--- toc_priority: 53 toc_title: UUID --- # Functions for Working with UUID {#functions-for-working-with-uuid} The functions for working with UUID are listed below. ## generateUUIDv4 {#uuid-function-generate} Generates the [UUID](../data-types/uuid.md) of [version 4](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122#section-4.4). ``` sql generateUUIDv4() ``` **Returned value** The UUID type value. **Usage example** This example demonstrates creating a table with the UUID type column and inserting a value into the table. ``` sql CREATE TABLE t_uuid (x UUID) ENGINE=TinyLog INSERT INTO t_uuid SELECT generateUUIDv4() SELECT * FROM t_uuid ``` ``` text ┌────────────────────────────────────x─┐ │ f4bf890f-f9dc-4332-ad5c-0c18e73f28e9 │ └──────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ## empty {#empty} Checks whether the input UUID is empty. **Syntax** ```sql empty(UUID) ``` The UUID is considered empty if it contains all zeros (zero UUID). The function also works for [arrays](array-functions.md#function-empty) or [strings](string-functions.md#empty). **Arguments** - `x` — Input UUID. [UUID](../data-types/uuid.md). **Returned value** - Returns `1` for an empty UUID or `0` for a non-empty UUID. Type: [UInt8](../data-types/int-uint.md). **Example** To generate the UUID value, ClickHouse provides the [generateUUIDv4](#uuid-function-generate) function. Query: ```sql SELECT empty(generateUUIDv4()); ``` Result: ```text ┌─empty(generateUUIDv4())─┐ │ 0 │ └─────────────────────────┘ ``` ## notEmpty {#notempty} Checks whether the input UUID is non-empty. **Syntax** ```sql notEmpty(UUID) ``` The UUID is considered empty if it contains all zeros (zero UUID). The function also works for [arrays](array-functions.md#function-notempty) or [strings](string-functions.md#notempty). **Arguments** - `x` — Input UUID. [UUID](../data-types/uuid.md). **Returned value** - Returns `1` for a non-empty UUID or `0` for an empty UUID. Type: [UInt8](../data-types/int-uint.md). **Example** To generate the UUID value, ClickHouse provides the [generateUUIDv4](#uuid-function-generate) function. Query: ```sql SELECT notEmpty(generateUUIDv4()); ``` Result: ```text ┌─notEmpty(generateUUIDv4())─┐ │ 1 │ └────────────────────────────┘ ``` ## toUUID (x) {#touuid-x} Converts String type value to UUID type. ``` sql toUUID(String) ``` **Returned value** The UUID type value. **Usage example** ``` sql SELECT toUUID('61f0c404-5cb3-11e7-907b-a6006ad3dba0') AS uuid ``` ``` text ┌─────────────────────────────────uuid─┐ │ 61f0c404-5cb3-11e7-907b-a6006ad3dba0 │ └──────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ## toUUIDOrNull (x) {#touuidornull-x} It takes an argument of type String and tries to parse it into UUID. If failed, returns NULL. ``` sql toUUIDOrNull(String) ``` **Returned value** The Nullable(UUID) type value. **Usage example** ``` sql SELECT toUUIDOrNull('61f0c404-5cb3-11e7-907b-a6006ad3dba0T') AS uuid ``` ``` text ┌─uuid─┐ │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │ └──────┘ ``` ## toUUIDOrZero (x) {#touuidorzero-x} It takes an argument of type String and tries to parse it into UUID. If failed, returns zero UUID. ``` sql toUUIDOrZero(String) ``` **Returned value** The UUID type value. **Usage example** ``` sql SELECT toUUIDOrZero('61f0c404-5cb3-11e7-907b-a6006ad3dba0T') AS uuid ``` ``` text ┌─────────────────────────────────uuid─┐ │ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 │ └──────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ## UUIDStringToNum {#uuidstringtonum} Accepts a string containing 36 characters in the format `xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx`, and returns it as a set of bytes in a [FixedString(16)](../../sql-reference/data-types/fixedstring.md). ``` sql UUIDStringToNum(String) ``` **Returned value** FixedString(16) **Usage examples** ``` sql SELECT '612f3c40-5d3b-217e-707b-6a546a3d7b29' AS uuid, UUIDStringToNum(uuid) AS bytes ``` ``` text ┌─uuid─────────────────────────────────┬─bytes────────────┐ │ 612f3c40-5d3b-217e-707b-6a546a3d7b29 │ a/<@];!~p{jTj={) │ └──────────────────────────────────────┴──────────────────┘ ``` ## UUIDNumToString {#uuidnumtostring} Accepts a [FixedString(16)](../../sql-reference/data-types/fixedstring.md) value, and returns a string containing 36 characters in text format. ``` sql UUIDNumToString(FixedString(16)) ``` **Returned value** String. **Usage example** ``` sql SELECT 'a/<@];!~p{jTj={)' AS bytes, UUIDNumToString(toFixedString(bytes, 16)) AS uuid ``` ``` text ┌─bytes────────────┬─uuid─────────────────────────────────┐ │ a/<@];!~p{jTj={) │ 612f3c40-5d3b-217e-707b-6a546a3d7b29 │ └──────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ## See Also {#see-also} - [dictGetUUID](../../sql-reference/functions/ext-dict-functions.md#ext_dict_functions-other)