-- Tags: replica, no-parallel DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS shard_0; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS shard_1; SET distributed_ddl_output_mode='none'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS demo_loan_01568_dist; CREATE DATABASE shard_0; CREATE DATABASE shard_1; CREATE TABLE demo_loan_01568 ON CLUSTER test_cluster_two_shards_different_databases ( `id` Int64 COMMENT 'id', `date_stat` Date COMMENT 'date of stat', `customer_no` String COMMENT 'customer no', `loan_principal` Float64 COMMENT 'loan principal' ) ENGINE=ReplacingMergeTree() ORDER BY id PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date_stat); -- { serverError NOT_IMPLEMENTED } SET distributed_ddl_entry_format_version = 2; CREATE TABLE demo_loan_01568 ON CLUSTER test_cluster_two_shards_different_databases ( `id` Int64 COMMENT 'id', `date_stat` Date COMMENT 'date of stat', `customer_no` String COMMENT 'customer no', `loan_principal` Float64 COMMENT 'loan principal' ) ENGINE=ReplacingMergeTree() ORDER BY id PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date_stat); -- { serverError INCONSISTENT_CLUSTER_DEFINITION } SET distributed_ddl_output_mode='throw'; CREATE TABLE shard_0.demo_loan_01568 ON CLUSTER test_cluster_two_shards_different_databases ( `id` Int64 COMMENT 'id', `date_stat` Date COMMENT 'date of stat', `customer_no` String COMMENT 'customer no', `loan_principal` Float64 COMMENT 'loan principal' ) ENGINE=ReplacingMergeTree() ORDER BY id PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date_stat); CREATE TABLE shard_1.demo_loan_01568 ON CLUSTER test_cluster_two_shards_different_databases ( `id` Int64 COMMENT 'id', `date_stat` Date COMMENT 'date of stat', `customer_no` String COMMENT 'customer no', `loan_principal` Float64 COMMENT 'loan principal' ) ENGINE=ReplacingMergeTree() ORDER BY id PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date_stat); SET distributed_ddl_output_mode='none'; SHOW TABLES FROM shard_0; SHOW TABLES FROM shard_1; SHOW CREATE TABLE shard_0.demo_loan_01568; SHOW CREATE TABLE shard_1.demo_loan_01568; CREATE TABLE demo_loan_01568_dist AS shard_0.demo_loan_01568 ENGINE=Distributed('test_cluster_two_shards_different_databases', '', 'demo_loan_01568', id % 2); INSERT INTO demo_loan_01568_dist VALUES (1, '2021-04-13', 'qwerty', 3.14159), (2, '2021-04-14', 'asdfgh', 2.71828); SYSTEM FLUSH DISTRIBUTED demo_loan_01568_dist; SELECT * FROM demo_loan_01568_dist ORDER BY id; SELECT * FROM shard_0.demo_loan_01568; SELECT * FROM shard_1.demo_loan_01568; DROP DATABASE shard_0; DROP DATABASE shard_1; DROP TABLE demo_loan_01568_dist;