#include #include #include "DisksApp.h" #include "DisksClient.h" #include "ICommand.h" namespace DB { class CommandList final : public ICommand { public: explicit CommandList() : ICommand() { command_name = "list"; description = "List files at path[s]"; options_description.add_options()("recursive", "recursively list the directory")("all", "show hidden files")( "path", po::value(), "the path of listing (mandatory, positional)"); positional_options_description.add("path", 1); } void executeImpl(const CommandLineOptions & options, DisksClient & client) override { bool recursive = options.count("recursive"); bool show_hidden = options.count("all"); const auto & disk = client.getCurrentDiskWithPath(); String path = getValueFromCommandLineOptionsWithDefault(options, "path", "."); if (recursive) listRecursive(disk, path, show_hidden); else list(disk, path, show_hidden); } private: static void list(const DiskWithPath & disk, const std::string & path, bool show_hidden) { std::vector file_names = disk.listAllFilesByPath(path); std::vector selected_and_sorted_file_names{}; for (const auto & file_name : file_names) if (show_hidden || (!file_name.starts_with('.'))) selected_and_sorted_file_names.push_back(file_name); std::sort(selected_and_sorted_file_names.begin(), selected_and_sorted_file_names.end()); for (const auto & file_name : selected_and_sorted_file_names) { std::cout << file_name << "\n"; } } static void listRecursive(const DiskWithPath & disk, const std::string & relative_path, bool show_hidden) { std::vector file_names = disk.listAllFilesByPath(relative_path); std::vector selected_and_sorted_file_names{}; std::cout << relative_path << ":\n"; for (const auto & file_name : file_names) if (show_hidden || (!file_name.starts_with('.'))) selected_and_sorted_file_names.push_back(file_name); std::sort(selected_and_sorted_file_names.begin(), selected_and_sorted_file_names.end()); for (const auto & file_name : selected_and_sorted_file_names) { std::cout << file_name << "\n"; } std::cout << "\n"; for (const auto & file_name : selected_and_sorted_file_names) { auto path = [&]() -> String { if (relative_path.ends_with("/")) return relative_path + file_name; return relative_path + "/" + file_name; }(); if (disk.isDirectory(path)) { listRecursive(disk, path, show_hidden); } } } }; CommandPtr makeCommandList() { return std::make_shared(); } }