import glob import sys from itertools import chain from pathlib import Path from praktika import Workflow from praktika.mangle import _get_workflows from praktika.settings import GHRunners, Settings class Validator: @classmethod def validate(cls): print("---Start validating Pipeline and settings---") workflows = _get_workflows() for workflow in workflows: print(f"Validating workflow [{}]") cls.validate_file_paths_in_run_command(workflow) cls.validate_file_paths_in_digest_configs(workflow) cls.validate_requirements_txt_files(workflow) cls.validate_dockers(workflow) if workflow.artifacts: for artifact in workflow.artifacts: if artifact.is_s3_artifact(): assert ( Settings.S3_ARTIFACT_PATH ), "Provide S3_ARTIFACT_PATH setting in any .py file in ./ci/settings/* to be able to use s3 for artifacts" for job in if job.requires and workflow.artifacts: for require in job.requires: if ( require in workflow.artifacts and workflow.artifacts[require].is_s3_artifact() ): assert not any( [r in GHRunners for r in job.runs_on] ), f"GH runners [{}:{job.runs_on}] must not be used with S3 as artifact storage" if job.allow_merge_on_failure: assert ( workflow.enable_merge_ready_status ), f"Job property allow_merge_on_failure must be used only with enabled workflow.enable_merge_ready_status, workflow [{}], job [{}]" if workflow.enable_cache: assert ( Settings.CI_CONFIG_RUNS_ON ), f"Runner label to run workflow config job must be provided via CACHE_CONFIG_RUNS_ON setting if enable_cache=True, workflow [{}]" assert ( Settings.CACHE_S3_PATH ), f"CACHE_S3_PATH Setting must be defined if enable_cache=True, workflow [{}]" if workflow.dockers: cls.evaluate_check( Settings.DOCKER_BUILD_RUNS_ON, f"DOCKER_BUILD_RUNS_ON settings must be defined if workflow has dockers",, ) if workflow.enable_report: assert ( Settings.HTML_S3_PATH ), f"HTML_S3_PATH Setting must be defined if enable_html=True, workflow [{}]" assert ( Settings.S3_BUCKET_TO_HTTP_ENDPOINT ), f"S3_BUCKET_TO_HTTP_ENDPOINT Setting must be defined if enable_html=True, workflow [{}]" assert ( Settings.HTML_S3_PATH.split("/")[0] in Settings.S3_BUCKET_TO_HTTP_ENDPOINT ), f"S3_BUCKET_TO_HTTP_ENDPOINT Setting must include bucket name [{Settings.HTML_S3_PATH}] from HTML_S3_PATH, workflow [{}]" if workflow.enable_cache: for artifact in workflow.artifacts or []: assert ( artifact.is_s3_artifact() ), f"All artifacts must be of S3 type if enable_cache|enable_html=True, artifact [{}], type [{artifact.type}], workflow [{}]" if workflow.dockers: assert ( Settings.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME ), f"Settings.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME must be provided if workflow has dockers, workflow [{}]" assert ( Settings.DOCKERHUB_SECRET ), f"Settings.DOCKERHUB_SECRET must be provided if workflow has dockers, workflow [{}]" assert workflow.get_secret( Settings.DOCKERHUB_SECRET ), f"Secret [{Settings.DOCKERHUB_SECRET}] must have configuration in workflow.secrets, workflow [{}]" if ( workflow.enable_cache or workflow.enable_report or workflow.enable_merge_ready_status ): for job in assert not any( job in ("ubuntu-latest",) for job in job.runs_on ), f"GitHub Runners must not be used for workflow with enabled: workflow.enable_cache, workflow.enable_html or workflow.enable_merge_ready_status as s3 access is required, workflow [{}], job [{}]" if workflow.enable_cidb: assert ( Settings.SECRET_CI_DB_URL ), f"Settings.CI_DB_URL_SECRET must be provided if workflow.enable_cidb=True, workflow [{}]" assert ( Settings.SECRET_CI_DB_PASSWORD ), f"Settings.CI_DB_PASSWORD_SECRET must be provided if workflow.enable_cidb=True, workflow [{}]" assert ( Settings.CI_DB_DB_NAME ), f"Settings.CI_DB_DB_NAME must be provided if workflow.enable_cidb=True, workflow [{}]" assert ( Settings.CI_DB_TABLE_NAME ), f"Settings.CI_DB_TABLE_NAME must be provided if workflow.enable_cidb=True, workflow [{}]" @classmethod def validate_file_paths_in_run_command(cls, workflow: Workflow.Config) -> None: if not Settings.VALIDATE_FILE_PATHS: return for job in run_command = job.command command_parts = run_command.split(" ") for part in command_parts: if ">" in part: return if "/" in part: assert ( Path(part).is_file() or Path(part).is_dir() ), f"Apparently run command [{run_command}] for job [{job}] has invalid path [{part}]. Setting to disable check: VALIDATE_FILE_PATHS" @classmethod def validate_file_paths_in_digest_configs(cls, workflow: Workflow.Config) -> None: if not Settings.VALIDATE_FILE_PATHS: return for job in if not job.digest_config: continue for include_path in chain( job.digest_config.include_paths, job.digest_config.exclude_paths ): if "*" in include_path: assert glob.glob( include_path, recursive=True ), f"Apparently file glob [{include_path}] in job [{}] digest_config [{job.digest_config}] invalid, workflow [{}]. Setting to disable check: VALIDATE_FILE_PATHS" else: assert ( Path(include_path).is_file() or Path(include_path).is_dir() ), f"Apparently file path [{include_path}] in job [{}] digest_config [{job.digest_config}] invalid, workflow [{}]. Setting to disable check: VALIDATE_FILE_PATHS" @classmethod def validate_requirements_txt_files(cls, workflow: Workflow.Config) -> None: for job in if job.job_requirements: if job.job_requirements.python_requirements_txt: path = Path(job.job_requirements.python_requirements_txt) message = f"File with py requirement [{path}] does not exist" if in ( Settings.DOCKER_BUILD_JOB_NAME, Settings.CI_CONFIG_JOB_NAME, Settings.FINISH_WORKFLOW_JOB_NAME, ): message += '\n If all requirements already installed on your runners - add setting INSTALL_PYTHON_REQS_FOR_NATIVE_JOBS""' message += "\n If requirements needs to be installed - add requirements file (Settings.INSTALL_PYTHON_REQS_FOR_NATIVE_JOBS):" message += "\n echo jwt==1.3.1 > ./ci/requirements.txt" message += ( "\n echo requests==2.32.3 >> ./ci/requirements.txt" ) message += "\n echo >> ./ci/requirements.txt" cls.evaluate_check(path.is_file(), message,, @classmethod def validate_dockers(cls, workflow: Workflow.Config): names = [] for docker in workflow.dockers: cls.evaluate_check( not in names, f"Non uniq docker name [{}]",, ) names.append( for docker in workflow.dockers: for docker_dep in docker.depends_on: cls.evaluate_check( docker_dep in names, f"Docker [{}] has invalid dependency [{docker_dep}]",, ) @classmethod def evaluate_check(cls, check_ok, message, workflow_name, job_name=""): message = message.split("\n") messages = [message] if not isinstance(message, list) else message if check_ok: return else: print( f"ERROR: Config validation failed: workflow [{workflow_name}], job [{job_name}]:" ) for message in messages: print(" || " + message) sys.exit(1)