#include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN; extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_COLUMN_FOR_FILTER; } TotalsHavingBlockInputStream::TotalsHavingBlockInputStream( BlockInputStreamPtr input_, bool overflow_row_, ExpressionActionsPtr expression_, const std::string & filter_column_, TotalsMode totals_mode_, double auto_include_threshold_) : overflow_row(overflow_row_), expression(expression_), filter_column_name(filter_column_), totals_mode(totals_mode_), auto_include_threshold(auto_include_threshold_) { children.push_back(input_); } String TotalsHavingBlockInputStream::getID() const { std::stringstream res; res << "TotalsHavingBlockInputStream(" << children.back()->getID() << "," << filter_column_name << ")"; return res.str(); } static void finalize(Block & block) { for (size_t i = 0; i < block.columns(); ++i) { ColumnWithTypeAndName & current = block.getByPosition(i); ColumnAggregateFunction * unfinalized_column = typeid_cast(&*current.column); if (unfinalized_column) { current.type = unfinalized_column->getAggregateFunction()->getReturnType(); current.column = unfinalized_column->convertToValues(); } } } const Block & TotalsHavingBlockInputStream::getTotals() { if (!totals) { /** Если totals_mode == AFTER_HAVING_AUTO, нужно решить, добавлять ли в TOTALS агрегаты для строк, * не прошедших max_rows_to_group_by. */ if (overflow_aggregates) { if (totals_mode == TotalsMode::BEFORE_HAVING || totals_mode == TotalsMode::AFTER_HAVING_INCLUSIVE || (totals_mode == TotalsMode::AFTER_HAVING_AUTO && static_cast(passed_keys) / total_keys >= auto_include_threshold)) addToTotals(current_totals, overflow_aggregates, nullptr); } finalize(current_totals); totals = current_totals; } if (totals && expression) expression->execute(totals); return totals; } Block TotalsHavingBlockInputStream::readImpl() { Block finalized; Block block; while (1) { block = children[0]->read(); /// Блок со значениями, не вошедшими в max_rows_to_group_by. Отложим его. if (overflow_row && block && block.info.is_overflows) { overflow_aggregates = block; continue; } if (!block) return finalized; finalized = block; finalize(finalized); total_keys += finalized.rows(); if (filter_column_name.empty()) { addToTotals(current_totals, block, nullptr); } else { /// Вычисляем выражение в HAVING. expression->execute(finalized); size_t filter_column_pos = finalized.getPositionByName(filter_column_name); ColumnPtr filter_column_ptr = finalized.getByPosition(filter_column_pos).column; ColumnConstUInt8 * column_const = typeid_cast(&*filter_column_ptr); if (column_const) filter_column_ptr = column_const->convertToFullColumn(); ColumnUInt8 * filter_column = typeid_cast(&*filter_column_ptr); if (!filter_column) throw Exception("Filter column must have type UInt8, found " + finalized.getByPosition(filter_column_pos).type->getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_COLUMN_FOR_FILTER); IColumn::Filter & filter = filter_column->getData(); /// Прибавляем значения в totals (если это не было сделано ранее). if (totals_mode == TotalsMode::BEFORE_HAVING) addToTotals(current_totals, block, nullptr); else addToTotals(current_totals, block, &filter); /// Фильтруем блок по выражению в HAVING. size_t columns = finalized.columns(); for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i) { ColumnWithTypeAndName & current_column = finalized.getByPosition(i); current_column.column = current_column.column->filter(filter, -1); if (current_column.column->empty()) { finalized.clear(); break; } } } if (!finalized) continue; passed_keys += finalized.rows(); return finalized; } } void TotalsHavingBlockInputStream::addToTotals(Block & totals, Block & block, const IColumn::Filter * filter) { bool init = !totals; ArenaPtr arena; if (init) arena = std::make_shared(); for (size_t i = 0; i < block.columns(); ++i) { const ColumnWithTypeAndName & current = block.getByPosition(i); const ColumnAggregateFunction * column = typeid_cast(&*current.column); if (!column) { if (init) { ColumnPtr new_column = current.type->createColumn(); new_column->insertDefault(); totals.insert(ColumnWithTypeAndName(new_column, current.type, current.name)); } continue; } IAggregateFunction * function; AggregateDataPtr data; if (init) { function = column->getAggregateFunction(); auto target = std::make_shared(column->getAggregateFunction(), Arenas(1, arena)); totals.insert(ColumnWithTypeAndName(target, current.type, current.name)); data = arena->alloc(function->sizeOfData()); function->create(data); target->getData().push_back(data); } else { auto target = typeid_cast(totals.getByPosition(i).column.get()); if (!target) throw Exception("Unexpected type of column: " + totals.getByPosition(i).column->getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN); function = target->getAggregateFunction(); data = target->getData()[0]; } const ColumnAggregateFunction::Container_t & vec = column->getData(); size_t size = vec.size(); if (filter) { for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j) if ((*filter)[j]) function->merge(data, vec[j]); } else { for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j) function->merge(data, vec[j]); } } } }