#include "Server.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MetricsTransmitter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "config_version.h" #if defined(OS_LINUX) # include # include # include # include # include #endif #if USE_SSL # include #endif #if USE_GRPC # include #endif #if USE_NURAFT # include # include #endif #if USE_JEMALLOC # include #endif #if USE_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE # include #endif namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric Revision; extern const Metric VersionInteger; extern const Metric MemoryTracking; extern const Metric MergesMutationsMemoryTracking; extern const Metric MaxDDLEntryID; extern const Metric MaxPushedDDLEntryID; } namespace ProfileEvents { extern const Event MainConfigLoads; extern const Event ServerStartupMilliseconds; } namespace fs = std::filesystem; #if USE_JEMALLOC static bool jemallocOptionEnabled(const char *name) { bool value; size_t size = sizeof(value); if (mallctl(name, reinterpret_cast(&value), &size, /* newp= */ nullptr, /* newlen= */ 0)) throw Poco::SystemException("mallctl() failed"); return value; } #else static bool jemallocOptionEnabled(const char *) { return 0; } #endif int mainEntryClickHouseServer(int argc, char ** argv) { DB::Server app; if (jemallocOptionEnabled("opt.background_thread")) { LOG_ERROR(&app.logger(), "jemalloc.background_thread was requested, " "however ClickHouse uses percpu_arena and background_thread most likely will not give any benefits, " "and also background_thread is not compatible with ClickHouse watchdog " "(that can be disabled with CLICKHOUSE_WATCHDOG_ENABLE=0)"); } /// Do not fork separate process from watchdog if we attached to terminal. /// Otherwise it breaks gdb usage. /// Can be overridden by environment variable (cannot use server config at this moment). if (argc > 0) { const char * env_watchdog = getenv("CLICKHOUSE_WATCHDOG_ENABLE"); // NOLINT(concurrency-mt-unsafe) if (env_watchdog) { if (0 == strcmp(env_watchdog, "1")) app.shouldSetupWatchdog(argv[0]); /// Other values disable watchdog explicitly. } else if (!isatty(STDIN_FILENO) && !isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) && !isatty(STDERR_FILENO)) app.shouldSetupWatchdog(argv[0]); } try { return app.run(argc, argv); } catch (...) { std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true) << "\n"; auto code = DB::getCurrentExceptionCode(); return code ? code : 1; } } namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG; extern const int SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED; extern const int ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND; extern const int EXCESSIVE_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG; extern const int INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER; extern const int NETWORK_ERROR; extern const int CORRUPTED_DATA; } static std::string getCanonicalPath(std::string && path) { Poco::trimInPlace(path); if (path.empty()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER, "path configuration parameter is empty"); if (path.back() != '/') path += '/'; return std::move(path); } Poco::Net::SocketAddress Server::socketBindListen( const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, Poco::Net::ServerSocket & socket, const std::string & host, UInt16 port, [[maybe_unused]] bool secure) const { auto address = makeSocketAddress(host, port, &logger()); socket.bind(address, /* reuseAddress = */ true, /* reusePort = */ config.getBool("listen_reuse_port", false)); /// If caller requests any available port from the OS, discover it after binding. if (port == 0) { address = socket.address(); LOG_DEBUG(&logger(), "Requested any available port (port == 0), actual port is {:d}", address.port()); } socket.listen(/* backlog = */ config.getUInt("listen_backlog", 4096)); return address; } Strings getListenHosts(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config) { auto listen_hosts = DB::getMultipleValuesFromConfig(config, "", "listen_host"); if (listen_hosts.empty()) { listen_hosts.emplace_back("::1"); listen_hosts.emplace_back(""); } return listen_hosts; } Strings getInterserverListenHosts(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config) { auto interserver_listen_hosts = DB::getMultipleValuesFromConfig(config, "", "interserver_listen_host"); if (!interserver_listen_hosts.empty()) return interserver_listen_hosts; /// Use more general restriction in case of emptiness return getListenHosts(config); } bool getListenTry(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config) { bool listen_try = config.getBool("listen_try", false); if (!listen_try) { Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys protocols; config.keys("protocols", protocols); listen_try = DB::getMultipleValuesFromConfig(config, "", "listen_host").empty() && std::none_of(protocols.begin(), protocols.end(), [&](const auto & protocol) { return config.has("protocols." + protocol + ".host") && config.has("protocols." + protocol + ".port"); }); } return listen_try; } void Server::createServer( Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const std::string & listen_host, const char * port_name, bool listen_try, bool start_server, std::vector & servers, CreateServerFunc && func) const { /// For testing purposes, user may omit tcp_port or http_port or https_port in configuration file. if (config.getString(port_name, "").empty()) return; /// If we already have an active server for this listen_host/port_name, don't create it again for (const auto & server : servers) { if (!server.isStopping() && server.getListenHost() == listen_host && server.getPortName() == port_name) return; } auto port = config.getInt(port_name); try { servers.push_back(func(port)); if (start_server) { servers.back().start(); LOG_INFO(&logger(), "Listening for {}", servers.back().getDescription()); } global_context->registerServerPort(port_name, port); } catch (const Poco::Exception &) { std::string message = "Listen [" + listen_host + "]:" + std::to_string(port) + " failed: " + getCurrentExceptionMessage(false); if (listen_try) { LOG_WARNING(&logger(), "{}. If it is an IPv6 or IPv4 address and your host has disabled IPv6 or IPv4, then consider to " "specify not disabled IPv4 or IPv6 address to listen in element of configuration " "file. Example for disabled IPv6: ." " Example for disabled IPv4: ::", message); } else { throw Exception::createDeprecated(message, ErrorCodes::NETWORK_ERROR); } } } #if defined(OS_LINUX) namespace { void setOOMScore(int value, Poco::Logger * log) { try { std::string value_string = std::to_string(value); DB::WriteBufferFromFile buf("/proc/self/oom_score_adj"); buf.write(value_string.c_str(), value_string.size()); buf.next(); buf.close(); } catch (const Poco::Exception & e) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Failed to adjust OOM score: '{}'.", e.displayText()); return; } LOG_INFO(log, "Set OOM score adjustment to {}", value); } } #endif void Server::uninitialize() { logger().information("shutting down"); BaseDaemon::uninitialize(); } int Server::run() { if (config().hasOption("help")) { Poco::Util::HelpFormatter help_formatter(Server::options()); auto header_str = fmt::format("{} [OPTION] [-- [ARG]...]