--- machine_translated: true machine_translated_rev: b111334d6614a02564cf32f379679e9ff970d9b1 toc_priority: 42 toc_title: mysql --- # mysql {#mysql} 允许 `SELECT` 要对存储在远程MySQL服务器上的数据执行的查询。 ``` sql mysql('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password'[, replace_query, 'on_duplicate_clause']); ``` **参数** - `host:port` — MySQL server address. - `database` — Remote database name. - `table` — Remote table name. - `user` — MySQL user. - `password` — User password. - `replace_query` — Flag that converts `INSERT INTO` 查询到 `REPLACE INTO`. 如果 `replace_query=1`,查询被替换。 - `on_duplicate_clause` — The `ON DUPLICATE KEY on_duplicate_clause` 表达式被添加到 `INSERT` 查询。 Example: `INSERT INTO t (c1,c2) VALUES ('a', 2) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c2 = c2 + 1`, where `on_duplicate_clause` is `UPDATE c2 = c2 + 1`. See the MySQL documentation to find which `on_duplicate_clause` you can use with the `ON DUPLICATE KEY` clause. To specify `on_duplicate_clause` you need to pass `0` to the `replace_query` parameter. If you simultaneously pass `replace_query = 1` and `on_duplicate_clause`, ClickHouse generates an exception. 简单 `WHERE` 条款如 `=, !=, >, >=, <, <=` 当前在MySQL服务器上执行。 其余的条件和 `LIMIT` 只有在对MySQL的查询完成后,才会在ClickHouse中执行采样约束。 **返回值** 与原始MySQL表具有相同列的table对象。 ## 用法示例 {#usage-example} MySQL中的表: ``` text mysql> CREATE TABLE `test`.`test` ( -> `int_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, -> `int_nullable` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL, -> `float` FLOAT NOT NULL, -> `float_nullable` FLOAT NULL DEFAULT NULL, -> PRIMARY KEY (`int_id`)); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,09 sec) mysql> insert into test (`int_id`, `float`) VALUES (1,2); Query OK, 1 row affected (0,00 sec) mysql> select * from test; +------+----------+-----+----------+ | int_id | int_nullable | float | float_nullable | +------+----------+-----+----------+ | 1 | NULL | 2 | NULL | +------+----------+-----+----------+ 1 row in set (0,00 sec) ``` 从ClickHouse中选择数据: ``` sql SELECT * FROM mysql('localhost:3306', 'test', 'test', 'bayonet', '123') ``` ``` text ┌─int_id─┬─int_nullable─┬─float─┬─float_nullable─┐ │ 1 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │ 2 │ ᴺᵁᴸᴸ │ └────────┴──────────────┴───────┴────────────────┘ ``` ## 另请参阅 {#see-also} - [该 ‘MySQL’ 表引擎](../../engines/table_engines/integrations/mysql.md) - [使用MySQL作为外部字典的来源](../../sql_reference/dictionaries/external_dictionaries/external_dicts_dict_sources.md#dicts-external_dicts_dict_sources-mysql) [原始文章](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/query_language/table_functions/mysql/)