#include #if USE_POCO_NETSSL #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "IServer.h" #include "MySQLHandler.h" #include "MySQLHandlerFactory.h" namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int CANNOT_OPEN_FILE; extern const int NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG; extern const int OPENSSL_ERROR; extern const int SYSTEM_ERROR; } MySQLHandlerFactory::MySQLHandlerFactory(IServer & server_) : server(server_) , log(&Logger::get("MySQLHandlerFactory")) { try { Poco::Net::SSLManager::instance().defaultServerContext(); } catch (...) { LOG_INFO(log, "Failed to create SSL context. SSL will be disabled. Error: " << getCurrentExceptionMessage(false)); ssl_enabled = false; } /// Reading rsa keys for SHA256 authentication plugin. try { readRSAKeys(); } catch (...) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Failed to read RSA keys. Error: " << getCurrentExceptionMessage(false)); generateRSAKeys(); } } void MySQLHandlerFactory::readRSAKeys() { const Poco::Util::LayeredConfiguration & config = Poco::Util::Application::instance().config(); String certificateFileProperty = "openSSL.server.certificateFile"; String privateKeyFileProperty = "openSSL.server.privateKeyFile"; if (!config.has(certificateFileProperty)) throw Exception("Certificate file is not set.", ErrorCodes::NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG); if (!config.has(privateKeyFileProperty)) throw Exception("Private key file is not set.", ErrorCodes::NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG); { String certificateFile = config.getString(certificateFileProperty); FILE * fp = fopen(certificateFile.data(), "r"); if (fp == nullptr) throw Exception("Cannot open certificate file: " + certificateFile + ".", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_OPEN_FILE); SCOPE_EXIT(fclose(fp)); X509 * x509 = PEM_read_X509(fp, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); SCOPE_EXIT(X509_free(x509)); if (x509 == nullptr) throw Exception("Failed to read PEM certificate from " + certificateFile + ". Error: " + getOpenSSLErrors(), ErrorCodes::OPENSSL_ERROR); EVP_PKEY * p = X509_get_pubkey(x509); if (p == nullptr) throw Exception("Failed to get RSA key from X509. Error: " + getOpenSSLErrors(), ErrorCodes::OPENSSL_ERROR); SCOPE_EXIT(EVP_PKEY_free(p)); public_key.reset(EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(p)); if (public_key.get() == nullptr) throw Exception("Failed to get RSA key from ENV_PKEY. Error: " + getOpenSSLErrors(), ErrorCodes::OPENSSL_ERROR); } { String privateKeyFile = config.getString(privateKeyFileProperty); FILE * fp = fopen(privateKeyFile.data(), "r"); if (fp == nullptr) throw Exception ("Cannot open private key file " + privateKeyFile + ".", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_OPEN_FILE); SCOPE_EXIT(fclose(fp)); private_key.reset(PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey(fp, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)); if (!private_key) throw Exception("Failed to read RSA private key from " + privateKeyFile + ". Error: " + getOpenSSLErrors(), ErrorCodes::OPENSSL_ERROR); } } void MySQLHandlerFactory::generateRSAKeys() { LOG_INFO(log, "Generating new RSA key."); public_key.reset(RSA_new()); if (!public_key) throw Exception("Failed to allocate RSA key. Error: " + getOpenSSLErrors(), ErrorCodes::OPENSSL_ERROR); BIGNUM * e = BN_new(); if (!e) throw Exception("Failed to allocate BIGNUM. Error: " + getOpenSSLErrors(), ErrorCodes::OPENSSL_ERROR); SCOPE_EXIT(BN_free(e)); if (!BN_set_word(e, 65537) || !RSA_generate_key_ex(public_key.get(), 2048, e, nullptr)) throw Exception("Failed to generate RSA key. Error: " + getOpenSSLErrors(), ErrorCodes::OPENSSL_ERROR); private_key.reset(RSAPrivateKey_dup(public_key.get())); if (!private_key) throw Exception("Failed to copy RSA key. Error: " + getOpenSSLErrors(), ErrorCodes::OPENSSL_ERROR); } Poco::Net::TCPServerConnection * MySQLHandlerFactory::createConnection(const Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket) { size_t connection_id = last_connection_id++; LOG_TRACE(log, "MySQL connection. Id: " << connection_id << ". Address: " << socket.peerAddress().toString()); return new MySQLHandler(server, socket, *public_key, *private_key, ssl_enabled, connection_id); } } #endif