#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER; } void TranslateQualifiedNamesVisitor::visit(ASTIdentifier & identifier, ASTPtr & ast, const DumpASTNode & dump) const { if (identifier.general()) { /// Select first table name with max number of qualifiers which can be stripped. size_t max_num_qualifiers_to_strip = 0; size_t best_table_pos = 0; for (size_t table_pos = 0; table_pos < tables.size(); ++table_pos) { const auto & table = tables[table_pos]; auto num_qualifiers_to_strip = getNumComponentsToStripInOrderToTranslateQualifiedName(identifier, table); if (num_qualifiers_to_strip > max_num_qualifiers_to_strip) { max_num_qualifiers_to_strip = num_qualifiers_to_strip; best_table_pos = table_pos; } } if (max_num_qualifiers_to_strip) { dump.print(String("stripIdentifier ") + identifier.name, max_num_qualifiers_to_strip); stripIdentifier(ast, max_num_qualifiers_to_strip); } /// In case if column from the joined table are in source columns, change it's name to qualified. if (best_table_pos && source_columns.count(ast->getColumnName())) { const DatabaseAndTableWithAlias & table = tables[best_table_pos]; table.makeQualifiedName(ast); dump.print("makeQualifiedName", table.database + '.' + table.table + ' ' + ast->getColumnName()); } } } void TranslateQualifiedNamesVisitor::visit(ASTQualifiedAsterisk &, ASTPtr & ast, const DumpASTNode &) const { if (ast->children.size() != 1) throw Exception("Logical error: qualified asterisk must have exactly one child", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); ASTIdentifier * ident = typeid_cast(ast->children[0].get()); if (!ident) throw Exception("Logical error: qualified asterisk must have identifier as its child", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); size_t num_components = ident->children.size(); if (num_components > 2) throw Exception("Qualified asterisk cannot have more than two qualifiers", ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_IN_AST); DatabaseAndTableWithAlias db_and_table(*ident); for (const auto & table_names : tables) { /// database.table.*, table.* or alias.* if (num_components == 2) { if (!table_names.database.empty() && db_and_table.database == table_names.database && db_and_table.table == table_names.table) return; } else if (num_components == 0) { if ((!table_names.table.empty() && db_and_table.table == table_names.table) || (!table_names.alias.empty() && db_and_table.table == table_names.alias)) return; } } throw Exception("Unknown qualified identifier: " + ident->getAliasOrColumnName(), ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER); } void TranslateQualifiedNamesVisitor::visit(ASTTableJoin & join, ASTPtr &, const DumpASTNode &) const { /// Don't translate on_expression here in order to resolve equation parts later. if (join.using_expression_list) visit(join.using_expression_list); } void TranslateQualifiedNamesVisitor::visit(ASTSelectQuery & select, ASTPtr & ast, const DumpASTNode &) const { /// If the WHERE clause or HAVING consists of a single quailified column, the reference must be translated not only in children, /// but also in where_expression and having_expression. if (select.prewhere_expression) visit(select.prewhere_expression); if (select.where_expression) visit(select.where_expression); if (select.having_expression) visit(select.having_expression); visitChildren(ast); } void TranslateQualifiedNamesVisitor::visitChildren(ASTPtr & ast) const { for (auto & child : ast->children) { /// Do not go to FROM, JOIN, subqueries. if (!typeid_cast(child.get()) && !typeid_cast(child.get())) { visit(child); } } } }