\n" "positional arguments can be used to rewrite config.xml properties, for example, --http_port=8010", commandName()); help_formatter.setHeader(header_str); help_formatter.format(std::cout); return 0; } if (config().hasOption("version")) { std::cout << DBMS_NAME << " server version " << VERSION_STRING << VERSION_OFFICIAL << "." << std::endl; return 0; } return Application::run(); // NOLINT } void Server::initialize(Poco::Util::Application & self) { BaseDaemon::initialize(self); logger().information("starting up"); LOG_INFO(&logger(), "OS name: {}, version: {}, architecture: {}", Poco::Environment::osName(), Poco::Environment::osVersion(), Poco::Environment::osArchitecture()); } std::string Server::getDefaultCorePath() const { return getCanonicalPath(config().getString("path", DBMS_DEFAULT_PATH)) + "cores"; } void Server::defineOptions(Poco::Util::OptionSet & options) { options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("help", "h", "show help and exit") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .binding("help")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("version", "V", "show version and exit") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .binding("version")); BaseDaemon::defineOptions(options); } void checkForUsersNotInMainConfig( const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const std::string & config_path, const std::string & users_config_path, Poco::Logger * log) { if (config.getBool("skip_check_for_incorrect_settings", false)) return; if (config.has("users") || config.has("profiles") || config.has("quotas")) { /// We cannot throw exception here, because we have support for obsolete 'conf.d' directory /// (that does not correspond to config.d or users.d) but substitute configuration to both of them. LOG_ERROR(log, "The , and elements should be located in users config file: {} not in main config {}." " Also note that you should place configuration changes to the appropriate *.d directory like 'users.d'.", users_config_path, config_path); } } /// Unused in other builds #if defined(OS_LINUX) static String readString(const String & path) { ReadBufferFromFile in(path); String contents; readStringUntilEOF(contents, in); return contents; } static int readNumber(const String & path) { ReadBufferFromFile in(path); int result; readText(result, in); return result; } #endif static void sanityChecks(Server & server) { std::string data_path = getCanonicalPath(server.config().getString("path", DBMS_DEFAULT_PATH)); std::string logs_path = server.config().getString("logger.log", ""); if (server.logger().is(Poco::Message::PRIO_TEST)) server.context()->addWarningMessage("Server logging level is set to 'test' and performance is degraded. This cannot be used in production."); #if defined(OS_LINUX) try { const char * filename = "/sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource"; String clocksource = readString(filename); if (clocksource.find("tsc") == std::string::npos && clocksource.find("kvm-clock") == std::string::npos) server.context()->addWarningMessage("Linux is not using a fast clock source. Performance can be degraded. Check " + String(filename)); } catch (...) { } try { const char * filename = "/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory"; if (readNumber(filename) == 2) server.context()->addWarningMessage("Linux memory overcommit is disabled. Check " + String(filename)); } catch (...) { } try { const char * filename = "/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled"; if (readString(filename).find("[always]") != std::string::npos) server.context()->addWarningMessage("Linux transparent hugepages are set to \"always\". Check " + String(filename)); } catch (...) { } try { const char * filename = "/proc/sys/kernel/pid_max"; if (readNumber(filename) < 30000) server.context()->addWarningMessage("Linux max PID is too low. Check " + String(filename)); } catch (...) { } try { const char * filename = "/proc/sys/kernel/threads-max"; if (readNumber(filename) < 30000) server.context()->addWarningMessage("Linux threads max count is too low. Check " + String(filename)); } catch (...) { } std::string dev_id = getBlockDeviceId(data_path); if (getBlockDeviceType(dev_id) == BlockDeviceType::ROT && getBlockDeviceReadAheadBytes(dev_id) == 0) server.context()->addWarningMessage("Rotational disk with disabled readahead is in use. Performance can be degraded. Used for data: " + String(data_path)); #endif try { if (getAvailableMemoryAmount() < (2l << 30)) server.context()->addWarningMessage("Available memory at server startup is too low (2GiB)."); } catch (...) { } try { if (!enoughSpaceInDirectory(data_path, 1ull << 30)) server.context()->addWarningMessage("Available disk space for data at server startup is too low (1GiB): " + String(data_path)); } catch (...) { } try { if (!logs_path.empty()) { auto logs_parent = fs::path(logs_path).parent_path(); if (!enoughSpaceInDirectory(logs_parent, 1ull << 30)) server.context()->addWarningMessage("Available disk space for logs at server startup is too low (1GiB): " + String(logs_parent)); } } catch (...) { } if (server.context()->getMergeTreeSettings().allow_remote_fs_zero_copy_replication) { server.context()->addWarningMessage("The setting 'allow_remote_fs_zero_copy_replication' is enabled for MergeTree tables." " But the feature of 'zero-copy replication' is under development and is not ready for production." " The usage of this feature can lead to data corruption and loss. The setting should be disabled in production."); } } int Server::main(const std::vector & /*args*/) try { Stopwatch startup_watch; Poco::Logger * log = &logger(); UseSSL use_ssl; MainThreadStatus::getInstance(); ServerSettings server_settings; server_settings.loadSettingsFromConfig(config()); StackTrace::setShowAddresses(server_settings.show_addresses_in_stack_traces); #if USE_HDFS /// This will point libhdfs3 to the right location for its config. /// Note: this has to be done once at server initialization, because 'setenv' is not thread-safe. String libhdfs3_conf = config().getString("hdfs.libhdfs3_conf", ""); if (!libhdfs3_conf.empty()) { if (std::filesystem::path{libhdfs3_conf}.is_relative() && !std::filesystem::exists(libhdfs3_conf)) { const String config_path = config().getString("config-file", "config.xml"); const auto config_dir = std::filesystem::path{config_path}.remove_filename(); if (std::filesystem::exists(config_dir / libhdfs3_conf)) libhdfs3_conf = std::filesystem::absolute(config_dir / libhdfs3_conf); } setenv("LIBHDFS3_CONF", libhdfs3_conf.c_str(), true /* overwrite */); // NOLINT } #endif #if USE_OPENSSL_INTREE /// When building openssl into clickhouse, clickhouse owns the configuration /// Therefore, the clickhouse openssl configuration should be kept separate from /// the OS. Default to the one in the standard config directory, unless overridden /// by a key in the config. if (config().has("opensslconf")) { std::string opensslconf_path = config().getString("opensslconf"); setenv("OPENSSL_CONF", opensslconf_path.c_str(), true); } else { const String config_path = config().getString("config-file", "config.xml"); const auto config_dir = std::filesystem::path{config_path}.replace_filename("openssl.conf"); setenv("OPENSSL_CONF", config_dir.c_str(), true); } #endif registerFunctions(); registerAggregateFunctions(); registerTableFunctions(); registerStorages(); registerDictionaries(); registerDisks(/* global_skip_access_check= */ false); registerFormats(); registerRemoteFileMetadatas(); registerSchedulerNodes(); registerResourceManagers(); CurrentMetrics::set(CurrentMetrics::Revision, ClickHouseRevision::getVersionRevision()); CurrentMetrics::set(CurrentMetrics::VersionInteger, ClickHouseRevision::getVersionInteger()); /** Context contains all that query execution is dependent: * settings, available functions, data types, aggregate functions, databases, ... */ auto shared_context = Context::createShared(); global_context = Context::createGlobal(shared_context.get()); global_context->makeGlobalContext(); global_context->setApplicationType(Context::ApplicationType::SERVER); #if !defined(NDEBUG) || !defined(__OPTIMIZE__) global_context->addWarningMessage("Server was built in debug mode. It will work slowly."); #endif if (ThreadFuzzer::instance().isEffective()) global_context->addWarningMessage("ThreadFuzzer is enabled. Application will run slowly and unstable."); #if defined(SANITIZER) global_context->addWarningMessage("Server was built with sanitizer. It will work slowly."); #endif const auto memory_amount = getMemoryAmount(); LOG_INFO(log, "Available RAM: {}; physical cores: {}; logical cores: {}.", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(memory_amount), getNumberOfPhysicalCPUCores(), // on ARM processors it can show only enabled at current moment cores std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); sanityChecks(*this); // Initialize global thread pool. Do it before we fetch configs from zookeeper // nodes (`from_zk`), because ZooKeeper interface uses the pool. We will // ignore `max_thread_pool_size` in configs we fetch from ZK, but oh well. GlobalThreadPool::initialize( server_settings.max_thread_pool_size, server_settings.max_thread_pool_free_size, server_settings.thread_pool_queue_size); #if USE_AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE /// It makes sense to deinitialize libxml after joining of all threads /// in global pool because libxml uses thread-local memory allocations via /// 'pthread_key_create' and 'pthread_setspecific' which should be deallocated /// at 'pthread_exit'. Deinitialization of libxml leads to call of 'pthread_key_delete' /// and if it is done before joining of threads, allocated memory will not be freed /// and there may be memory leaks in threads that used libxml. GlobalThreadPool::instance().addOnDestroyCallback([] { Azure::Storage::_internal::XmlGlobalDeinitialize(); }); #endif IOThreadPool::initialize( server_settings.max_io_thread_pool_size, server_settings.max_io_thread_pool_free_size, server_settings.io_thread_pool_queue_size); BackupsIOThreadPool::initialize( server_settings.max_backups_io_thread_pool_size, server_settings.max_backups_io_thread_pool_free_size, server_settings.backups_io_thread_pool_queue_size); OutdatedPartsLoadingThreadPool::initialize( server_settings.max_outdated_parts_loading_thread_pool_size, 0, // We don't need any threads one all the parts will be loaded server_settings.max_outdated_parts_loading_thread_pool_size); /// Initialize global local cache for remote filesystem. if (config().has("local_cache_for_remote_fs")) { bool enable = config().getBool("local_cache_for_remote_fs.enable", false); if (enable) { String root_dir = config().getString("local_cache_for_remote_fs.root_dir"); UInt64 limit_size = config().getUInt64("local_cache_for_remote_fs.limit_size"); UInt64 bytes_read_before_flush = config().getUInt64("local_cache_for_remote_fs.bytes_read_before_flush", DBMS_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); ExternalDataSourceCache::instance().initOnce(global_context, root_dir, limit_size, bytes_read_before_flush); } } Poco::ThreadPool server_pool(3, server_settings.max_connections); std::mutex servers_lock; std::vector servers; std::vector servers_to_start_before_tables; /// This object will periodically calculate some metrics. ServerAsynchronousMetrics async_metrics( global_context, server_settings.asynchronous_metrics_update_period_s, server_settings.asynchronous_heavy_metrics_update_period_s, [&]() -> std::vector { std::vector metrics; metrics.reserve(servers_to_start_before_tables.size()); for (const auto & server : servers_to_start_before_tables) metrics.emplace_back(ProtocolServerMetrics{server.getPortName(), server.currentThreads()}); std::lock_guard lock(servers_lock); for (const auto & server : servers) metrics.emplace_back(ProtocolServerMetrics{server.getPortName(), server.currentThreads()}); return metrics; } ); zkutil::validateZooKeeperConfig(config()); bool has_zookeeper = zkutil::hasZooKeeperConfig(config()); zkutil::ZooKeeperNodeCache main_config_zk_node_cache([&] { return global_context->getZooKeeper(); }); zkutil::EventPtr main_config_zk_changed_event = std::make_shared(); if (loaded_config.has_zk_includes) { auto old_configuration = loaded_config.configuration; ConfigProcessor config_processor(config_path); loaded_config = config_processor.loadConfigWithZooKeeperIncludes( main_config_zk_node_cache, main_config_zk_changed_event, /* fallback_to_preprocessed = */ true); config_processor.savePreprocessedConfig(loaded_config, config().getString("path", DBMS_DEFAULT_PATH)); config().removeConfiguration(old_configuration.get()); config().add(loaded_config.configuration.duplicate(), PRIO_DEFAULT, false); } Settings::checkNoSettingNamesAtTopLevel(config(), config_path); /// We need to reload server settings because config could be updated via zookeeper. server_settings.loadSettingsFromConfig(config()); #if defined(OS_LINUX) std::string executable_path = getExecutablePath(); if (!executable_path.empty()) { /// Integrity check based on checksum of the executable code. /// Note: it is not intended to protect from malicious party, /// because the reference checksum can be easily modified as well. /// And we don't involve asymmetric encryption with PKI yet. /// It's only intended to protect from faulty hardware. /// Note: it is only based on machine code. /// But there are other sections of the binary (e.g. exception handling tables) /// that are interpreted (not executed) but can alter the behaviour of the program as well. /// Please keep the below log messages in-sync with the ones in daemon/BaseDaemon.cpp if (stored_binary_hash.empty()) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Integrity check of the executable skipped because the reference checksum could not be read."); } else { String calculated_binary_hash = getHashOfLoadedBinaryHex(); if (calculated_binary_hash == stored_binary_hash) { LOG_INFO(log, "Integrity check of the executable successfully passed (checksum: {})", calculated_binary_hash); } else { /// If program is run under debugger, ptrace will fail. if (ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, nullptr, nullptr) == -1) { /// Program is run under debugger. Modification of it's binary image is ok for breakpoints. global_context->addWarningMessage(fmt::format( "Server is run under debugger and its binary image is modified (most likely with breakpoints).", calculated_binary_hash)); } else { throw Exception( ErrorCodes::CORRUPTED_DATA, "Calculated checksum of the executable ({0}) does not correspond" " to the reference checksum stored in the executable ({1})." " This may indicate one of the following:" " - the executable {2} was changed just after startup;" " - the executable {2} was corrupted on disk due to faulty hardware;" " - the loaded executable was corrupted in memory due to faulty hardware;" " - the file {2} was intentionally modified;" " - a logical error in the code.", calculated_binary_hash, stored_binary_hash, executable_path); } } } } else executable_path = "/usr/bin/clickhouse"; /// It is used for information messages. /// After full config loaded { if (config().getBool("remap_executable", false)) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Will remap executable in memory."); size_t size = remapExecutable(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "The code ({}) in memory has been successfully remapped.", ReadableSize(size)); } if (config().getBool("mlock_executable", false)) { if (hasLinuxCapability(CAP_IPC_LOCK)) { try { /// Get the memory area with (current) code segment. /// It's better to lock only the code segment instead of calling "mlockall", /// because otherwise debug info will be also locked in memory, and it can be huge. auto [addr, len] = getMappedArea(reinterpret_cast(mainEntryClickHouseServer)); LOG_TRACE(log, "Will do mlock to prevent executable memory from being paged out. It may take a few seconds."); if (0 != mlock(addr, len)) LOG_WARNING(log, "Failed mlock: {}", errnoToString()); else LOG_TRACE(log, "The memory map of clickhouse executable has been mlock'ed, total {}", ReadableSize(len)); } catch (...) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Cannot mlock: {}", getCurrentExceptionMessage(false)); } } else { LOG_INFO(log, "It looks like the process has no CAP_IPC_LOCK capability, binary mlock will be disabled." " It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation." " You could resolve the problem manually with 'sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep {}'." " Note that it will not work on 'nosuid' mounted filesystems.", executable_path); } } } int default_oom_score = 0; #if !defined(NDEBUG) /// In debug version on Linux, increase oom score so that clickhouse is killed /// first, instead of some service. Use a carefully chosen random score of 555: /// the maximum is 1000, and chromium uses 300 for its tab processes. Ignore /// whatever errors that occur, because it's just a debugging aid and we don't /// care if it breaks. default_oom_score = 555; #endif int oom_score = config().getInt("oom_score", default_oom_score); if (oom_score) setOOMScore(oom_score, log); #endif global_context->setRemoteHostFilter(config()); std::string path_str = getCanonicalPath(config().getString("path", DBMS_DEFAULT_PATH)); fs::path path = path_str; std::string default_database = server_settings.default_database.toString(); /// Check that the process user id matches the owner of the data. assertProcessUserMatchesDataOwner(path_str, [&](const std::string & message){ global_context->addWarningMessage(message); }); global_context->setPath(path_str); StatusFile status{path / "status", StatusFile::write_full_info}; ServerUUID::load(path / "uuid", log); /// Try to increase limit on number of open files. { rlimit rlim; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim)) throw Poco::Exception("Cannot getrlimit"); if (rlim.rlim_cur == rlim.rlim_max) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "rlimit on number of file descriptors is {}", rlim.rlim_cur); } else { rlim_t old = rlim.rlim_cur; rlim.rlim_cur = config().getUInt("max_open_files", static_cast(rlim.rlim_max)); int rc = setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim); if (rc != 0) LOG_WARNING(log, "Cannot set max number of file descriptors to {}. Try to specify max_open_files according to your system limits. error: {}", rlim.rlim_cur, errnoToString()); else LOG_DEBUG(log, "Set max number of file descriptors to {} (was {}).", rlim.rlim_cur, old); } } /// Try to increase limit on number of threads. { rlimit rlim; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NPROC, &rlim)) throw Poco::Exception("Cannot getrlimit"); if (rlim.rlim_cur == rlim.rlim_max) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "rlimit on number of threads is {}", rlim.rlim_cur); } else { rlim_t old = rlim.rlim_cur; rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max; int rc = setrlimit(RLIMIT_NPROC, &rlim); if (rc != 0) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Cannot set max number of threads to {}. error: {}", rlim.rlim_cur, errnoToString()); rlim.rlim_cur = old; } else { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Set max number of threads to {} (was {}).", rlim.rlim_cur, old); } } if (rlim.rlim_cur < 30000) { global_context->addWarningMessage("Maximum number of threads is lower than 30000. There could be problems with handling a lot of simultaneous queries."); } } static ServerErrorHandler error_handler; Poco::ErrorHandler::set(&error_handler); /// Initialize DateLUT early, to not interfere with running time of first query. LOG_DEBUG(log, "Initializing DateLUT."); DateLUT::instance(); LOG_TRACE(log, "Initialized DateLUT with time zone '{}'.", DateLUT::instance().getTimeZone()); /// Storage with temporary data for processing of heavy queries. if (!server_settings.tmp_policy.value.empty()) { global_context->setTemporaryStoragePolicy(server_settings.tmp_policy, server_settings.max_temporary_data_on_disk_size); } else if (!server_settings.temporary_data_in_cache.value.empty()) { global_context->setTemporaryStorageInCache(server_settings.temporary_data_in_cache, server_settings.max_temporary_data_on_disk_size); } else { std::string temporary_path = config().getString("tmp_path", path / "tmp/"); global_context->setTemporaryStoragePath(temporary_path, server_settings.max_temporary_data_on_disk_size); } /** Directory with 'flags': files indicating temporary settings for the server set by system administrator. * Flags may be cleared automatically after being applied by the server. * Examples: do repair of local data; clone all replicated tables from replica. */ { auto flags_path = path / "flags/"; fs::create_directories(flags_path); global_context->setFlagsPath(flags_path); } /** Directory with user provided files that are usable by 'file' table function. */ { std::string user_files_path = config().getString("user_files_path", path / "user_files/"); global_context->setUserFilesPath(user_files_path); fs::create_directories(user_files_path); } { std::string