#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ProfileEvents { extern const Event ReplicaYieldLeadership; extern const Event ReplicaPartialShutdown; } namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric ReadonlyReplica; extern const Metric LeaderReplica; } namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_ACTIVE; } /// Used to check whether it's us who set node `is_active`, or not. static String generateActiveNodeIdentifier() { return "pid: " + toString(getpid()) + ", random: " + toString(randomSeed()); } ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread(StorageReplicatedMergeTree & storage_) : storage(storage_), log(&Logger::get(storage.database_name + "." + storage.table_name + " (StorageReplicatedMergeTree, RestartingThread)")), active_node_identifier(generateActiveNodeIdentifier()), thread([this] { run(); }) { } void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::run() { constexpr auto retry_period_ms = 10 * 1000; /// The frequency of checking expiration of session in ZK. Int64 check_period_ms = storage.data.settings.zookeeper_session_expiration_check_period * 1000; /// Periodicity of checking lag of replica. if (check_period_ms > static_cast(storage.data.settings.check_delay_period) * 1000) check_period_ms = storage.data.settings.check_delay_period * 1000; setThreadName("ReplMTRestart"); bool first_time = true; /// Activate replica for the first time. time_t prev_time_of_check_delay = 0; /// Starts the replica when the server starts/creates a table. Restart the replica when session expires with ZK. while (!need_stop) { try { if (first_time || storage.getZooKeeper()->expired()) { if (first_time) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Activating replica."); } else { LOG_WARNING(log, "ZooKeeper session has expired. Switching to a new session."); if (!storage.is_readonly) CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::ReadonlyReplica); storage.is_readonly = true; partialShutdown(); } while (true) { try { storage.setZooKeeper(storage.context.getZooKeeper()); } catch (const zkutil::KeeperException & e) { /// The exception when you try to zookeeper_init usually happens if DNS does not work. We will try to do it again. tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); wakeup_event.tryWait(retry_period_ms); continue; } if (!need_stop && !tryStartup()) { wakeup_event.tryWait(retry_period_ms); continue; } break; } if (storage.is_readonly) CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::ReadonlyReplica); storage.is_readonly = false; first_time = false; } time_t current_time = time(0); if (current_time >= prev_time_of_check_delay + static_cast(storage.data.settings.check_delay_period)) { /// Find out lag of replicas. time_t absolute_delay = 0; time_t relative_delay = 0; storage.getReplicaDelays(absolute_delay, relative_delay); if (absolute_delay) LOG_TRACE(log, "Absolute delay: " << absolute_delay << ". Relative delay: " << relative_delay << "."); prev_time_of_check_delay = current_time; /// We give up leadership if the relative gap is greater than threshold. if (storage.is_leader_node && relative_delay > static_cast(storage.data.settings.min_relative_delay_to_yield_leadership)) { LOG_INFO(log, "Relative replica delay (" << relative_delay << " seconds) is bigger than threshold (" << storage.data.settings.min_relative_delay_to_yield_leadership << "). Will yield leadership."); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::ReplicaYieldLeadership); if (storage.is_leader_node) { storage.is_leader_node = false; CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::LeaderReplica); if (storage.merge_selecting_thread.joinable()) storage.merge_selecting_thread.join(); storage.leader_election->yield(); } } } } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } wakeup_event.tryWait(check_period_ms); } try { storage.endpoint_holder->cancel(); storage.endpoint_holder = nullptr; storage.disk_space_monitor_endpoint_holder->cancel(); storage.disk_space_monitor_endpoint_holder = nullptr; storage.sharded_partition_uploader_endpoint_holder->cancel(); storage.sharded_partition_uploader_endpoint_holder = nullptr; storage.remote_query_executor_endpoint_holder->cancel(); storage.remote_query_executor_endpoint_holder = nullptr; storage.remote_part_checker_endpoint_holder->cancel(); storage.remote_part_checker_endpoint_holder = nullptr; storage.merger.cancelForever(); partialShutdown(); if (storage.queue_task_handle) storage.context.getBackgroundPool().removeTask(storage.queue_task_handle); storage.queue_task_handle.reset(); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } LOG_DEBUG(log, "Restarting thread finished"); } bool ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::tryStartup() { try { removeFailedQuorumParts(); activateReplica(); updateQuorumIfWeHavePart(); storage.leader_election = std::make_shared( storage.zookeeper_path + "/leader_election", *storage.current_zookeeper, /// current_zookeeper lives for the lifetime of leader_election, /// since before changing `current_zookeeper`, `leader_election` object is destroyed in `partialShutdown` method. [this] { storage.becomeLeader(); CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::LeaderReplica); }, storage.replica_name); /// Anything above can throw a KeeperException if something is wrong with ZK. /// Anything below should not throw exceptions. storage.shutdown_called = false; storage.shutdown_event.reset(); storage.queue_updating_thread = std::thread(&StorageReplicatedMergeTree::queueUpdatingThread, &storage); storage.alter_thread = std::make_unique(storage); storage.cleanup_thread = std::make_unique(storage); storage.part_check_thread.start(); if (!storage.queue_task_handle) storage.queue_task_handle = storage.context.getBackgroundPool().addTask( std::bind(&StorageReplicatedMergeTree::queueTask, &storage)); return true; } catch (...) { storage.replica_is_active_node = nullptr; storage.leader_election = nullptr; try { throw; } catch (const zkutil::KeeperException & e) { LOG_ERROR(log, "Couldn't start replication: " << e.what() << ", " << e.displayText() << ", stack