#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Gets all the files in SOURCES_TREE directory, shows all level headers for each file and skip or process files by user's selection. from os import walk SOURCES_TREE = 'ru' STOP_AT_THE_FIRST_FILE = False for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(SOURCES_TREE): for filename in filenames : if filename == 'conf.py': continue print "=== "+ dirpath+'/'+filename f = open(dirpath+'/'+filename) content = f.readlines() f.close() # Showing headers structure in md-file count_lines = 0 for l in content: if l.startswith('#'): print l if l.startswith("==="): print content[count_lines - 1] + l if l.startswith("---"): print content[count_lines - 1] + l count_lines += 1 # At this stage user should check the headers structucture and choose what to to # Replace headers markup or not choise = raw_input("What to do with a file (pass(s) or process(p)): ") if choise == 's': continue else: print "processing..." count_lines = 0 for l in content: if l.startswith("==="): print count_lines, content[count_lines -1], content[count_lines] content[count_lines - 1] = "# "+content[count_lines - 1] content.pop(count_lines) if l.startswith("---"): print count_lines, content[count_lines -1], content[count_lines] content[count_lines - 1] = "## "+content[count_lines - 1] content.pop(count_lines) count_lines += 1 f=open(dirpath+'/'+filename,"w") for l in content: f.write(l) f.close() if STOP_AT_THE_FIRST_FILE : break if STOP_AT_THE_FIRST_FILE : break