import time import pytest from helpers.client import CommandRequest from helpers.client import QueryTimeoutExceedException from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from helpers.test_tools import TSV cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) node1 = cluster.add_instance('node1', main_configs=["configs/conf.d/merge_tree.xml", "configs/conf.d/remote_servers.xml"], with_zookeeper=True, macros={"layer": 0, "shard": 0, "replica": 1}) node2 = cluster.add_instance('node2', main_configs=["configs/conf.d/merge_tree.xml", "configs/conf.d/remote_servers.xml"], with_zookeeper=True, macros={"layer": 0, "shard": 0, "replica": 2}) nodes = [node1, node2] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: cluster.start() yield cluster finally: pass cluster.shutdown() def test_deduplication_window_in_seconds(started_cluster): node = node1 node1.query(""" CREATE TABLE simple ON CLUSTER test_cluster (date Date, id UInt32) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{shard}/simple', '{replica}', date, id, 8192)""") node.query("INSERT INTO simple VALUES (0, 0)") time.sleep(1) node.query("INSERT INTO simple VALUES (0, 0)") # deduplication works here node.query("INSERT INTO simple VALUES (0, 1)") assert TSV(node.query("SELECT count() FROM simple")) == TSV("2\n") # wait clean thread time.sleep(2) assert \ TSV.toMat(node.query("SELECT count() FROM system.zookeeper WHERE path='/clickhouse/tables/0/simple/blocks'"))[ 0][ 0] == "1" node.query("INSERT INTO simple VALUES (0, 0)") # deduplication doesn't works here, the first hash node was deleted assert TSV.toMat(node.query("SELECT count() FROM simple"))[0][0] == "3" node1.query("""DROP TABLE simple ON CLUSTER test_cluster""") # Currently this test just reproduce incorrect behavior that sould be fixed @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Flapping test") def test_deduplication_works_in_case_of_intensive_inserts(started_cluster): inserters = [] fetchers = [] node1.query(""" CREATE TABLE simple ON CLUSTER test_cluster (date Date, id UInt32) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{shard}/simple', '{replica}', date, id, 8192)""") node1.query("INSERT INTO simple VALUES (0, 0)") for node in nodes: host = node.ip_address inserters.append(CommandRequest(['/bin/bash'], timeout=10, stdin=""" set -e for i in `seq 1000`; do {} --host {} -q "INSERT INTO simple VALUES (0, 0)" done """.format(cluster.get_client_cmd(), host))) fetchers.append(CommandRequest(['/bin/bash'], timeout=10, stdin=""" set -e for i in `seq 1000`; do res=`{} --host {} -q "SELECT count() FROM simple"` if [[ $? -ne 0 || $res -ne 1 ]]; then echo "Selected $res elements! Host: {}" 1>&2 exit -1 fi; done """.format(cluster.get_client_cmd(), host, # There were not errors during INSERTs for inserter in inserters: try: inserter.get_answer() except QueryTimeoutExceedException: # Only timeout is accepted pass # There were not errors during SELECTs for fetcher in fetchers: try: fetcher.get_answer() except QueryTimeoutExceedException: # Only timeout is accepted pass node1.query("""DROP TABLE simple ON CLUSTER test_cluster""")