trace:\n" << e.getStackTrace().toString()); return false; } catch (const Exception & e) { if (e.code() != ErrorCodes::REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_ACTIVE) throw; LOG_ERROR(log, "Couldn't start replication: " << e.what() << ", " << e.displayText() << ", stack trace:\n" << e.getStackTrace().toString()); return false; } } } void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::removeFailedQuorumParts() { auto zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper(); Strings failed_parts; if (!zookeeper->tryGetChildren(storage.zookeeper_path + "/quorum/failed_parts", failed_parts)) return; for (auto part_name : failed_parts) { auto part = storage.data.getPartIfExists(part_name); if (part) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Found part " << part_name << " with failed quorum. Moving to detached. This shouldn't happen often."); zkutil::Ops ops; storage.removePartFromZooKeeper(part_name, ops); auto code = zookeeper->tryMulti(ops); if (code == ZNONODE) LOG_WARNING(log, "Part " << part_name << " with failed quorum is not in ZooKeeper. This shouldn't happen often."); storage.data.renameAndDetachPart(part, "noquorum"); } } } void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::updateQuorumIfWeHavePart() { auto zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper(); String quorum_str; if (zookeeper->tryGet(storage.zookeeper_path + "/quorum/status", quorum_str)) { ReplicatedMergeTreeQuorumEntry quorum_entry; quorum_entry.fromString(quorum_str); if (!quorum_entry.replicas.count(storage.replica_name) && zookeeper->exists(storage.replica_path + "/parts/" + quorum_entry.part_name)) { LOG_WARNING(log, "We have part " << quorum_entry.part_name << " but we is not in quorum. Updating quorum. This shouldn't happen often."); storage.updateQuorum(quorum_entry.part_name); } } } void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::activateReplica() { auto host_port = storage.context.getInterserverIOAddress(); auto zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper(); /// How other replicas can access this. ReplicatedMergeTreeAddress address; address.host = host_port.first; address.replication_port = host_port.second; address.queries_port = storage.context.getTCPPort(); address.database = storage.database_name; address.table = storage.table_name; String is_active_path = storage.replica_path + "/is_active"; /** If the node is marked as active, but the mark is made in the same instance, delete it. * This is possible only when session in ZooKeeper expires. */ String data; Stat stat; bool has_is_active = zookeeper->tryGet(is_active_path, data, &stat); if (has_is_active && data == active_node_identifier) { auto code = zookeeper->tryRemove(is_active_path, stat.version); if (code == ZBADVERSION) throw Exception("Another instance of replica " + storage.replica_path + " was created just now." " You shouldn't run multiple instances of same replica. You need to check configuration files.", ErrorCodes::REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_ACTIVE); if (code != ZOK && code != ZNONODE) throw zkutil::KeeperException(code, is_active_path); } /// Simultaneously declare that this replica is active, and update the host. zkutil::Ops ops; ops.emplace_back(std::make_unique(is_active_path, active_node_identifier, zookeeper->getDefaultACL(), zkutil::CreateMode::Ephemeral)); ops.emplace_back(std::make_unique(storage.replica_path + "/host", address.toString(), -1)); try { zookeeper->multi(ops); } catch (const zkutil::KeeperException & e) { if (e.code == ZNODEEXISTS) throw Exception("Replica " + storage.replica_path + " appears to be already active. If you're sure it's not, " "try again in a minute or remove znode " + storage.replica_path + "/is_active manually", ErrorCodes::REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_ACTIVE); throw; } /// `current_zookeeper` lives for the lifetime of `replica_is_active_node`, /// since before changing `current_zookeeper`, `replica_is_active_node` object is destroyed in `partialShutdown` method. storage.replica_is_active_node = zkutil::EphemeralNodeHolder::existing(is_active_path, *storage.current_zookeeper); } void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::partialShutdown() { ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::ReplicaPartialShutdown); storage.shutdown_called = true; storage.shutdown_event.set(); storage.merge_selecting_event.set(); storage.queue_updating_event->set(); storage.alter_query_event->set(); storage.replica_is_active_node = nullptr; LOG_TRACE(log, "Waiting for threads to finish"); { std::lock_guard lock(storage.leader_node_mutex); if (storage.is_leader_node) { storage.is_leader_node = false; CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::LeaderReplica); if (storage.merge_selecting_thread.joinable()) storage.merge_selecting_thread.join(); } } if (storage.queue_updating_thread.joinable()) storage.queue_updating_thread.join(); storage.cleanup_thread.reset(); storage.alter_thread.reset(); storage.part_check_thread.stop(); /// Yielding leadership only after finish of merge_selecting_thread. /// Otherwise race condition with parallel run of merge selecting thread on different servers is possible. /// /// On the other hand, leader_election could call becomeLeader() from own thread after /// merge_selecting_thread is finished and restarting_thread is destroyed. /// becomeLeader() recreates merge_selecting_thread and it becomes joinable again, even restarting_thread is destroyed. /// But restarting_thread is responsible to stop merge_selecting_thread. /// It will lead to std::terminate in ~StorageReplicatedMergeTree(). /// Such behaviour was rarely observed on DROP queries. /// Therefore we need either avoid becoming leader after first shutdown call (more deliberate choice), /// either manually wait merge_selecting_thread.join() inside ~StorageReplicatedMergeTree(), either or something third. /// So, we added shutdown check in becomeLeader() and made its creation and deletion atomic. storage.leader_election = nullptr; LOG_TRACE(log, "Threads finished"); } }