dictionaries_lib_path = config().getString("dictionaries_lib_path", path / "dictionaries_lib/"); global_context->setDictionariesLibPath(dictionaries_lib_path); fs::create_directories(dictionaries_lib_path); } { std::string user_scripts_path = config().getString("user_scripts_path", path / "user_scripts/"); global_context->setUserScriptsPath(user_scripts_path); fs::create_directories(user_scripts_path); } /// top_level_domains_lists { const std::string & top_level_domains_path = config().getString("top_level_domains_path", path / "top_level_domains/"); TLDListsHolder::getInstance().parseConfig(fs::path(top_level_domains_path) / "", config()); } { fs::create_directories(path / "data/"); fs::create_directories(path / "metadata/"); /// Directory with metadata of tables, which was marked as dropped by Atomic database fs::create_directories(path / "metadata_dropped/"); } #if USE_ROCKSDB /// Initialize merge tree metadata cache if (config().has("merge_tree_metadata_cache")) { fs::create_directories(path / "rocksdb/"); size_t size = config().getUInt64("merge_tree_metadata_cache.lru_cache_size", 256 << 20); bool continue_if_corrupted = config().getBool("merge_tree_metadata_cache.continue_if_corrupted", false); try { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Initializing MergeTree metadata cache, lru_cache_size: {} continue_if_corrupted: {}", ReadableSize(size), continue_if_corrupted); global_context->initializeMergeTreeMetadataCache(path_str + "/" + "rocksdb", size); } catch (...) { if (continue_if_corrupted) { /// Rename rocksdb directory and reinitialize merge tree metadata cache time_t now = time(nullptr); fs::rename(path / "rocksdb", path / ("rocksdb.old." + std::to_string(now))); global_context->initializeMergeTreeMetadataCache(path_str + "/" + "rocksdb", size); } else { throw; } } } #endif if (config().has("interserver_http_port") && config().has("interserver_https_port")) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::EXCESSIVE_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG, "Both http and https interserver ports are specified"); static const auto interserver_tags = { std::make_tuple("interserver_http_host", "interserver_http_port", "http"), std::make_tuple("interserver_https_host", "interserver_https_port", "https") }; for (auto [host_tag, port_tag, scheme] : interserver_tags) { if (config().has(port_tag)) { String this_host = config().getString(host_tag, ""); if (this_host.empty()) { this_host = getFQDNOrHostName(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Configuration parameter '{}' doesn't exist or exists and empty. Will use '{}' as replica host.", host_tag, this_host); } String port_str = config().getString(port_tag); int port = parse(port_str); if (port < 0 || port > 0xFFFF) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND, "Out of range '{}': {}", String(port_tag), port); global_context->setInterserverIOAddress(this_host, port); global_context->setInterserverScheme(scheme); } } LOG_DEBUG(log, "Initializing interserver credentials."); global_context->updateInterserverCredentials(config()); if (config().has("macros")) global_context->setMacros(std::make_unique(config(), "macros", log)); /// Initialize main config reloader. std::string include_from_path = config().getString("include_from", "/etc/metrika.xml"); if (config().has("query_masking_rules")) { SensitiveDataMasker::setInstance(std::make_unique(config(), "query_masking_rules")); } auto main_config_reloader = std::make_unique( config_path, include_from_path, config().getString("path", ""), std::move(main_config_zk_node_cache), main_config_zk_changed_event, [&](ConfigurationPtr config, bool initial_loading) { Settings::checkNoSettingNamesAtTopLevel(*config, config_path); ServerSettings server_settings_; server_settings_.loadSettingsFromConfig(*config); size_t max_server_memory_usage = server_settings_.max_server_memory_usage; double max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio = server_settings_.max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio; size_t default_max_server_memory_usage = static_cast(memory_amount * max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio); if (max_server_memory_usage == 0) { max_server_memory_usage = default_max_server_memory_usage; LOG_INFO(log, "Setting max_server_memory_usage was set to {}" " ({} available * {:.2f} max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio)", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(max_server_memory_usage), formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(memory_amount), max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio); } else if (max_server_memory_usage > default_max_server_memory_usage) { max_server_memory_usage = default_max_server_memory_usage; LOG_INFO(log, "Setting max_server_memory_usage was lowered to {}" " because the system has low amount of memory. The amount was" " calculated as {} available" " * {:.2f} max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(max_server_memory_usage), formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(memory_amount), max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio); } total_memory_tracker.setHardLimit(max_server_memory_usage); total_memory_tracker.setDescription("(total)"); total_memory_tracker.setMetric(CurrentMetrics::MemoryTracking); size_t merges_mutations_memory_usage_soft_limit = server_settings_.merges_mutations_memory_usage_soft_limit; size_t default_merges_mutations_server_memory_usage = static_cast(memory_amount * server_settings_.merges_mutations_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio); if (merges_mutations_memory_usage_soft_limit == 0 || merges_mutations_memory_usage_soft_limit > default_merges_mutations_server_memory_usage) { merges_mutations_memory_usage_soft_limit = default_merges_mutations_server_memory_usage; LOG_WARNING(log, "Setting merges_mutations_memory_usage_soft_limit was set to {}" " ({} available * {:.2f} merges_mutations_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio)", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(merges_mutations_memory_usage_soft_limit), formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(memory_amount), server_settings_.merges_mutations_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio); } LOG_INFO(log, "Merges and mutations memory limit is set to {}", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(merges_mutations_memory_usage_soft_limit)); background_memory_tracker.setSoftLimit(merges_mutations_memory_usage_soft_limit); background_memory_tracker.setDescription("(background)"); background_memory_tracker.setMetric(CurrentMetrics::MergesMutationsMemoryTracking); total_memory_tracker.setAllowUseJemallocMemory(server_settings_.allow_use_jemalloc_memory); auto * global_overcommit_tracker = global_context->getGlobalOvercommitTracker(); total_memory_tracker.setOvercommitTracker(global_overcommit_tracker); // FIXME logging-related things need synchronization -- see the 'Logger * log' saved // in a lot of places. For now, disable updating log configuration without server