#include #include #include #include #include namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric ReplicatedSend; extern const Metric ReplicatedFetch; } namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int ABORTED; extern const int BAD_SIZE_OF_FILE_IN_DATA_PART; } namespace DataPartsExchange { namespace { std::string getEndpointId(const std::string & node_id) { return "DataPartsExchange:" + node_id; } } std::string Service::getId(const std::string & node_id) const { return getEndpointId(node_id); } void Service::processQuery(const Poco::Net::HTMLForm & params, ReadBuffer & body, WriteBuffer & out) { if (is_cancelled) throw Exception("Transferring part to replica was cancelled", ErrorCodes::ABORTED); String part_name = params.get("part"); String shard_str = params.get("shard"); bool send_sharded_part = !shard_str.empty(); LOG_TRACE(log, "Sending part " << part_name); try { auto storage_lock = owned_storage->lockStructure(false); MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr part; if (send_sharded_part) { size_t shard_no = std::stoul(shard_str); part = findShardedPart(part_name, shard_no); } else part = findPart(part_name); Poco::ScopedReadRWLock part_lock(part->columns_lock); CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_increment{CurrentMetrics::ReplicatedSend}; /// Список файлов возьмем из списка контрольных сумм. MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums checksums = part->checksums; /// Добавим файлы, которых нет в списке контрольных сумм. checksums.files["checksums.txt"]; checksums.files["columns.txt"]; MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums data_checksums; writeBinary(checksums.files.size(), out); for (const auto & it : checksums.files) { String file_name = it.first; String path; if (send_sharded_part) path = data.getFullPath() + "reshard/" + shard_str + "/" + part_name + "/" + file_name; else path = data.getFullPath() + part_name + "/" + file_name; UInt64 size = Poco::File(path).getSize(); writeStringBinary(it.first, out); writeBinary(size, out); ReadBufferFromFile file_in(path); HashingWriteBuffer hashing_out(out); copyData(file_in, hashing_out, is_cancelled); if (is_cancelled) throw Exception("Transferring part to replica was cancelled", ErrorCodes::ABORTED); if (hashing_out.count() != size) throw Exception("Unexpected size of file " + path, ErrorCodes::BAD_SIZE_OF_FILE_IN_DATA_PART); writeBinary(hashing_out.getHash(), out); if (file_name != "checksums.txt" && file_name != "columns.txt") data_checksums.addFile(file_name, hashing_out.count(), hashing_out.getHash()); } part->checksums.checkEqual(data_checksums, false); } catch (const NetException & e) { /// Network error or error on remote side. No need to enquue part for check. throw; } catch (const Exception & e) { if (e.code() != ErrorCodes::ABORTED) typeid_cast(*owned_storage).enqueuePartForCheck(part_name); throw; } catch (...) { typeid_cast(*owned_storage).enqueuePartForCheck(part_name); throw; } } MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr Service::findPart(const String & name) { MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr part = data.getPartIfExists(name); if (part) return part; throw Exception("No part " + name + " in table"); } MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr Service::findShardedPart(const String & name, size_t shard_no) { MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr part = data.getShardedPartIfExists(name, shard_no); if (part) return part; throw Exception("No part " + name + " in table"); } MergeTreeData::MutableDataPartPtr Fetcher::fetchPart( const String & part_name, const String & replica_path, const String & host, int port, bool to_detached) { return fetchPartImpl(part_name, replica_path, host, port, "", to_detached); } MergeTreeData::MutableDataPartPtr Fetcher::fetchShardedPart( const InterserverIOEndpointLocation & location, const String & part_name, size_t shard_no) { return fetchPartImpl(part_name, location.name, location.host, location.port, toString(shard_no), true); } MergeTreeData::MutableDataPartPtr Fetcher::fetchPartImpl( const String & part_name, const String & replica_path, const String & host, int port, const String & shard_no, bool to_detached) { ReadBufferFromHTTP::Params params = { {"endpoint", getEndpointId(replica_path)}, {"part", part_name}, {"shard", shard_no}, {"compress", "false"} }; ReadBufferFromHTTP in(host, port, "", params); String full_part_name = String(to_detached ? "detached/" : "") + "tmp_" + part_name; String part_path = data.getFullPath() + full_part_name + "/"; Poco::File part_file(part_path); if (part_file.exists()) { LOG_ERROR(log, "Directory " + part_path + " already exists. Removing."); part_file.remove(true); } CurrentMetrics::Increment metric_increment{CurrentMetrics::ReplicatedFetch}; part_file.createDirectory(); MergeTreeData::MutableDataPartPtr new_data_part = std::make_shared(data); new_data_part->name = full_part_name; new_data_part->is_temp = true; size_t files; readBinary(files, in); MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums checksums; for (size_t i = 0; i < files; ++i) { String file_name; UInt64 file_size; readStringBinary(file_name, in); readBinary(file_size, in); WriteBufferFromFile file_out(part_path + file_name); HashingWriteBuffer hashing_out(file_out); copyData(in, hashing_out, file_size, is_cancelled); if (is_cancelled) { /// NOTE Флаг is_cancelled также имеет смысл проверять при каждом чтении по сети, осуществляя poll с не очень большим таймаутом. /// А сейчас мы проверяем его только между прочитанными кусками (в функции copyData). part_file.remove(true); throw Exception("Fetching of part was cancelled", ErrorCodes::ABORTED); } uint128 expected_hash; readBinary(expected_hash, in); if (expected_hash != hashing_out.getHash()) throw Exception("Checksum mismatch for file " + part_path + file_name + " transferred from " + replica_path); if (file_name != "checksums.txt" && file_name != "columns.txt") checksums.addFile(file_name, file_size, expected_hash); } assertEOF(in); ActiveDataPartSet::parsePartName(part_name, *new_data_part); new_data_part->modification_time = time(0); new_data_part->loadColumns(true); new_data_part->loadChecksums(true); new_data_part->loadIndex(); new_data_part->is_sharded = false; new_data_part->checksums.checkEqual(checksums, false); return new_data_part; } } }