import subprocess from helpers.cluster import run_and_check import pytest import logging import os from helpers.test_tools import TSV from import _NetworkManager @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="session") def cleanup_environment(): _NetworkManager.clean_all_user_iptables_rules() try: result = run_and_check(['docker ps | wc -l'], shell=True) if int(result) > 1: if int(os.environ.get("PYTEST_CLEANUP_CONTAINERS")) != 1: logging.warning(f"Docker containters({int(result)}) are running before tests run. They can be left from previous pytest run and cause test failures.\n"\ "You can set env PYTEST_CLEANUP_CONTAINERS=1 or use runner with --cleanup-containers argument to enable automatic containers cleanup.") else: logging.debug("Trying to kill unstopped containers...") run_and_check([f'docker kill $(docker container list --all --quiet)'], shell=True, nothrow=True) run_and_check([f'docker rm $docker container list --all --quiet)'], shell=True, nothrow=True) logging.debug("Unstopped containers killed") r = run_and_check(['docker-compose', 'ps', '--services', '--all']) logging.debug(f"Docker ps before start:{r.stdout}") else: logging.debug(f"No running containers") except Exception as e: logging.exception(f"cleanup_environment:{str(e)}") pass yield def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--run-id", default="", help="run-id is used as postfix in _instances_{} directory") def pytest_configure(config): os.environ['INTEGRATION_TESTS_RUN_ID'] = config.option.run_id