import json import time from ._environment import _Environment from .result import Result from .settings import Settings from .utils import Shell class GH: @classmethod def do_command_with_retries(cls, command): res = False retry_count = 0 out, err = "", "" while retry_count < Settings.MAX_RETRIES_GH and not res: ret_code, out, err = Shell.get_res_stdout_stderr(command, verbose=True) res = ret_code == 0 if not res and "Validation Failed" in err: print(f"ERROR: GH command validation error.") break if not res and "Bad credentials" in err: print("ERROR: GH credentials/auth failure") break if not res: retry_count += 1 time.sleep(5) if not res: print( f"ERROR: Failed to execute gh command [{command}] out:[{out}] err:[{err}] after [{retry_count}] attempts" ) return res @classmethod def post_pr_comment( cls, comment_body, or_update_comment_with_substring, repo=None, pr=None ): if not repo: repo = _Environment.get().REPOSITORY if not pr: pr = _Environment.get().PR_NUMBER if or_update_comment_with_substring: print(f"check comment [{comment_body}] created") cmd_check_created = f'gh api -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ "/repos/{repo}/issues/{pr}/comments" \ --jq \'.[] | {{id: .id, body: .body}}\' | grep -F "{or_update_comment_with_substring}"' output = Shell.get_output(cmd_check_created) if output: comment_ids = [] try: comment_ids = [ json.loads(item.strip())["id"] for item in output.split("\n") ] except Exception as ex: print(f"Failed to retrieve PR comments with [{ex}]") for id in comment_ids: cmd = f'gh api \ -X PATCH \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ "/repos/{repo}/issues/comments/{id}" \ -f body=\'{comment_body}\'' print(f"Update existing comments [{id}]") return cls.do_command_with_retries(cmd) cmd = f'gh pr comment {pr} --body "{comment_body}"' return cls.do_command_with_retries(cmd) @classmethod def post_commit_status(cls, name, status, description, url): status = cls.convert_to_gh_status(status) command = ( f"gh api -X POST -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json' " f"/repos/{_Environment.get().REPOSITORY}/statuses/{_Environment.get().SHA} " f"-f state='{status}' -f target_url='{url}' " f"-f description='{description}' -f context='{name}'" ) return cls.do_command_with_retries(command) @classmethod def convert_to_gh_status(cls, status): if status in ( Result.Status.PENDING, Result.Status.SUCCESS, Result.Status.FAILED, Result.Status.ERROR, ): return status if status in Result.Status.RUNNING: return Result.Status.PENDING else: assert ( False ), f"Invalid status [{status}] to be set as GH commit status.state" if __name__ == "__main__": # test GH.post_pr_comment( comment_body="foobar", or_update_comment_with_substring="CI", repo="ClickHouse/praktika", pr=15, )