#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH; } namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int INCORRECT_FILE_NAME; } class SetOrJoinBlockOutputStream : public IBlockOutputStream { public: SetOrJoinBlockOutputStream(StorageSetOrJoinBase & table_, const String & backup_path_, const String & backup_tmp_path_, const String & backup_file_name_); Block getHeader() const override { return table.getSampleBlock(); } void write(const Block & block) override; void writeSuffix() override; private: StorageSetOrJoinBase & table; String backup_path; String backup_tmp_path; String backup_file_name; WriteBufferFromFile backup_buf; CompressedWriteBuffer compressed_backup_buf; NativeBlockOutputStream backup_stream; }; SetOrJoinBlockOutputStream::SetOrJoinBlockOutputStream(StorageSetOrJoinBase & table_, const String & backup_path_, const String & backup_tmp_path_, const String & backup_file_name_) : table(table_), backup_path(backup_path_), backup_tmp_path(backup_tmp_path_), backup_file_name(backup_file_name_), backup_buf(backup_tmp_path + backup_file_name), compressed_backup_buf(backup_buf), backup_stream(compressed_backup_buf, 0, table.getSampleBlock()) { } void SetOrJoinBlockOutputStream::write(const Block & block) { /// Sort columns in the block. This is necessary, since Set and Join count on the same column order in different blocks. Block sorted_block = block.sortColumns(); table.insertBlock(sorted_block); backup_stream.write(sorted_block); } void SetOrJoinBlockOutputStream::writeSuffix() { backup_stream.flush(); compressed_backup_buf.next(); backup_buf.next(); Poco::File(backup_tmp_path + backup_file_name).renameTo(backup_path + backup_file_name); } BlockOutputStreamPtr StorageSetOrJoinBase::write(const ASTPtr & /*query*/, const Settings & /*settings*/) { ++increment; return std::make_shared(*this, path, path + "tmp/", toString(increment) + ".bin"); } StorageSetOrJoinBase::StorageSetOrJoinBase( const String & path_, const String & table_name_, const ColumnsDescription & columns_) : IStorage{columns_}, table_name(table_name_) { if (path_.empty()) throw Exception("Join and Set storages require data path", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_FILE_NAME); path = path_ + escapeForFileName(table_name_) + '/'; } StorageSet::StorageSet( const String & path_, const String & name_, const ColumnsDescription & columns_) : StorageSetOrJoinBase{path_, name_, columns_}, set(std::make_shared(SizeLimits())) { Block header = getSampleBlock(); header = header.sortColumns(); set->setHeader(header); restore(); } void StorageSet::insertBlock(const Block & block) { set->insertFromBlock(block, /*fill_set_elements=*/false); } size_t StorageSet::getSize() const { return set->getTotalRowCount(); } void StorageSet::truncate(const ASTPtr & /*query*/) { increment = 0; set = std::make_shared(SizeLimits()); static const auto file_suffix = ".bin"; Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_end; for (Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_it(path); dir_end != dir_it; ++dir_it) { const auto & name = dir_it.name(); if (dir_it->isFile() && endsWith(name, file_suffix) && dir_it->getSize() > 0) dir_it->remove(false); } }; void StorageSetOrJoinBase::restore() { Poco::File tmp_dir(path + "tmp/"); if (!tmp_dir.exists()) { tmp_dir.createDirectories(); return; } static const auto file_suffix = ".bin"; static const auto file_suffix_size = strlen(".bin"); Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_end; for (Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_it(path); dir_end != dir_it; ++dir_it) { const auto & name = dir_it.name(); if (dir_it->isFile() && endsWith(name, file_suffix) && dir_it->getSize() > 0) { /// Calculate the maximum number of available files with a backup to add the following files with large numbers. UInt64 file_num = parse(name.substr(0, name.size() - file_suffix_size)); if (file_num > increment) increment = file_num; restoreFromFile(dir_it->path()); } } } void StorageSetOrJoinBase::restoreFromFile(const String & file_path) { ReadBufferFromFile backup_buf(file_path); CompressedReadBuffer compressed_backup_buf(backup_buf); NativeBlockInputStream backup_stream(compressed_backup_buf, 0); backup_stream.readPrefix(); while (Block block = backup_stream.read()) insertBlock(block); backup_stream.readSuffix(); /// TODO Add speed, compressed bytes, data volume in memory, compression ratio ... Generalize all statistics logging in project. LOG_INFO(&Logger::get("StorageSetOrJoinBase"), std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << "Loaded from backup file " << file_path << ". " << backup_stream.getProfileInfo().rows << " rows, " << backup_stream.getProfileInfo().bytes / 1048576.0 << " MiB. " << "State has " << getSize() << " unique rows."); } void StorageSetOrJoinBase::rename(const String & new_path_to_db, const String & /*new_database_name*/, const String & new_table_name) { /// Rename directory with data. String new_path = new_path_to_db + escapeForFileName(new_table_name); Poco::File(path).renameTo(new_path); path = new_path + "/"; table_name = new_table_name; } void registerStorageSet(StorageFactory & factory) { factory.registerStorage("Set", [](const StorageFactory::Arguments & args) { if (!args.engine_args.empty()) throw Exception( "Engine " + args.engine_name + " doesn't support any arguments (" + toString(args.engine_args.size()) + " given)", ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH); return StorageSet::create(args.data_path, args.table_name, args.columns); }); } }