import collections import datetime import hashlib import logging import os import mkdocs.structure.nav import util def find_first_header(content): for line in content.split('\n'): if line.startswith('#'): no_hash = line.lstrip('#') return no_hash.split('{', 1)[0].strip() def build_nav_entry(root, args): if root.endswith('images'): return None, None, None result_items = [] index_meta, index_content = util.read_md_file(os.path.join(root, '')) current_title = index_meta.get('toc_folder_title', index_meta.get('toc_title')) current_title = current_title or index_meta.get('title', find_first_header(index_content)) for filename in os.listdir(root): path = os.path.join(root, filename) if os.path.isdir(path): prio, title, payload = build_nav_entry(path, args) if title and payload: result_items.append((prio, title, payload)) elif filename.endswith('.md'): path = os.path.join(root, filename) meta, content = util.read_md_file(path) path = path.split('/', 2)[-1] title = meta.get('toc_title', find_first_header(content)) if title: title = title.strip().rstrip('.') else: title = meta.get('toc_folder_title', 'hidden') prio = meta.get('toc_priority', 9999) logging.debug(f'Nav entry: {prio}, {title}, {path}') if meta.get('toc_hidden') or not content.strip(): title = 'hidden' if title == 'hidden': title = 'hidden-' + hashlib.sha1(content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if args.nav_limit and len(result_items) >= args.nav_limit: break result_items.append((prio, title, path)) result_items = sorted(result_items, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1])) result = collections.OrderedDict([(item[1], item[2]) for item in result_items]) if index_meta.get('toc_hidden_folder'): current_title += '|hidden-folder' return index_meta.get('toc_priority', 10000), current_title, result def build_docs_nav(lang, args): docs_dir = os.path.join(args.docs_dir, lang) _, _, nav = build_nav_entry(docs_dir, args) result = [] index_key = None for key, value in nav.items(): if key and value: if value == '': index_key = key continue result.append({key: value}) if args.nav_limit and len(result) >= args.nav_limit: break if index_key: key = list(result[0].keys())[0] result[0][key][index_key] = '' result[0][key].move_to_end(index_key, last=False) return result def build_blog_nav(lang, args): blog_dir = os.path.join(args.blog_dir, lang) years = sorted(os.listdir(blog_dir), reverse=True) result_nav = [{'hidden': ''}] post_meta = collections.OrderedDict() for year in years: year_dir = os.path.join(blog_dir, year) if not os.path.isdir(year_dir): continue result_nav.append({year: collections.OrderedDict()}) posts = [] post_meta_items = [] for post in os.listdir(year_dir): post_path = os.path.join(year_dir, post) if not post.endswith('.md'): raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected non-md file in posts folder: {post_path}') meta, _ = util.read_md_file(post_path) post_date = meta['date'] post_title = meta['title'] if > continue posts.append( (post_date, post_title, os.path.join(year, post),) ) if post_title in post_meta: raise RuntimeError(f'Duplicate post title: {post_title}') if not post_date.startswith(f'{year}-'): raise RuntimeError(f'Post date {post_date} doesn\'t match the folder year {year}: {post_title}') post_url_part = post.replace('.md', '') post_meta_items.append((post_date, { 'date': post_date, 'title': post_title, 'image': meta.get('image'), 'url': f'/blog/{lang}/{year}/{post_url_part}/' },)) for _, title, path in sorted(posts, reverse=True): result_nav[-1][year][title] = path for _, post_meta_item in sorted(post_meta_items, reverse=True, key=lambda item: item[0]): post_meta[post_meta_item['title']] = post_meta_item return result_nav, post_meta def _custom_get_navigation(files, config): nav_config = config['nav'] or mkdocs.structure.nav.nest_paths(f.src_path for f in files.documentation_pages()) items = mkdocs.structure.nav._data_to_navigation(nav_config, files, config) if not isinstance(items, list): items = [items] pages = mkdocs.structure.nav._get_by_type(items, mkdocs.structure.nav.Page) mkdocs.structure.nav._add_previous_and_next_links(pages) mkdocs.structure.nav._add_parent_links(items) missing_from_config = [file for file in files.documentation_pages() if is None] if missing_from_config: files._files = [file for file in files._files if file not in missing_from_config] links = mkdocs.structure.nav._get_by_type(items, mkdocs.structure.nav.Link) for link in links: scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = mkdocs.structure.nav.urlparse(link.url) if scheme or netloc: mkdocs.structure.nav.log.debug( "An external link to '{}' is included in " "the 'nav' configuration.".format(link.url) ) elif link.url.startswith('/'): mkdocs.structure.nav.log.debug( "An absolute path to '{}' is included in the 'nav' configuration, " "which presumably points to an external resource.".format(link.url) ) else: msg = ( "A relative path to '{}' is included in the 'nav' configuration, " "which is not found in the documentation files".format(link.url) ) mkdocs.structure.nav.log.warning(msg) return mkdocs.structure.nav.Navigation(items, pages) mkdocs.structure.nav.get_navigation = _custom_get_navigation