#include #include #include #include namespace DB { const DataTypePtr IStorage::getDataTypeByName(const String & column_name) const { const NamesAndTypesList & names_and_types = getColumnsList(); for (NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = names_and_types.begin(); it != names_and_types.end(); ++it) if (it->first == column_name) return it->second; throw Exception("There is no column " + column_name + " in table " + getTableName(), ErrorCodes::NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE); } Block IStorage::getSampleBlock() const { Block res; const NamesAndTypesList & names_and_types = getColumnsList(); for (NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = names_and_types.begin(); it != names_and_types.end(); ++it) { ColumnWithNameAndType col; col.name = it->first; col.type = it->second; col.column = col.type->createColumn(); res.insert(col); } return res; } static std::string listOfColumns(const NamesAndTypesList & available_columns) { std::stringstream s; for (NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = available_columns.begin(); it != available_columns.end(); ++it) { if (it != available_columns.begin()) s << ", "; s << it->first; } return s.str(); } typedef google::dense_hash_map NamesAndTypesMap; static NamesAndTypesMap getColumnsMap(const NamesAndTypesList & available_columns) { NamesAndTypesMap res; res.set_empty_key(StringRef()); for (NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = available_columns.begin(); it != available_columns.end(); ++it) res.insert(NamesAndTypesMap::value_type(it->first, &*it->second)); return res; } void IStorage::check(const Names & column_names) const { const NamesAndTypesList & available_columns = getColumnsList(); if (column_names.empty()) throw Exception("Empty list of columns queried for table " + getTableName() + ". There are columns: " + listOfColumns(available_columns), ErrorCodes::EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_QUERIED); const NamesAndTypesMap & columns_map = getColumnsMap(available_columns); typedef google::dense_hash_set UniqueStrings; UniqueStrings unique_names; unique_names.set_empty_key(StringRef()); for (Names::const_iterator it = column_names.begin(); it != column_names.end(); ++it) { if (columns_map.end() == columns_map.find(*it)) throw Exception("There is no column with name " + *it + " in table " + getTableName() + ". There are columns: " + listOfColumns(available_columns), ErrorCodes::NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE); if (unique_names.end() != unique_names.find(*it)) throw Exception("Column " + *it + " queried more than once in table " + getTableName(), ErrorCodes::COLUMN_QUERIED_MORE_THAN_ONCE); unique_names.insert(*it); } } void IStorage::check(const Block & block, bool need_all) const { const NamesAndTypesList & available_columns = getColumnsList(); const NamesAndTypesMap & columns_map = getColumnsMap(available_columns); typedef std::tr1::unordered_set NameSet; NameSet names_in_block; for (size_t i = 0; i < block.columns(); ++i) { const ColumnWithNameAndType & column = block.getByPosition(i); if (names_in_block.count(column.name)) throw Exception("Duplicate column " + column.name + " in block", ErrorCodes::DUPLICATE_COLUMN); names_in_block.insert(column.name); NamesAndTypesMap::const_iterator it = columns_map.find(column.name); if (columns_map.end() == it) throw Exception("There is no column with name " + column.name + " in table " + getTableName() + ". There are columns: " + listOfColumns(available_columns), ErrorCodes::NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE); if (column.type->getName() != it->second->getName()) throw Exception("Type mismatch for column " + column.name + " in table " + getTableName() + ". Column has type " + it->second->getName() + ", got type " + column.type->getName(), ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH); } if (need_all && names_in_block.size() < columns_map.size()) { for (NamesAndTypesList::iterator it = available_columns.begin(); it != available_columns.end(); ++it) { if (!names_in_block.count(it->first)) throw Exception("Expected column " + it->first, ErrorCodes::NOT_FOUND_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK); } } } }