#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import logging import os import sys import time from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Callable, List, Union import requests # type: ignore import get_robot_token as grt # we need an updated ROBOT_TOKEN from ci_config import CI_CONFIG DOWNLOAD_RETRIES_COUNT = 5 class DownloadException(Exception): pass def get_with_retries( url: str, retries: int = DOWNLOAD_RETRIES_COUNT, sleep: int = 3, **kwargs: Any, ) -> requests.Response: logging.info( "Getting URL with %i tries and sleep %i in between: %s", retries, sleep, url ) exc = Exception("A placeholder to satisfy typing and avoid nesting") for i in range(retries): try: response = requests.get(url, **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() return response except Exception as e: if i + 1 < retries: logging.info("Exception '%s' while getting, retry %i", e, i + 1) time.sleep(sleep) exc = e raise exc def get_gh_api( url: str, retries: int = DOWNLOAD_RETRIES_COUNT, sleep: int = 3, **kwargs: Any, ) -> requests.Response: """ Request GH api w/o auth by default, and failover to the get_best_robot_token in case of receiving "403 rate limit exceeded" or "404 not found" error It sets auth automatically when ROBOT_TOKEN is already set by get_best_robot_token """ def set_auth_header(): if "headers" in kwargs: if "Authorization" not in kwargs["headers"]: kwargs["headers"][ "Authorization" ] = f"Bearer {grt.get_best_robot_token()}" else: kwargs["headers"] = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {grt.get_best_robot_token()}" } if grt.ROBOT_TOKEN is not None: set_auth_header() token_is_set = "Authorization" in kwargs.get("headers", {}) exc = Exception("A placeholder to satisfy typing and avoid nesting") try_cnt = 0 while try_cnt < retries: try_cnt += 1 try: response = requests.get(url, **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() return response except requests.HTTPError as e: exc = e ratelimit_exceeded = ( e.response.status_code == 403 and b"rate limit exceeded" in e.response._content # pylint:disable=protected-access ) try_auth = e.response.status_code == 404 if (ratelimit_exceeded or try_auth) and not token_is_set: logging.warning( "Received rate limit exception, setting the auth header and retry" ) set_auth_header() token_is_set = True try_cnt = 0 continue except Exception as e: exc = e if try_cnt < retries: logging.info("Exception '%s' while getting, retry %i", exc, try_cnt) time.sleep(sleep) raise exc def get_build_name_for_check(check_name: str) -> str: return CI_CONFIG.test_configs[check_name].required_build def read_build_urls(build_name: str, reports_path: Union[Path, str]) -> List[str]: for root, _, files in os.walk(reports_path): for f in files: if build_name in f: logging.info("Found build report json %s", f) with open(os.path.join(root, f), "r", encoding="utf-8") as file_handler: build_report = json.load(file_handler) return build_report["build_urls"] # type: ignore return [] def download_build_with_progress(url: str, path: Path) -> None: logging.info("Downloading from %s to temp path %s", url, path) for i in range(DOWNLOAD_RETRIES_COUNT): try: response = get_with_retries(url, retries=1, stream=True) total_length = int(response.headers.get("content-length", 0)) if path.is_file() and total_length and path.stat().st_size == total_length: logging.info( "The file %s already exists and have a proper size %s", path, total_length, ) return with open(path, "wb") as f: if total_length == 0: logging.info( "No content-length, will download file without progress" ) f.write(response.content) else: dl = 0 logging.info("Content length is %ld bytes", total_length) for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096): dl += len(data) f.write(data) if sys.stdout.isatty(): done = int(50 * dl / total_length) percent = int(100 * float(dl) / total_length) eq_str = "=" * done space_str = " " * (50 - done) sys.stdout.write(f"\r[{eq_str}{space_str}] {percent}%") sys.stdout.flush() break except Exception as e: if sys.stdout.isatty(): sys.stdout.write("\n") if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) if i + 1 < DOWNLOAD_RETRIES_COUNT: time.sleep(3) else: raise DownloadException( f"Cannot download dataset from {url}, all retries exceeded" ) from e if sys.stdout.isatty(): sys.stdout.write("\n") logging.info("Downloading finished") def download_builds( result_path: str, build_urls: List[str], filter_fn: Callable[[str], bool] ) -> None: for url in build_urls: if filter_fn(url): fname = os.path.basename(url.replace("%2B", "+").replace("%20", " ")) logging.info("Will download %s to %s", fname, result_path) download_build_with_progress(url, Path(result_path) / fname) def download_builds_filter( check_name, reports_path, result_path, filter_fn=lambda _: True ): build_name = get_build_name_for_check(check_name) urls = read_build_urls(build_name, reports_path) print(urls) if not urls: raise DownloadException("No build URLs found") download_builds(result_path, urls, filter_fn) def download_all_deb_packages(check_name, reports_path, result_path): download_builds_filter( check_name, reports_path, result_path, lambda x: x.endswith("deb") ) def download_unit_tests(check_name, reports_path, result_path): download_builds_filter( check_name, reports_path, result_path, lambda x: x.endswith("unit_tests_dbms") ) def download_clickhouse_binary(check_name, reports_path, result_path): download_builds_filter( check_name, reports_path, result_path, lambda x: x.endswith("clickhouse") ) def download_performance_build(check_name, reports_path, result_path): download_builds_filter( check_name, reports_path, result_path, lambda x: x.endswith("performance.tar.zst"), ) def download_fuzzers(check_name, reports_path, result_path): download_builds_filter( check_name, reports_path, result_path, lambda x: x.endswith(("_fuzzer", ".dict", ".options", "_seed_corpus.zip")), )