# emacs files *~ *\# .tramp_history # vim cache files *.swp # auto generated files *.logrt /build /build_* /build-* /tests/venv /docs/build /docs/publish /docs/edit /docs/website /docs/venv /docs/tools/venv /docs/tools/translate/venv /docs/tools/translate/output.md /docs/en/single.md /docs/ru/single.md /docs/zh/single.md /docs/ja/single.md /docs/fa/single.md # callgrind files callgrind.out.* # ignore kdevelop files *.kdev4 *.kdev_include_paths # ignore sublime project files *.sublime-* # Qt Creator files *.user # ignore perf output */perf.data # ignore build files CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles Makefile cmake_install.cmake CTestTestfile.cmake *.a *.o cmake-build-* # Python cache *.pyc __pycache__ *.pytest_cache test.cpp CPackConfig.cmake CPackSourceConfig.cmake *-preprocessed.xml core !core/ vgcore* *.deb *.build *.upload *.changes build-stamp configure-stamp *.bin *.mrk *.mrk2 *.mrk3 .dupload.conf # Netbeans project files nbproject/* # JetBrains project files .idea # Microsoft Visual Studio Code .vscode config-preprocessed.xml # Protobuf *.pb.cpp *.pb.h # Ignore symlink to private repository /private # Gulp dependencies used to minify website node_modules public website/docs website/presentations website/package-lock.json .DS_Store */.DS_Store # cquery cache /.cquery-cache # ccls cache /.ccls-cache # clangd cache /.clangd /.cache /compile_commands.json # Toolchains /cmake/toolchain/* *.iml