restart. //setTextLog(global_context->getTextLog()); updateLevels(*config, logger()); global_context->setClustersConfig(config, has_zookeeper); global_context->setMacros(std::make_unique(*config, "macros", log)); global_context->setExternalAuthenticatorsConfig(*config); if (global_context->isServerCompletelyStarted()) { /// It does not make sense to reload anything before server has started. /// Moreover, it may break initialization order. global_context->loadOrReloadDictionaries(*config); global_context->loadOrReloadUserDefinedExecutableFunctions(*config); } global_context->setRemoteHostFilter(*config); global_context->setMaxTableSizeToDrop(server_settings_.max_table_size_to_drop); global_context->setMaxPartitionSizeToDrop(server_settings_.max_partition_size_to_drop); ConcurrencyControl::SlotCount concurrent_threads_soft_limit = ConcurrencyControl::Unlimited; if (server_settings_.concurrent_threads_soft_limit_num > 0 && server_settings_.concurrent_threads_soft_limit_num < concurrent_threads_soft_limit) concurrent_threads_soft_limit = server_settings_.concurrent_threads_soft_limit_num; if (server_settings_.concurrent_threads_soft_limit_ratio_to_cores > 0) { auto value = server_settings_.concurrent_threads_soft_limit_ratio_to_cores * std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); if (value > 0 && value < concurrent_threads_soft_limit) concurrent_threads_soft_limit = value; } ConcurrencyControl::instance().setMaxConcurrency(concurrent_threads_soft_limit); global_context->getProcessList().setMaxSize(server_settings_.max_concurrent_queries); global_context->getProcessList().setMaxInsertQueriesAmount(server_settings_.max_concurrent_insert_queries); global_context->getProcessList().setMaxSelectQueriesAmount(server_settings_.max_concurrent_select_queries); if (config->has("keeper_server")) global_context->updateKeeperConfiguration(*config); /// Reload the number of threads for global pools. /// Note: If you specified it in the top level config (not it config of default profile) /// then ClickHouse will use it exactly. /// This is done for backward compatibility. if (global_context->areBackgroundExecutorsInitialized()) { auto new_pool_size = server_settings_.background_pool_size; auto new_ratio = server_settings_.background_merges_mutations_concurrency_ratio; global_context->getMergeMutateExecutor()->increaseThreadsAndMaxTasksCount(new_pool_size, static_cast(new_pool_size * new_ratio)); global_context->getMergeMutateExecutor()->updateSchedulingPolicy(server_settings_.background_merges_mutations_scheduling_policy.toString()); } if (global_context->areBackgroundExecutorsInitialized()) { auto new_pool_size = server_settings_.background_move_pool_size; global_context->getMovesExecutor()->increaseThreadsAndMaxTasksCount(new_pool_size, new_pool_size); } if (global_context->areBackgroundExecutorsInitialized()) { auto new_pool_size = server_settings_.background_fetches_pool_size; global_context->getFetchesExecutor()->increaseThreadsAndMaxTasksCount(new_pool_size, new_pool_size); } if (global_context->areBackgroundExecutorsInitialized()) { auto new_pool_size = server_settings_.background_common_pool_size; global_context->getCommonExecutor()->increaseThreadsAndMaxTasksCount(new_pool_size, new_pool_size); } global_context->getBufferFlushSchedulePool().increaseThreadsCount(server_settings_.background_buffer_flush_schedule_pool_size); global_context->getSchedulePool().increaseThreadsCount(server_settings_.background_schedule_pool_size); global_context->getMessageBrokerSchedulePool().increaseThreadsCount(server_settings_.background_message_broker_schedule_pool_size); global_context->getDistributedSchedulePool().increaseThreadsCount(server_settings_.background_distributed_schedule_pool_size); if (config->has("resources")) { global_context->getResourceManager()->updateConfiguration(*config); } if (!initial_loading) { /// We do not load ZooKeeper configuration on the first config loading /// because TestKeeper server is not started yet. if (zkutil::hasZooKeeperConfig(*config)) global_context->reloadZooKeeperIfChanged(config); global_context->reloadAuxiliaryZooKeepersConfigIfChanged(config); std::lock_guard lock(servers_lock); updateServers(*config, server_pool, async_metrics, servers); } global_context->updateStorageConfiguration(*config); global_context->updateInterserverCredentials(*config); global_context->updateQueryCacheConfiguration(*config); CompressionCodecEncrypted::Configuration::instance().tryLoad(*config, "encryption_codecs"); #if USE_SSL CertificateReloader::instance().tryLoad(*config); #endif NamedCollectionUtils::reloadFromConfig(*config); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::MainConfigLoads); /// Must be the last. latest_config = config; }, /* already_loaded = */ false); /// Reload it right now (initial loading) const auto listen_hosts = getListenHosts(config()); const auto interserver_listen_hosts = getInterserverListenHosts(config()); const auto listen_try = getListenTry(config()); if (config().has("keeper_server")) { #if USE_NURAFT //// If we don't have configured connection probably someone trying to use clickhouse-server instead //// of clickhouse-keeper, so start synchronously. bool can_initialize_keeper_async = false; if (has_zookeeper) /// We have configured connection to some zookeeper cluster { /// If we cannot connect to some other node from our cluster then we have to wait our Keeper start /// synchronously. can_initialize_keeper_async = global_context->tryCheckClientConnectionToMyKeeperCluster(); } /// Initialize keeper RAFT. global_context->initializeKeeperDispatcher(can_initialize_keeper_async); FourLetterCommandFactory::registerCommands(*global_context->getKeeperDispatcher()); auto config_getter = [this] () -> const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & { return global_context->getConfigRef(); }; for (const auto & listen_host : listen_hosts) { /// TCP Keeper const char * port_name = "keeper_server.tcp_port"; createServer( config(), listen_host, port_name, listen_try, /* start_server: */ false, servers_to_start_before_tables, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config(), socket, listen_host, port); socket.setReceiveTimeout(Poco::Timespan(config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_receive_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC), 0)); socket.setSendTimeout(Poco::Timespan(config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_send_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_SEND_TIMEOUT_SEC), 0)); return ProtocolServerAdapter( listen_host, port_name, "Keeper (tcp): " + address.toString(), std::make_unique( new KeeperTCPHandlerFactory( config_getter, global_context->getKeeperDispatcher(), global_context->getSettingsRef().receive_timeout.totalSeconds(), global_context->getSettingsRef().send_timeout.totalSeconds(), false), server_pool, socket)); }); const char * secure_port_name = "keeper_server.tcp_port_secure"; createServer( config(), listen_host, secure_port_name, listen_try, /* start_server: */ false, servers_to_start_before_tables, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { #if USE_SSL Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config(), socket, listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(Poco::Timespan(config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_receive_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC), 0)); socket.setSendTimeout(Poco::Timespan(config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_send_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_SEND_TIMEOUT_SEC), 0)); return ProtocolServerAdapter( listen_host, secure_port_name, "Keeper with secure protocol (tcp_secure): " + address.toString(), std::make_unique( new KeeperTCPHandlerFactory( config_getter, global_context->getKeeperDispatcher(), global_context->getSettingsRef().receive_timeout.totalSeconds(), global_context->getSettingsRef().send_timeout.totalSeconds(), true), server_pool, socket)); #else UNUSED(port); throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED, "SSL support for TCP protocol is disabled because Poco library was built without NetSSL support."); #endif }); } #else throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED, "ClickHouse server built without NuRaft library. Cannot use internal coordination."); #endif } for (auto & server : servers_to_start_before_tables) { server.start(); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for {}", server.getDescription()); } /// Initialize access storages. auto & access_control = global_context->getAccessControl(); try { access_control.setUpFromMainConfig(config(), config_path, [&] { return global_context->getZooKeeper(); }); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "Caught exception while setting up access control."); throw; } /// Reload config in SYSTEM RELOAD CONFIG query. global_context->setConfigReloadCallback([&]() { main_config_reloader->reload(); access_control.reload(AccessControl::ReloadMode::USERS_CONFIG_ONLY); }); /// Limit on total number of concurrently executed queries. global_context->getProcessList().setMaxSize(server_settings.max_concurrent_queries); /// Set up caches. size_t max_cache_size = static_cast(memory_amount * server_settings.cache_size_to_ram_max_ratio); String uncompressed_cache_policy = server_settings.uncompressed_cache_policy; LOG_INFO(log, "Uncompressed cache policy name {}", uncompressed_cache_policy); size_t uncompressed_cache_size = server_settings.uncompressed_cache_size; if (uncompressed_cache_size > max_cache_size) { uncompressed_cache_size = max_cache_size; LOG_INFO(log, "Uncompressed cache size was lowered to {} because the system has low amount of memory", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(uncompressed_cache_size)); } global_context->setUncompressedCache(uncompressed_cache_policy, uncompressed_cache_size); /// Load global settings from default_profile and system_profile. global_context->setDefaultProfiles(config()); const Settings & settings = global_context->getSettingsRef(); /// Initialize background executors after we load default_profile config. /// This is needed to load proper values of background_pool_size etc. global_context->initializeBackgroundExecutorsIfNeeded(); if (settings.async_insert_threads) global_context->setAsynchronousInsertQueue(std::make_shared( global_context, settings.async_insert_threads)); size_t mark_cache_size = server_settings.mark_cache_size; String mark_cache_policy = server_settings.mark_cache_policy; if (!mark_cache_size) LOG_ERROR(log, "Too low mark cache size will lead to severe performance degradation."); if (mark_cache_size > max_cache_size) { mark_cache_size = max_cache_size; LOG_INFO(log, "Mark cache size was lowered to {} because the system has low amount of memory", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(mark_cache_size)); } global_context->setMarkCache(mark_cache_policy, mark_cache_size); if (server_settings.index_uncompressed_cache_size) global_context->setIndexUncompressedCache(server_settings.index_uncompressed_cache_size); if (server_settings.index_mark_cache_size) global_context->setIndexMarkCache(server_settings.index_mark_cache_size); if (server_settings.mmap_cache_size) global_context->setMMappedFileCache(server_settings.mmap_cache_size); /// A cache for query results. global_context->setQueryCache(config()); #if USE_EMBEDDED_COMPILER /// 128 MB constexpr size_t compiled_expression_cache_size_default = 1024 * 1024 * 128; size_t compiled_expression_cache_size = config().getUInt64("compiled_expression_cache_size", compiled_expression_cache_size_default); constexpr size_t compiled_expression_cache_elements_size_default = 10000; size_t compiled_expression_cache_elements_size = config().getUInt64("compiled_expression_cache_elements_size", compiled_expression_cache_elements_size_default); CompiledExpressionCacheFactory::instance().init(compiled_expression_cache_size, compiled_expression_cache_elements_size); #endif /// Set path for format schema files fs::path format_schema_path(config().getString("format_schema_path", path / "format_schemas/")); global_context->setFormatSchemaPath(format_schema_path); fs::create_directories(format_schema_path); /// Check sanity of MergeTreeSettings on server startup { size_t background_pool_tasks = global_context->getMergeMutateExecutor()->getMaxTasksCount(); global_context->getMergeTreeSettings().sanityCheck(background_pool_tasks); global_context->getReplicatedMergeTreeSettings().sanityCheck(background_pool_tasks); } /// try set up encryption. There are some errors in config, error will be printed and server wouldn't start. CompressionCodecEncrypted::Configuration::instance().load(config(), "encryption_codecs"); SCOPE_EXIT({ async_metrics.stop(); /** Ask to cancel background jobs all table engines, * and also query_log. * It is important to do early, not in destructor of Context, because * table engines could use Context on destroy. */ LOG_INFO(log, "Shutting down storages."); global_context->shutdown(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Shut down storages."); if (!servers_to_start_before_tables.empty()) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Waiting for current connections to servers for tables to finish."); size_t current_connections = 0; for (auto & server : servers_to_start_before_tables) { server.stop(); current_connections += server.currentConnections(); } if (current_connections) LOG_INFO(log, "Closed all listening sockets. Waiting for {} outstanding connections.", current_connections); else LOG_INFO(log, "Closed all listening sockets."); if (current_connections > 0) current_connections = waitServersToFinish(servers_to_start_before_tables, config().getInt("shutdown_wait_unfinished", 5)); if (current_connections) LOG_INFO(log, "Closed connections to servers for tables. But {} remain. Probably some tables of other users cannot finish their connections after context shutdown.", current_connections); else LOG_INFO(log, "Closed connections to servers for tables."); global_context->shutdownKeeperDispatcher(); } /// Wait server pool to avoid use-after-free of destroyed context in the handlers server_pool.joinAll(); /** Explicitly