set(TESTUNIT "${LIBNAME}-testrunner") # Sources file(GLOB SRCS_G "src/*.cpp") file(GLOB SRCS_G_REMOVE src/TestApp.cpp src/TestApp_WINCE.cpp src/TestLibrary.cpp src/TestPlugin.cpp ) list(REMOVE_ITEM SRCS_G ${SRCS_G_REMOVE}) POCO_SOURCES_AUTO( TEST_SRCS ${SRCS_G}) # Headers file(GLOB_RECURSE HDRS_G "src/*.h" ) POCO_HEADERS_AUTO( TEST_SRCS ${HDRS_G}) # WinDriver depends on WinTestRunner which depends on MFC, and we don't want that POCO_SOURCES_AUTO_PLAT( TEST_SRCS OFF src/WinDriver.cpp ) POCO_SOURCES_AUTO_PLAT( TEST_SRCS WINCE src/WinCEDriver.cpp ) add_executable( ${TESTUNIT} ${TEST_SRCS} ) add_test(NAME ${LIBNAME} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} COMMAND ${TESTUNIT} -all) set_tests_properties(${LIBNAME} PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.") # The SharedLibaryTest has to look for shared libraries in the working directory target_link_libraries( ${TESTUNIT} PocoFoundation CppUnit ) if(UNIX) target_link_libraries( ${TESTUNIT} pthread) endif(UNIX) # The test is run in the runtime directory. So the test data is copied there too add_custom_command(TARGET ${TESTUNIT} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/data ) # TestApp if(WINCE) add_executable( TestApp src/TestApp_WINCE.cpp ) set_target_properties(TestApp PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "/ENTRY:wmainCRTStartup") else() add_executable( TestApp src/TestApp.cpp ) endif() # The test is run in the runtime directory. So the TestApp is built there too because it is used by the tests set_target_properties( TestApp PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} ) target_link_libraries( TestApp PocoFoundation ) if(NOT POCO_STATIC) # TestLibrary add_library( TestLibrary SHARED src/TestLibrary.cpp src/TestPlugin.cpp src/TestPlugin.h ) set_target_properties( TestLibrary PROPERTIES PREFIX "" DEBUG_POSTFIX "") # The test requires the library named TestLibrary. By default it is prefixed with lib. # The test is run in the runtime directory. So the TestLibrary is built there too because it is used by the tests set_target_properties( TestLibrary PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} ) target_link_libraries( TestLibrary PocoFoundation ) endif()