How to create dataset from raw data =================================== Look at and for description of the dataset and loading instructions. Data will download to ~227 GB of uncompressed CSV files. It takes about one hour on 1 Gbit connection. (Parallel download from saturate at least half of one gigabit.) Some files could be downloaded incompletely. Look at suspicious file sizes and repeat downloading of incomplete files. Some files contain broken rows. To correct them, run: ``` sed -E '/(.*,){18,}/d' data/yellow_tripdata_2010-02.csv > data/yellow_tripdata_2010-02.csv_ sed -E '/(.*,){18,}/d' data/yellow_tripdata_2010-03.csv > data/yellow_tripdata_2010-03.csv_ mv data/yellow_tripdata_2010-02.csv_ data/yellow_tripdata_2010-02.csv mv data/yellow_tripdata_2010-03.csv_ data/yellow_tripdata_2010-03.csv ``` Then data must be preprocessed inside PostgreSQL. It will do point-in-polygon lookups (map points to areas of New York), and finally JOIN all data to single denormalized flat table. You must install PostgreSQL with PostGIS support. When running `` script, be careful and check manually, that all tables get created successfully. Processing of each month of yellow taxi data in PostgreSQL takes about 20-30 minutes, about 48 hours in total. Check exact amount of loaded rows: ``` time psql nyc-taxi-data -c "SELECT count(*) FROM trips;" count ------------ 1298979494 (1 row) real 7m9.164s ``` (this is slightly more than 1.1 billion rows reported by Mark Litwintschik in a series of blog posts) Data in PostgreSQL takes 370 GB (346 GiB). Export data from PostgreSQL: ``` COPY ( SELECT, trips.vendor_id, trips.pickup_datetime, trips.dropoff_datetime, trips.store_and_fwd_flag, trips.rate_code_id, trips.pickup_longitude, trips.pickup_latitude, trips.dropoff_longitude, trips.dropoff_latitude, trips.passenger_count, trips.trip_distance, trips.fare_amount, trips.extra, trips.mta_tax, trips.tip_amount, trips.tolls_amount, trips.ehail_fee, trips.improvement_surcharge, trips.total_amount, trips.payment_type, trips.trip_type, trips.pickup, trips.dropoff, cab_types.type cab_type, weather.precipitation_tenths_of_mm rain, weather.snow_depth_mm, weather.snowfall_mm, weather.max_temperature_tenths_degrees_celsius max_temp, weather.min_temperature_tenths_degrees_celsius min_temp, weather.average_wind_speed_tenths_of_meters_per_second wind, pick_up.gid pickup_nyct2010_gid, pick_up.ctlabel pickup_ctlabel, pick_up.borocode pickup_borocode, pick_up.boroname pickup_boroname, pick_up.ct2010 pickup_ct2010, pick_up.boroct2010 pickup_boroct2010, pick_up.cdeligibil pickup_cdeligibil, pick_up.ntacode pickup_ntacode, pick_up.ntaname pickup_ntaname, pick_up.puma pickup_puma, drop_off.gid dropoff_nyct2010_gid, drop_off.ctlabel dropoff_ctlabel, drop_off.borocode dropoff_borocode, drop_off.boroname dropoff_boroname, drop_off.ct2010 dropoff_ct2010, drop_off.boroct2010 dropoff_boroct2010, drop_off.cdeligibil dropoff_cdeligibil, drop_off.ntacode dropoff_ntacode, drop_off.ntaname dropoff_ntaname, drop_off.puma dropoff_puma FROM trips LEFT JOIN cab_types ON trips.cab_type_id = LEFT JOIN central_park_weather_observations_raw weather ON = trips.pickup_datetime::date LEFT JOIN nyct2010 pick_up ON pick_up.gid = trips.pickup_nyct2010_gid LEFT JOIN nyct2010 drop_off ON drop_off.gid = trips.dropoff_nyct2010_gid ) TO '/opt/milovidov/nyc-taxi-data/trips.tsv'; ``` Dump is created at speed about 50 MB/sec. While creating dump, PostgreSQL reads data from disk at about 28 MB/sec. Resulting tsv file is 590 612 904 969 bytes. Create temporary table in ClickHouse: ``` CREATE TABLE trips ( trip_id UInt32, vendor_id FixedString(3), pickup_datetime DateTime, dropoff_datetime DateTime, store_and_fwd_flag Nullable(FixedString(1)), rate_code_id Nullable(UInt8), pickup_longitude Nullable(Float64), pickup_latitude Nullable(Float64), dropoff_longitude Nullable(Float64), dropoff_latitude Nullable(Float64), passenger_count Nullable(UInt8), trip_distance Nullable(Float64), fare_amount Nullable(Float32), extra Nullable(Float32), mta_tax Nullable(Float32), tip_amount Nullable(Float32), tolls_amount Nullable(Float32), ehail_fee Nullable(Float32), improvement_surcharge Nullable(Float32), total_amount Nullable(Float32), payment_type Nullable(String), trip_type Nullable(UInt8), pickup Nullable(String), dropoff Nullable(String), cab_type Nullable(String), precipitation Nullable(UInt8), snow_depth Nullable(UInt8), snowfall Nullable(UInt8), max_temperature Nullable(UInt8), min_temperature Nullable(UInt8), average_wind_speed Nullable(UInt8), pickup_nyct2010_gid Nullable(UInt8), pickup_ctlabel Nullable(String), pickup_borocode Nullable(UInt8), pickup_boroname Nullable(String), pickup_ct2010 Nullable(String), pickup_boroct2010 Nullable(String), pickup_cdeligibil Nullable(FixedString(1)), pickup_ntacode Nullable(String), pickup_ntaname Nullable(String), pickup_puma Nullable(String), dropoff_nyct2010_gid Nullable(UInt8), dropoff_ctlabel Nullable(String), dropoff_borocode Nullable(UInt8), dropoff_boroname Nullable(String), dropoff_ct2010 Nullable(String), dropoff_boroct2010 Nullable(String), dropoff_cdeligibil Nullable(String), dropoff_ntacode Nullable(String), dropoff_ntaname Nullable(String), dropoff_puma Nullable(String) ) ENGINE = Log; ``` This table is needed to select better data types for fields, and if possible, get rid of NULLs. ``` time clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO trips FORMAT TabSeparated" < trips.tsv ``` Data is read at 112-140 MB/sec. It will took about two hours. Loading data into Log table in single thread took (You could also import data directly from Postgres, using `COPY ... TO PROGRAM`.)