#!/usr/bin/env python import logging import os from os import path as p from typing import Tuple from build_download_helper import APIException, get_gh_api module_dir = p.abspath(p.dirname(__file__)) git_root = p.abspath(p.join(module_dir, "..", "..")) ROOT_DIR = git_root CI = bool(os.getenv("CI")) TEMP_PATH = os.getenv("TEMP_PATH", p.abspath(p.join(module_dir, "./tmp"))) REPORT_PATH = f"{TEMP_PATH}/reports" # FIXME: latest should not be used in CI, set temporary for transition to "docker with digest as a tag" DOCKER_TAG = os.getenv("DOCKER_TAG", "latest") CACHES_PATH = os.getenv("CACHES_PATH", TEMP_PATH) CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN = os.getenv("CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN") GITHUB_EVENT_PATH = os.getenv("GITHUB_EVENT_PATH", "") GITHUB_JOB = os.getenv("GITHUB_JOB_OVERRIDDEN", "") or os.getenv("GITHUB_JOB", "local") GITHUB_REPOSITORY = os.getenv("GITHUB_REPOSITORY", "ClickHouse/ClickHouse") GITHUB_RUN_ID = os.getenv("GITHUB_RUN_ID", "0") GITHUB_SERVER_URL = os.getenv("GITHUB_SERVER_URL", "https://github.com") GITHUB_WORKSPACE = os.getenv("GITHUB_WORKSPACE", git_root) GITHUB_RUN_URL = f"{GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/{GITHUB_RUN_ID}" IMAGES_PATH = os.getenv("IMAGES_PATH", TEMP_PATH) REPO_COPY = os.getenv("REPO_COPY", GITHUB_WORKSPACE) RUNNER_TEMP = os.getenv("RUNNER_TEMP", p.abspath(p.join(module_dir, "./tmp"))) S3_BUILDS_BUCKET = os.getenv("S3_BUILDS_BUCKET", "clickhouse-builds") S3_TEST_REPORTS_BUCKET = os.getenv("S3_TEST_REPORTS_BUCKET", "clickhouse-test-reports") S3_URL = os.getenv("S3_URL", "https://s3.amazonaws.com") S3_DOWNLOAD = os.getenv("S3_DOWNLOAD", S3_URL) S3_ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE = ( f"{S3_DOWNLOAD}/{S3_BUILDS_BUCKET}/" "{pr_or_release}/{commit}/{build_name}/{artifact}" ) # These parameters are set only on demand, and only once _GITHUB_JOB_ID = "" _GITHUB_JOB_URL = "" _GITHUB_JOB_API_URL = "" def GITHUB_JOB_ID(safe: bool = True) -> str: global _GITHUB_JOB_ID global _GITHUB_JOB_URL global _GITHUB_JOB_API_URL if _GITHUB_JOB_ID: return _GITHUB_JOB_ID try: _GITHUB_JOB_ID, _GITHUB_JOB_URL, _GITHUB_JOB_API_URL = get_job_id_url( GITHUB_JOB ) except APIException as e: logging.warning("Unable to retrieve the job info from GH API: %s", e) if not safe: raise e return _GITHUB_JOB_ID def GITHUB_JOB_URL(safe: bool = True) -> str: try: GITHUB_JOB_ID() except APIException: if safe: logging.warning("Using run URL as a fallback to not fail the job") return GITHUB_RUN_URL raise return _GITHUB_JOB_URL def GITHUB_JOB_API_URL(safe: bool = True) -> str: GITHUB_JOB_ID(safe) return _GITHUB_JOB_API_URL def get_job_id_url(job_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: job_id = "" job_url = "" job_api_url = "" if GITHUB_RUN_ID == "0": job_id = "0" if job_id: return job_id, job_url, job_api_url jobs = [] page = 1 while not job_id: response = get_gh_api( f"https://api.github.com/repos/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/" f"actions/runs/{GITHUB_RUN_ID}/jobs?per_page=100&page={page}" ) page += 1 data = response.json() jobs.extend(data["jobs"]) for job in data["jobs"]: if job["name"] != job_name: continue job_id = job["id"] job_url = job["html_url"] job_api_url = job["url"] return job_id, job_url, job_api_url if ( len(jobs) >= data["total_count"] # just in case of inconsistency or len(data["jobs"]) == 0 # if we excided pages ): job_id = "0" if not job_url: # This is a terrible workaround for the case of another broken part of # GitHub actions. For nested workflows it doesn't provide a proper job_name # value, but only the final one. So, for `OriginalJob / NestedJob / FinalJob` # full name, job_name contains only FinalJob matched_jobs = [] for job in jobs: nested_parts = job["name"].split(" / ") if len(nested_parts) <= 1: continue if nested_parts[-1] == job_name: matched_jobs.append(job) if len(matched_jobs) == 1: # The best case scenario job_id = matched_jobs[0]["id"] job_url = matched_jobs[0]["html_url"] job_api_url = matched_jobs[0]["url"] return job_id, job_url, job_api_url if matched_jobs: logging.error( "We could not get the ID and URL for the current job name %s, there " "are more than one jobs match it for the nested workflows. Please, " "refer to https://github.com/actions/runner/issues/2577", job_name, ) return job_id, job_url, job_api_url