#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script is responsible for building all fuzzers, and copy them to output directory # as an archive. # Script is supposed that we are in build directory. set -x -e printenv # Delete previous cache, because we add a new flags -DENABLE_FUZZING=1 and -DFUZZER=libfuzzer rm -f CMakeCache.txt read -ra CMAKE_FLAGS <<< "${CMAKE_FLAGS:-}" # Hope, that the most part of files will be in cache, so we just link new executables # Please, add or change flags directly in cmake cmake --debug-trycompile --verbose=1 -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=1 -LA -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="$CC" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="$CXX" \ -DSANITIZE="$SANITIZER" -DENABLE_FUZZING=1 -DFUZZER='libfuzzer' -DENABLE_PROTOBUF=1 "${CMAKE_FLAGS[@]}" .. FUZZER_TARGETS=$(find ../src -name '*_fuzzer.cpp' -execdir basename {} .cpp ';' | tr '\n' ' ') NUM_JOBS=$(($(nproc || grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo))) mkdir -p /output/fuzzers for FUZZER_TARGET in $FUZZER_TARGETS do # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # No quotes because I want it to expand to nothing if empty. ninja $NINJA_FLAGS $FUZZER_TARGET -j $NUM_JOBS # Find this binary in build directory and strip it FUZZER_PATH=$(find ./src -name "$FUZZER_TARGET") strip --strip-unneeded "$FUZZER_PATH" mv "$FUZZER_PATH" /output/fuzzers done tar -zcvf /output/fuzzers.tar.gz /output/fuzzers rm -rf /output/fuzzers