Star Schema =========== Compile dbgen: .. code-block:: bash git clone cd ssb-dbgen make You will see some warnings. It's Ok. Place ``dbgen`` and ``dists.dss`` to some place with at least 800 GB free space available. Generate data: .. code-block:: bash ./dbgen -s 1000 -T c ./dbgen -s 1000 -T l Create tables in ClickHouse: .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE lineorder ( LO_ORDERKEY UInt32, LO_LINENUMBER UInt8, LO_CUSTKEY UInt32, LO_PARTKEY UInt32, LO_SUPPKEY UInt32, LO_ORDERDATE Date, LO_ORDERPRIORITY String, LO_SHIPPRIORITY UInt8, LO_QUANTITY UInt8, LO_EXTENDEDPRICE UInt32, LO_ORDTOTALPRICE UInt32, LO_DISCOUNT UInt8, LO_REVENUE UInt32, LO_SUPPLYCOST UInt32, LO_TAX UInt8, LO_COMMITDATE Date, LO_SHIPMODE String )Engine=MergeTree(LO_ORDERDATE,(LO_ORDERKEY,LO_LINENUMBER,LO_ORDERDATE),8192); CREATE TABLE customer ( C_CUSTKEY UInt32, C_NAME String, C_ADDRESS String, C_CITY String, C_NATION String, C_REGION String, C_PHONE String, C_MKTSEGMENT String, C_FAKEDATE Date )Engine=MergeTree(C_FAKEDATE,(C_CUSTKEY,C_FAKEDATE),8192); CREATE TABLE part ( P_PARTKEY UInt32, P_NAME String, P_MFGR String, P_CATEGORY String, P_BRAND String, P_COLOR String, P_TYPE String, P_SIZE UInt8, P_CONTAINER String, P_FAKEDATE Date )Engine=MergeTree(P_FAKEDATE,(P_PARTKEY,P_FAKEDATE),8192); CREATE TABLE lineorderd AS lineorder ENGINE = Distributed(perftest_3shards_1replicas, default, lineorder, rand()); CREATE TABLE customerd AS customer ENGINE = Distributed(perftest_3shards_1replicas, default, customer, rand()); CREATE TABLE partd AS part ENGINE = Distributed(perftest_3shards_1replicas, default, part, rand()); For single-node setup, create just MergeTree tables. For Distributed setup, you must configure cluster ``perftest_3shards_1replicas`` in configuration file. Then create MergeTree tables on each node and then create Distributed tables. Load data (change customer to customerd in case of distributed setup): .. code-block:: bash cat customer.tbl | sed 's/$/2000-01-01/' | clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO customer FORMAT CSV" cat lineorder.tbl | clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO lineorder FORMAT CSV"