import pytest import os import time from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from dictionary import Field, Row, Dictionary, DictionaryStructure, Layout from external_sources import SourceMySQL, SourceMongo, SourceClickHouse, SourceFile, SourceExecutableCache, SourceExecutableHashed SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) FIELDS = { "simple": [ Field("KeyField", 'UInt64', is_key=True), Field("UInt8_", 'UInt8'), Field("UInt16_", 'UInt16'), Field("UInt32_", 'UInt32'), Field("UInt64_", 'UInt64'), Field("Int8_", 'Int8'), Field("Int16_", 'Int16'), Field("Int32_", 'Int32'), Field("Int64_", 'Int64'), Field("UUID_", 'UUID'), Field("Date_", 'Date'), Field("DateTime_", 'DateTime'), Field("String_", 'String'), Field("Float32_", 'Float32'), Field("Float64_", 'Float64'), ], "complex": [ Field("KeyField1", 'UInt64', is_key=True), Field("KeyField2", 'String', is_key=True), Field("UInt8_", 'UInt8'), Field("UInt16_", 'UInt16'), Field("UInt32_", 'UInt32'), Field("UInt64_", 'UInt64'), Field("Int8_", 'Int8'), Field("Int16_", 'Int16'), Field("Int32_", 'Int32'), Field("Int64_", 'Int64'), Field("UUID_", 'UUID'), Field("Date_", 'Date'), Field("DateTime_", 'DateTime'), Field("String_", 'String'), Field("Float32_", 'Float32'), Field("Float64_", 'Float64'), ], "ranged": [ Field("KeyField1", 'UInt64', is_key=True), Field("KeyField2", 'Date', is_range_key=True), Field("StartDate", 'Date', range_hash_type='min'), Field("EndDate", 'Date', range_hash_type='max'), Field("UInt8_", 'UInt8'), Field("UInt16_", 'UInt16'), Field("UInt32_", 'UInt32'), Field("UInt64_", 'UInt64'), Field("Int8_", 'Int8'), Field("Int16_", 'Int16'), Field("Int32_", 'Int32'), Field("Int64_", 'Int64'), Field("UUID_", 'UUID'), Field("Date_", 'Date'), Field("DateTime_", 'DateTime'), Field("String_", 'String'), Field("Float32_", 'Float32'), Field("Float64_", 'Float64'), ] } LAYOUTS = [ Layout("hashed"), Layout("cache"), Layout("flat"), Layout("complex_key_hashed"), Layout("complex_key_cache"), Layout("range_hashed") ] SOURCES = [ #SourceMongo("MongoDB", "localhost", "27018", "mongo1", "27017", "root", "clickhouse"), SourceMySQL("MySQL", "localhost", "3308", "mysql1", "3306", "root", "clickhouse"), SourceClickHouse("RemoteClickHouse", "localhost", "9000", "clickhouse1", "9000", "default", ""), SourceClickHouse("LocalClickHouse", "localhost", "9000", "node", "9000", "default", ""), SourceFile("File", "localhost", "9000", "node", "9000", "", ""), SourceExecutableHashed("ExecutableHashed", "localhost", "9000", "node", "9000", "", ""), SourceExecutableCache("ExecutableCache", "localhost", "9000", "node", "9000", "", ""), ] DICTIONARIES = [] cluster = None node = None def setup_module(module): global DICTIONARIES global cluster global node dict_configs_path = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'configs/dictionaries') for f in os.listdir(dict_configs_path): os.remove(os.path.join(dict_configs_path, f)) for layout in LAYOUTS: for source in SOURCES: if source.compatible_with_layout(layout): structure = DictionaryStructure(layout, FIELDS[layout.layout_type]) dict_name = + "_" + dict_path = os.path.join(dict_configs_path, dict_name + '.xml') dictionary = Dictionary(dict_name, structure, source, dict_path, "table_" + dict_name) dictionary.generate_config() DICTIONARIES.append(dictionary) else: print "Source",, "incompatible with layout", main_configs = [] for fname in os.listdir(dict_configs_path): main_configs.append(os.path.join(dict_configs_path, fname)) cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__, base_configs_dir=os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'configs')) node = cluster.add_instance('node', main_configs=main_configs, with_mysql=True, with_mongo=True) cluster.add_instance('clickhouse1') @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: cluster.start() for dictionary in DICTIONARIES: print "Preparing", dictionary.prepare_source(cluster) print "Prepared" yield cluster finally: pass cluster.shutdown() def test_simple_dictionaries(started_cluster): fields = FIELDS["simple"] data = [ Row(fields, [1, 22, 333, 4444, 55555, -6, -77, -888, -999, '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440003', '1973-06-28', '1985-02-28 23:43:25', 'hello', 22.543, 3332154213.4]), ] simple_dicts = [d for d in DICTIONARIES if d.structure.layout.layout_type == "simple"] for dct in simple_dicts: dct.load_data(data) node.query("system reload dictionaries") queries_with_answers = [] for dct in simple_dicts: for row in data: for field in fields: if not field.is_key: queries_with_answers.append((dct.get_select_query(field, row), row.get_value_by_name( for query, answer in queries_with_answers: print query assert node.query(query) == str(answer) + '\n' def test_complex_dictionaries(started_cluster): fields = FIELDS["complex"] data = [ Row(fields, [1, 'world', 22, 333, 4444, 55555, -6, -77, -888, -999, '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440003', '1973-06-28', '1985-02-28 23:43:25', 'hello', 22.543, 3332154213.4]), ] complex_dicts = [d for d in DICTIONARIES if d.structure.layout.layout_type == "complex"] for dct in complex_dicts: dct.load_data(data) node.query("system reload dictionaries") queries_with_answers = [] for dct in complex_dicts: for row in data: for field in fields: if not field.is_key: queries_with_answers.append((dct.get_select_query(field, row), row.get_value_by_name( for query, answer in queries_with_answers: print query assert node.query(query) == str(answer) + '\n' def test_ranged_dictionaries(started_cluster): fields = FIELDS["ranged"] data = [ Row(fields, [1, '2019-02-10', '2019-02-01', '2019-02-28', 22, 333, 4444, 55555, -6, -77, -888, -999, '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440003', '1973-06-28', '1985-02-28 23:43:25', 'hello', 22.543, 3332154213.4]), ] ranged_dicts = [d for d in DICTIONARIES if d.structure.layout.layout_type == "ranged"] for dct in ranged_dicts: dct.load_data(data) node.query("system reload dictionaries") queries_with_answers = [] for dct in ranged_dicts: for row in data: for field in fields: if not field.is_key and not field.is_range: queries_with_answers.append((dct.get_select_query(field, row), row.get_value_by_name( for query, answer in queries_with_answers: print query assert node.query(query) == str(answer) + '\n'