#include "ProcfsMetricsProvider.h" #if defined(__linux__) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int FILE_DOESNT_EXIST; extern const int CANNOT_OPEN_FILE; extern const int CANNOT_READ_FROM_FILE_DESCRIPTOR; } static constexpr auto thread_schedstat = "/proc/thread-self/schedstat"; static constexpr auto thread_stat = "/proc/thread-self/stat"; static constexpr auto thread_io = "/proc/thread-self/io"; namespace { [[noreturn]] inline void throwWithFailedToOpenFile(const std::string & filename) { throwFromErrno( "Cannot open file " + filename, errno == ENOENT ? ErrorCodes::FILE_DOESNT_EXIST : ErrorCodes::CANNOT_OPEN_FILE); } ssize_t readFromFD(const int fd, const char * filename, char * buf, size_t buf_size) { ssize_t res = 0; do { res = ::pread(fd, buf, buf_size, 0); if (-1 == res) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; throwFromErrno( "Cannot read from file " + std::string(filename), ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_FROM_FILE_DESCRIPTOR); } assert(res >= 0); break; } while (true); return res; } } bool ProcfsMetricsProvider::isAvailable() noexcept { struct stat sb; int res = ::stat(thread_schedstat, &sb); /// Verify that procfs is mounted, one of the stats file exists and is a regular file return res != -1 && (sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG; } ProcfsMetricsProvider::ProcfsMetricsProvider(const pid_t /*tid*/) { thread_schedstat_fd = ::open(thread_schedstat, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (-1 == thread_schedstat_fd) { throwWithFailedToOpenFile(thread_schedstat); } thread_stat_fd = ::open(thread_stat, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (-1 == thread_stat_fd) { ::close(thread_schedstat_fd); throwWithFailedToOpenFile(thread_stat); } thread_io_fd = ::open(thread_io, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (-1 != thread_io_fd) { stats_version = 3; } } ProcfsMetricsProvider::~ProcfsMetricsProvider() { if (stats_version >= 3 && 0 != ::close(thread_io_fd)) tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); if (0 != ::close(thread_stat_fd)) tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); if (0 != ::close(thread_schedstat_fd)) tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } void ProcfsMetricsProvider::getTaskStats(::taskstats & out_stats) const { constexpr size_t buf_size = 1024; char buf[buf_size]; out_stats.version = stats_version; readParseAndSetThreadCPUStat(out_stats, buf, buf_size); readParseAndSetThreadBlkIOStat(out_stats, buf, buf_size); if (stats_version >= 3) { readParseAndSetThreadIOStat(out_stats, buf, buf_size); } } void ProcfsMetricsProvider::readParseAndSetThreadCPUStat(::taskstats & out_stats, char * buf, size_t buf_size) const { ssize_t res = readFromFD(thread_schedstat_fd, thread_schedstat, buf, buf_size); ReadBufferFromMemory in_schedstat(buf, res); readIntText(out_stats.cpu_run_virtual_total, in_schedstat); skipWhitespaceIfAny(in_schedstat); readIntText(out_stats.cpu_delay_total, in_schedstat); } void ProcfsMetricsProvider::readParseAndSetThreadBlkIOStat(::taskstats & out_stats, char * buf, size_t buf_size) const { ssize_t res = readFromFD(thread_stat_fd, thread_stat, buf, buf_size - 1); ReadBufferFromMemory in_stat(buf, res); /// We need to skip the first 41 fields of the string read from /proc/thread-self/stat. for (int i = 0; i < 41; ++i) { in_stat.position() = find_first_symbols<' ', '\t'>(in_stat.position(), in_stat.buffer().end()); skipWhitespaceIfAny(in_stat); } /// Read field #42 - Aggregated block I/O delays, measured in clock ticks (centiseconds) readIntText(out_stats.blkio_delay_total, in_stat); out_stats.blkio_delay_total *= 10000000ul; /// We need to return time in nanoseconds } void ProcfsMetricsProvider::readParseAndSetThreadIOStat(::taskstats & out_stats, char * buf, size_t buf_size) const { ssize_t res = readFromFD(thread_io_fd, thread_io, buf, buf_size); ReadBufferFromMemory in_thread_io(buf, res); assertString("rchar:", in_thread_io); skipWhitespaceIfAny(in_thread_io); readIntText(out_stats.read_char, in_thread_io); skipWhitespaceIfAny(in_thread_io); assertString("wchar:", in_thread_io); skipWhitespaceIfAny(in_thread_io); readIntText(out_stats.write_char, in_thread_io); skipWhitespaceIfAny(in_thread_io); skipToNextLineOrEOF(in_thread_io); skipToNextLineOrEOF(in_thread_io); assertString("read_bytes:", in_thread_io); skipWhitespaceIfAny(in_thread_io); readIntText(out_stats.read_bytes, in_thread_io); skipWhitespaceIfAny(in_thread_io); assertString("write_bytes:", in_thread_io); skipWhitespaceIfAny(in_thread_io); readIntText(out_stats.write_bytes, in_thread_io); } } #endif