// Process.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Processes
// Module:  Process
// Definition of the Process class.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef Foundation_Process_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_Process_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/Foundation.h"

#if   defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX)
#    include "Poco/Process_UNIX.h"

namespace Poco

class Pipe;

class Foundation_API ProcessHandle
/// A handle for a process created with Process::launch().
/// This handle can be used to determine the process ID of
/// the newly created process and it can be used to wait for
/// the completion of a process.
    typedef ProcessImpl::PIDImpl PID;

    ProcessHandle(const ProcessHandle & handle);
    /// Creates a ProcessHandle by copying another one.

    /// Destroys the ProcessHandle.

    ProcessHandle & operator=(const ProcessHandle & handle);
    /// Assigns another handle.

    PID id() const;
    /// Returns the process ID.

    int wait() const;
    /// Waits for the process to terminate
    /// and returns the exit code of the process.

    ProcessHandle(ProcessHandleImpl * pImpl);


    ProcessHandleImpl * _pImpl;

    friend class Process;

class Foundation_API Process : public ProcessImpl
/// This class provides methods for working with processes.
    typedef PIDImpl PID;
    typedef ArgsImpl Args;
    typedef EnvImpl Env;

    static PID id();
    /// Returns the process ID of the current process.

    static void times(long & userTime, long & kernelTime);
    /// Returns the number of seconds spent by the
    /// current process in user and kernel mode.

    static ProcessHandle launch(const std::string & command, const Args & args);
    /// Creates a new process for the given command and returns
    /// a ProcessHandle of the new process. The given arguments are
    /// passed to the command on the command line.

    static ProcessHandle launch(const std::string & command, const Args & args, const std::string & initialDirectory);
    /// Creates a new process for the given command and returns
    /// a ProcessHandle of the new process. The given arguments are
    /// passed to the command on the command line.
    /// The process starts executing in the specified initial directory.

    static ProcessHandle launch(const std::string & command, const Args & args, Pipe * inPipe, Pipe * outPipe, Pipe * errPipe);
    /// Creates a new process for the given command and returns
    /// a ProcessHandle of the new process. The given arguments are
    /// passed to the command on the command line.
    /// If inPipe, outPipe or errPipe is non-null, the corresponding
    /// standard input, standard output or standard error stream
    /// of the launched process is redirected to the Pipe.
    /// PipeInputStream or PipeOutputStream can be used to
    /// send receive data from, or send data to the process.
    /// Note: the same Pipe can be used for both outPipe and errPipe.
    /// After a Pipe has been passed as inPipe, only write operations
    /// are valid. After a Pipe has been passed as outPipe or errPipe,
    /// only read operations are valid.
    /// It is forbidden to pass the same pipe as inPipe and outPipe or errPipe.
    /// Usage example:
    ///     Pipe outPipe;
    ///     Process::Args args;
    ///     ProcessHandle ph(launch("/bin/ps", args, 0, &outPipe, 0));
    ///     PipeInputStream istr(outPipe);
    ///     ... // read output of ps from istr
    ///     int rc = ph.wait();

    static ProcessHandle launch(
        const std::string & command,
        const Args & args,
        const std::string & initialDirectory,
        Pipe * inPipe,
        Pipe * outPipe,
        Pipe * errPipe);
    /// Creates a new process for the given command and returns
    /// a ProcessHandle of the new process. The given arguments are
    /// passed to the command on the command line.
    /// The process starts executing in the specified initial directory.
    /// If inPipe, outPipe or errPipe is non-null, the corresponding
    /// standard input, standard output or standard error stream
    /// of the launched process is redirected to the Pipe.
    /// PipeInputStream or PipeOutputStream can be used to
    /// send receive data from, or send data to the process.
    /// Note: the same Pipe can be used for both outPipe and errPipe.
    /// After a Pipe has been passed as inPipe, only write operations
    /// are valid. After a Pipe has been passed as outPipe or errPipe,
    /// only read operations are valid.
    /// It is forbidden to pass the same pipe as inPipe and outPipe or errPipe.
    /// Usage example:
    ///     Pipe outPipe;
    ///     Process::Args args;
    ///     ProcessHandle ph(launch("/bin/ps", args, 0, &outPipe, 0));
    ///     PipeInputStream istr(outPipe);
    ///     ... // read output of ps from istr
    ///     int rc = ph.wait();

    static ProcessHandle
    launch(const std::string & command, const Args & args, Pipe * inPipe, Pipe * outPipe, Pipe * errPipe, const Env & env);
    /// Creates a new process for the given command and returns
    /// a ProcessHandle of the new process. The given arguments are
    /// passed to the command on the command line.
    /// If inPipe, outPipe or errPipe is non-null, the corresponding
    /// standard input, standard output or standard error stream
    /// of the launched process is redirected to the Pipe.
    /// The launched process is given the specified environment variables.

    static ProcessHandle launch(
        const std::string & command,
        const Args & args,
        const std::string & initialDirectory,
        Pipe * inPipe,
        Pipe * outPipe,
        Pipe * errPipe,
        const Env & env);
    /// Creates a new process for the given command and returns
    /// a ProcessHandle of the new process. The given arguments are
    /// passed to the command on the command line.
    /// The process starts executing in the specified initial directory.
    /// If inPipe, outPipe or errPipe is non-null, the corresponding
    /// standard input, standard output or standard error stream
    /// of the launched process is redirected to the Pipe.
    /// The launched process is given the specified environment variables.

    static int wait(const ProcessHandle & handle);
    /// Waits for the process specified by handle to terminate
    /// and returns the exit code of the process.

    static bool isRunning(const ProcessHandle & handle);
    /// check if the process specified by handle is running or not
    /// This is preferable on Windows where process IDs
    /// may be reused.

    static bool isRunning(PID pid);
    /// Check if the process specified by given pid is running or not.

    static void kill(ProcessHandle & handle);
    /// Kills the process specified by handle.
    /// This is preferable on Windows where process IDs
    /// may be reused.

    static void kill(PID pid);
    /// Kills the process with the given pid.

    static void requestTermination(PID pid);
    /// Requests termination of the process with the give PID.
    /// On Unix platforms, this will send a SIGINT to the
    /// process and thus work with arbitrary processes.
    /// On other platforms, a global event flag
    /// will be set. Setting the flag will cause
    /// Util::ServerApplication::waitForTerminationRequest() to
    /// return. Therefore this will only work with applications
    /// based on Util::ServerApplication.

// inlines
inline Process::PID Process::id()
    return ProcessImpl::idImpl();

inline void Process::times(long & userTime, long & kernelTime)
    ProcessImpl::timesImpl(userTime, kernelTime);

} // namespace Poco

#endif // Foundation_Process_INCLUDED