import difflib import time from io import IOBase class TSV: """Helper to get pretty diffs between expected and actual tab-separated value files""" def __init__(self, contents): if isinstance(contents, IOBase): raw_lines = contents.readlines() elif isinstance(contents, str) or isinstance(contents, str): raw_lines = contents.splitlines(True) elif isinstance(contents, list): raw_lines = ['\t'.join(map(str, l)) if isinstance(l, list) else str(l) for l in contents] elif isinstance(contents, TSV): self.lines = contents.lines return else: raise TypeError("contents must be either file or string or list, actual type: " + type(contents).__name__) self.lines = [l.strip() for l in raw_lines if l.strip()] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, TSV): return self == TSV(other) return self.lines == other.lines def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, TSV): return self != TSV(other) return self.lines != other.lines def diff(self, other, n1='', n2=''): if not isinstance(other, TSV): return self.diff(TSV(other), n1=n1, n2=n2) return list(line.rstrip() for line in difflib.unified_diff(self.lines, other.lines, fromfile=n1, tofile=n2))[2:] def __str__(self): return '\n'.join(self.lines) @staticmethod def toMat(contents): return [line.split("\t") for line in contents.split("\n") if line.strip()] def assert_eq_with_retry(instance, query, expectation, retry_count=20, sleep_time=0.5, stdin=None, timeout=None, settings=None, user=None, ignore_error=False): expectation_tsv = TSV(expectation) for i in range(retry_count): try: if TSV(instance.query(query, user=user, stdin=stdin, timeout=timeout, settings=settings, ignore_error=ignore_error)) == expectation_tsv: break time.sleep(sleep_time) except Exception as ex: print(("assert_eq_with_retry retry {} exception {}".format(i + 1, ex))) time.sleep(sleep_time) else: val = TSV(instance.query(query, user=user, stdin=stdin, timeout=timeout, settings=settings, ignore_error=ignore_error)) if expectation_tsv != val: raise AssertionError("'{}' != '{}'\n{}".format(expectation_tsv, val, '\n'.join( expectation_tsv.diff(val, n1="expectation", n2="query")))) def assert_logs_contain(instance, substring): if not instance.contains_in_log(substring): raise AssertionError("'{}' not found in logs".format(substring)) def assert_logs_contain_with_retry(instance, substring, retry_count=20, sleep_time=0.5): for i in range(retry_count): try: if instance.contains_in_log(substring): break time.sleep(sleep_time) except Exception as ex: print("contains_in_log_with_retry retry {} exception {}".format(i + 1, ex)) time.sleep(sleep_time) else: raise AssertionError("'{}' not found in logs".format(substring))