, self.tweak) def with_description(self, version_type): if version_type not in VersionType.VALID: raise ValueError(f"version type {version_type} not in {VersionType.VALID}") self._description = version_type self._describe = f"v{self.string}-{version_type}" def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(self, type(other)): return NotImplemented return bool( self.major == other.major and self.minor == other.minor and self.patch == other.patch and self.tweak == other.tweak ) def __lt__(self, other: "ClickHouseVersion") -> bool: for part in ("major", "minor", "patch", "tweak"): if getattr(self, part) < getattr(other, part): return True elif getattr(self, part) > getattr(other, part): return False return False def __le__(self, other: "ClickHouseVersion") -> bool: return self == other or self < other class VersionType: LTS = "lts" PRESTABLE = "prestable" STABLE = "stable" TESTING = "testing" VALID = (TESTING, PRESTABLE, STABLE, LTS) def validate_version(version: str) -> None: parts = version.split(".") if len(parts) != 4: raise ValueError(f"{version} does not contain 4 parts") for part in parts: int(part) def get_abs_path(path: str) -> str: return p.abspath(p.join(git_runner.cwd, path)) def read_versions(versions_path: str = FILE_WITH_VERSION_PATH) -> VERSIONS: versions = {} path_to_file = get_abs_path(versions_path) with open(path_to_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if not line.startswith("SET("): continue value = 0 # type: Union[int, str] name, value = line[4:-1].split(maxsplit=1) name = removeprefix(name, "VERSION_").lower() try: value = int(value) except ValueError: pass versions[name] = value return versions def get_version_from_repo( versions_path: str = FILE_WITH_VERSION_PATH, git: Optional[Git] = None, ) -> ClickHouseVersion: versions = read_versions(versions_path) return ClickHouseVersion( versions["major"], versions["minor"], versions["patch"], versions["revision"], git, ) def get_version_from_string( version: str, git: Optional[Git] = None ) -> ClickHouseVersion: validate_version(version) parts = version.split(".") return ClickHouseVersion(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], -1, git, parts[3]) def get_version_from_tag(tag: str) -> ClickHouseVersion: Git.check_tag(tag) tag, description = tag[1:].split("-", 1) version = get_version_from_string(tag) version.with_description(description) return version def version_arg(version: str) -> ClickHouseVersion: version = removeprefix(version, "refs/tags/") try: return get_version_from_string(version) except ValueError: pass try: return get_version_from_tag(version) except ValueError: pass raise ArgumentTypeError(f"version {version} does not match tag of plain version") def get_tagged_versions() -> List[ClickHouseVersion]: versions = [] for tag in get_tags(): try: version = get_version_from_tag(tag) versions.append(version) except Exception: continue return sorted(versions) def update_cmake_version( version: ClickHouseVersion, versions_path: str = FILE_WITH_VERSION_PATH, ) -> None: path_to_file = get_abs_path(versions_path) with open(path_to_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(VERSIONS_TEMPLATE.format_map(version.as_dict())) def update_contributors( relative_contributors_path: str = GENERATED_CONTRIBUTORS, force: bool = False, raise_error: bool = False, ) -> None: # Check if we have shallow checkout by comparing number of lines # '--is-shallow-repository' is in git since 2.15, 2017-10-30 if git_runner.run("git rev-parse --is-shallow-repository") == "true" and not force: logging.warning("The repository is shallow, refusing to update contributors") if raise_error: raise RuntimeError("update_contributors executed on a shallow repository") return # format: " 1016 Alexey Arno" shortlog = git_runner.run("git shortlog HEAD --summary") contributors = sorted( [c.split(maxsplit=1)[-1].replace('"', r"\"") for c in shortlog.split("\n")], ) contributors = [f' "{c}",' for c in contributors] executer = p.relpath(p.realpath(__file__), git_runner.cwd) content = CONTRIBUTORS_TEMPLATE.format( executer=executer, contributors="\n".join(contributors) ) contributors_path = get_abs_path(relative_contributors_path) with open(contributors_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as cfd: cfd.write(content) def update_version_local(version, version_type="testing"): update_contributors() version.with_description(version_type) update_cmake_version(version) def main(): """The simplest thing it does - reads versions from cmake and produce the environment variables that may be sourced in bash scripts""" parser = ArgumentParser( formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="The script reads versions from cmake and produce ENV variables", ) parser.add_argument( "--version-path", "-p", default=FILE_WITH_VERSION_PATH, help="relative path to the cmake file with versions", ) parser.add_argument( "--version-type", "-t", choices=VersionType.VALID, default=VersionType.TESTING, help="optional parameter to generate DESCRIBE", ) parser.add_argument( "--export", "-e", action="store_true", help="if the ENV variables should be exported", ) parser.add_argument( "--update-part", choices=("major", "minor", "patch"), help="the version part to update, tweak is always calculated from commits, " "implies `--update-cmake`", ) parser.add_argument( "--update-cmake", "-u", action="store_true", help=f"is update for {FILE_WITH_VERSION_PATH} is needed or not", ) parser.add_argument( "--update-contributors", "-c", action="store_true", help=f"update {GENERATED_CONTRIBUTORS} file and exit, " "doesn't work on shallow repo", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.update_contributors: update_contributors() return version = get_version_from_repo(args.version_path, Git(True)) if args.update_part: version = version.update(args.update_part) version.with_description(args.version_type) if args.update_part or args.update_cmake: update_cmake_version(version) for k, v in version.as_dict().items(): name = f"CLICKHOUSE_VERSION_{k.upper()}" print(f"{name}='{v}'") if args.export: print(f"export {name}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()