#"${folder}/CMakeLists.txt" Third-party libraries may have substandard code. set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -w") set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -w") if (WITH_COVERAGE) set (WITHOUT_COVERAGE_LIST ${WITHOUT_COVERAGE}) separate_arguments(WITHOUT_COVERAGE_LIST) # disable coverage for contib files and build with optimisations if (COMPILER_CLANG) add_compile_options(-O3 -DNDEBUG -finline-functions -finline-hint-functions ${WITHOUT_COVERAGE_LIST}) else() add_compile_options(-O3 -DNDEBUG -finline-functions ${WITHOUT_COVERAGE_LIST}) endif() endif() if (SANITIZE STREQUAL "undefined") # 3rd-party libraries usually not intended to work with UBSan. add_compile_options(-fno-sanitize=undefined) endif() set_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL 1) # add_contrib cmake_folder[ base_folder1[, ...base_folderN]] function(add_contrib cmake_folder) if (ARGN) set(base_folders ${ARGN}) else() set(base_folders ${cmake_folder}) endif() foreach (base_folder ${base_folders}) # some typos in the code if (NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${base_folder}") message(FATAL_ERROR "No such base folder '${base_folder}' (for '${cmake_folder}' cmake folder). Typo in the base folder name?") endif() file(GLOB contrib_files "${base_folder}/*") if (NOT contrib_files) message(STATUS "submodule ${base_folder} is missing or empty. to fix try run:") message(STATUS " git submodule update --init") return() endif() endforeach() message(STATUS "Adding contrib module ${base_folders} (configuring with ${cmake_folder})") add_subdirectory (${cmake_folder}) endfunction() add_contrib (miniselect-cmake miniselect) add_contrib (pdqsort-cmake pdqsort) add_contrib (sparsehash-c11-cmake sparsehash-c11) add_contrib (abseil-cpp-cmake abseil-cpp) add_contrib (magic-enum-cmake magic_enum) add_contrib (boost-cmake boost) add_contrib (cctz-cmake cctz) add_contrib (consistent-hashing) add_contrib (dragonbox-cmake dragonbox) add_contrib (hyperscan-cmake hyperscan) add_contrib (jemalloc-cmake jemalloc) add_contrib (libcpuid-cmake libcpuid) add_contrib (libdivide) add_contrib (libmetrohash) add_contrib (lz4-cmake lz4) add_contrib (murmurhash) add_contrib (replxx-cmake replxx) add_contrib (unixodbc-cmake unixodbc) add_contrib (nanodbc-cmake nanodbc) add_contrib (capnproto-cmake capnproto) add_contrib (yaml-cpp-cmake yaml-cpp) add_contrib (re2-cmake re2) add_contrib (xz-cmake xz) add_contrib (brotli-cmake brotli) add_contrib (double-conversion-cmake double-conversion) add_contrib (boringssl-cmake boringssl) add_contrib (poco-cmake poco) add_contrib (croaring-cmake croaring) add_contrib (zstd-cmake zstd) add_contrib (zlib-ng-cmake zlib-ng) add_contrib (bzip2-cmake bzip2) add_contrib (minizip-ng-cmake minizip-ng) add_contrib (snappy-cmake snappy) add_contrib (rocksdb-cmake rocksdb) add_contrib (thrift-cmake thrift) # parquet/arrow/orc add_contrib (arrow-cmake arrow) # requires: snappy, thrift, double-conversion add_contrib (avro-cmake avro) # requires: snappy add_contrib (protobuf-cmake protobuf) add_contrib (openldap-cmake openldap) add_contrib (grpc-cmake grpc) add_contrib (msgpack-c-cmake msgpack-c) if (ENABLE_FUZZING) add_contrib (libprotobuf-mutator-cmake libprotobuf-mutator) endif() add_contrib (wyhash-cmake wyhash) add_contrib (cityhash102) add_contrib (libfarmhash) add_contrib (icu-cmake icu) add_contrib (h3-cmake h3) add_contrib (mariadb-connector-c-cmake mariadb-connector-c) if (ENABLE_TESTS) add_contrib (googletest-cmake googletest) endif() add_contrib (llvm-cmake llvm) add_contrib (libxml2-cmake libxml2) add_contrib (aws-s3-cmake aws aws-c-common aws-c-event-stream aws-checksums ) add_contrib (base64-cmake base64) add_contrib (simdjson-cmake simdjson) add_contrib (rapidjson-cmake rapidjson) add_contrib (fastops-cmake fastops) add_contrib (libuv-cmake libuv) add_contrib (amqpcpp-cmake AMQP-CPP) # requires: libuv add_contrib (cassandra-cmake cassandra) # requires: libuv if (ENABLE_CURL_BUILD) add_contrib (curl-cmake curl) add_contrib (azure-cmake azure) add_contrib (sentry-native-cmake sentry-native) # requires: curl endif() add_contrib (fmtlib-cmake fmtlib) add_contrib (krb5-cmake krb5) add_contrib (cyrus-sasl-cmake cyrus-sasl) # for krb5 add_contrib (libgsasl-cmake libgsasl) # requires krb5 add_contrib (librdkafka-cmake librdkafka) # requires: libgsasl add_contrib (libhdfs3-cmake libhdfs3) # requires: protobuf, krb5 add_contrib (hive-metastore-cmake hive-metastore) # requires: thrift/avro/arrow/libhdfs3 add_contrib (cppkafka-cmake cppkafka) add_contrib (libpqxx-cmake libpqxx) add_contrib (libpq-cmake libpq) add_contrib (nuraft-cmake NuRaft) add_contrib (fast_float-cmake fast_float) add_contrib (datasketches-cpp-cmake datasketches-cpp) option(ENABLE_NLP "Enable NLP functions support" ${ENABLE_LIBRARIES}) if (ENABLE_NLP) add_contrib (libstemmer-c-cmake libstemmer_c) add_contrib (wordnet-blast-cmake wordnet-blast) add_contrib (lemmagen-c-cmake lemmagen-c) add_contrib (nlp-data-cmake nlp-data) add_contrib (cld2-cmake cld2) endif() add_contrib (sqlite-cmake sqlite-amalgamation) add_contrib (s2geometry-cmake s2geometry) add_contrib (eigen-cmake eigen) # Put all targets defined here and in subdirectories under "contrib/" folders in GUI-based IDEs. # Some of third-party projects may override CMAKE_FOLDER or FOLDER property of their targets, so they would not appear # in "contrib/..." as originally planned, so we workaround this by fixing FOLDER properties of all targets manually, # instead of controlling it via CMAKE_FOLDER. function (ensure_target_rooted_in _target _folder) # Skip aliases and INTERFACE library targets, since FOLDER property is not available/writable for them. get_target_property (_target_aliased "${_target}" ALIASED_TARGET) get_target_property (_target_type "${_target}" TYPE) if (_target_aliased OR _target_type STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY") return () endif () # Read the original FOLDER property value, if any. get_target_property (_folder_prop "${_target}" FOLDER) # Normalize that value, so we avoid possible repetitions in folder names. if (NOT _folder_prop) set (_folder_prop "") endif () if (CMAKE_FOLDER AND _folder_prop MATCHES "^${CMAKE_FOLDER}/(.*)\$") set (_folder_prop "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif () if (_folder AND _folder_prop MATCHES "^${_folder}/(.*)\$") set (_folder_prop "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif () if (_folder) set (_folder_prop "${_folder}/${_folder_prop}") endif () if (CMAKE_FOLDER) set (_folder_prop "${CMAKE_FOLDER}/${_folder_prop}") endif () # Set the updated FOLDER property value back. set_target_properties ("${_target}" PROPERTIES FOLDER "${_folder_prop}") endfunction () function (ensure_own_targets_are_rooted_in _dir _folder) get_directory_property (_targets DIRECTORY "${_dir}" BUILDSYSTEM_TARGETS) foreach (_target IN LISTS _targets) ensure_target_rooted_in ("${_target}" "${_folder}") endforeach () endfunction () function (ensure_all_targets_are_rooted_in _dir _folder) ensure_own_targets_are_rooted_in ("${_dir}" "${_folder}") get_property (_sub_dirs DIRECTORY "${_dir}" PROPERTY SUBDIRECTORIES) foreach (_sub_dir IN LISTS _sub_dirs) ensure_all_targets_are_rooted_in ("${_sub_dir}" "${_folder}") endforeach () endfunction () function (organize_ide_folders_2_level _dir) get_filename_component (_dir_name "${_dir}" NAME) ensure_own_targets_are_rooted_in ("${_dir}" "${_dir_name}") # Note, that we respect only first two levels of nesting, we don't want to # reorganize target folders further within each third-party dir. get_property (_sub_dirs DIRECTORY "${_dir}" PROPERTY SUBDIRECTORIES) foreach (_sub_dir IN LISTS _sub_dirs) get_filename_component (_sub_dir_name "${_sub_dir}" NAME) ensure_all_targets_are_rooted_in ("${_sub_dir}" "${_dir_name}/${_sub_dir_name}") endforeach () endfunction () organize_ide_folders_2_level ("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}")