#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { /// Allows loading dictionaries from a MySQL database class MySQLDictionarySource final : public IDictionarySource { static const auto max_block_size = 8192; public: MySQLDictionarySource(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const std::string & config_prefix, Block & sample_block) : table{config.getString(config_prefix + ".table")}, sample_block{sample_block}, pool{config, config_prefix}, load_all_query{composeLoadAllQuery(sample_block, table)}, last_modification{getLastModification()} {} /// copy-constructor is provided in order to support cloneability MySQLDictionarySource(const MySQLDictionarySource & other) : table{other.table}, sample_block{other.sample_block}, pool{other.pool}, load_all_query{other.load_all_query}, last_modification{other.last_modification} {} BlockInputStreamPtr loadAll() override { last_modification = getLastModification(); return new MySQLBlockInputStream{pool.Get()->query(load_all_query), sample_block, max_block_size}; } BlockInputStreamPtr loadId(const std::uint64_t id) override { throw Exception{ "Method unsupported", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED }; } BlockInputStreamPtr loadIds(const std::vector ids) override { throw Exception{ "Method unsupported", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED }; } bool isModified() const override { return getLastModification() > last_modification; } bool supportsSelectiveLoad() const override { return true; } DictionarySourcePtr clone() const override { return std::make_unique(*this); } private: mysqlxx::DateTime getLastModification() const { const auto Update_time_idx = 12; try { auto connection = pool.Get(); auto query = connection->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '%" + strconvert::escaped_for_like(table) + "%';"); auto result = query.use(); auto row = result.fetch(); const auto & update_time = row[Update_time_idx]; if (!update_time.isNull()) return update_time.getDateTime(); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException("MySQLDictionarySource"); } /// we suppose failure to get modification time is not an error, therefore return current time return mysqlxx::DateTime{std::time(nullptr)}; } /// @todo escape table and column names static std::string composeLoadAllQuery(const Block & block, const std::string & table) { std::string query{"SELECT "}; auto first = true; for (const auto idx : ext::range(0, block.columns())) { if (!first) query += ", "; query += block.getByPosition(idx).name; first = false; } query += " FROM " + table + ';'; return query; } const std::string table; Block sample_block; mutable mysqlxx::PoolWithFailover pool; const std::string load_all_query; mysqlxx::DateTime last_modification; }; }