destroy Context. It is more convenient than in destructor of Server, because logger is still available. * At this moment, no one could own shared part of Context. */ global_context.reset(); shared_context.reset(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Destroyed global context."); }); /// DNSCacheUpdater uses BackgroundSchedulePool which lives in shared context /// and thus this object must be created after the SCOPE_EXIT object where shared /// context is destroyed. /// In addition this object has to be created before the loading of the tables. std::unique_ptr dns_cache_updater; if (server_settings.disable_internal_dns_cache) { /// Disable DNS caching at all DNSResolver::instance().setDisableCacheFlag(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "DNS caching disabled"); } else { /// Initialize a watcher periodically updating DNS cache dns_cache_updater = std::make_unique( global_context, server_settings.dns_cache_update_period, server_settings.dns_max_consecutive_failures); } if (dns_cache_updater) dns_cache_updater->start(); /// Set current database name before loading tables and databases because /// system logs may copy global context. global_context->setCurrentDatabaseNameInGlobalContext(default_database); LOG_INFO(log, "Loading metadata from {}", path_str); try { auto & database_catalog = DatabaseCatalog::instance(); /// We load temporary database first, because projections need it. database_catalog.initializeAndLoadTemporaryDatabase(); loadMetadataSystem(global_context); maybeConvertSystemDatabase(global_context); /// After attaching system databases we can initialize system log. global_context->initializeSystemLogs(); global_context->setSystemZooKeeperLogAfterInitializationIfNeeded(); /// After the system database is created, attach virtual system tables (in addition to query_log and part_log) attachSystemTablesServer(global_context, *database_catalog.getSystemDatabase(), has_zookeeper); attachInformationSchema(global_context, *database_catalog.getDatabase(DatabaseCatalog::INFORMATION_SCHEMA)); attachInformationSchema(global_context, *database_catalog.getDatabase(DatabaseCatalog::INFORMATION_SCHEMA_UPPERCASE)); /// Firstly remove partially dropped databases, to avoid race with MaterializedMySQLSyncThread, /// that may execute DROP before loadMarkedAsDroppedTables() in background, /// and so loadMarkedAsDroppedTables() will find it and try to add, and UUID will overlap. database_catalog.loadMarkedAsDroppedTables(); database_catalog.createBackgroundTasks(); /// Then, load remaining databases loadMetadata(global_context, default_database); convertDatabasesEnginesIfNeed(global_context); startupSystemTables(); database_catalog.startupBackgroundCleanup(); /// After loading validate that default database exists database_catalog.assertDatabaseExists(default_database); /// Load user-defined SQL functions. global_context->getUserDefinedSQLObjectsLoader().loadObjects(); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "Caught exception while loading metadata"); throw; } LOG_DEBUG(log, "Loaded metadata."); /// Init trace collector only after trace_log system table was created /// Disable it if we collect test coverage information, because it will work extremely slow. #if USE_UNWIND && !WITH_COVERAGE /// Profilers cannot work reliably with any other libunwind or without PHDR cache. if (hasPHDRCache()) { global_context->initializeTraceCollector(); /// Set up server-wide memory profiler (for total memory tracker). UInt64 total_memory_profiler_step = config().getUInt64("total_memory_profiler_step", 0); if (total_memory_profiler_step) { total_memory_tracker.setProfilerStep(total_memory_profiler_step); } double total_memory_tracker_sample_probability = config().getDouble("total_memory_tracker_sample_probability", 0); if (total_memory_tracker_sample_probability > 0.0) { total_memory_tracker.setSampleProbability(total_memory_tracker_sample_probability); } } #endif /// Describe multiple reasons when query profiler cannot work. #if !USE_UNWIND LOG_INFO(log, "Query Profiler and TraceCollector are disabled because they cannot work without bundled unwind (stack unwinding) library."); #endif #if WITH_COVERAGE LOG_INFO(log, "Query Profiler and TraceCollector are disabled because they work extremely slow with test coverage."); #endif #if defined(SANITIZER) LOG_INFO(log, "Query Profiler disabled because they cannot work under sanitizers" " when two different stack unwinding methods will interfere with each other."); #endif #if !defined(__x86_64__) LOG_INFO(log, "Query Profiler and TraceCollector is only tested on x86_64. It also known to not work under qemu-user."); #endif if (!hasPHDRCache()) LOG_INFO(log, "Query Profiler and TraceCollector are disabled because they require PHDR cache to be created" " (otherwise the function 'dl_iterate_phdr' is not lock free and not async-signal safe)."); #if defined(OS_LINUX) auto tasks_stats_provider = TasksStatsCounters::findBestAvailableProvider(); if (tasks_stats_provider == TasksStatsCounters::MetricsProvider::None) { LOG_INFO(log, "It looks like this system does not have procfs mounted at /proc location," " neither clickhouse-server process has CAP_NET_ADMIN capability." " 'taskstats' performance statistics will be disabled." " It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation." " You can try to resolve the problem manually with 'sudo setcap cap_net_admin=+ep {}'." " Note that it will not work on 'nosuid' mounted filesystems." " It also doesn't work if you run clickhouse-server inside network namespace as it happens in some containers.", executable_path); } else { LOG_INFO(log, "Tasks stats provider: {}", TasksStatsCounters::metricsProviderString(tasks_stats_provider)); } if (!hasLinuxCapability(CAP_SYS_NICE)) { LOG_INFO(log, "It looks like the process has no CAP_SYS_NICE capability, the setting 'os_thread_priority' will have no effect." " It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation." " You could resolve the problem manually with 'sudo setcap cap_sys_nice=+ep {}'." " Note that it will not work on 'nosuid' mounted filesystems.", executable_path); } #else LOG_INFO(log, "TaskStats is not implemented for this OS. IO accounting will be disabled."); #endif { attachSystemTablesAsync(global_context, *DatabaseCatalog::instance().getSystemDatabase(), async_metrics); { std::lock_guard lock(servers_lock); createServers(config(), listen_hosts, interserver_listen_hosts, listen_try, server_pool, async_metrics, servers); if (servers.empty()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG, "No servers started (add valid listen_host and 'tcp_port' or 'http_port' " "to configuration file.)"); } if (servers.empty()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG, "No servers started (add valid listen_host and 'tcp_port' or 'http_port' " "to configuration file.)"); #if USE_SSL CertificateReloader::instance().tryLoad(config()); #endif /// Must be done after initialization of `servers`, because async_metrics will access `servers` variable from its thread. async_metrics.start(); { String level_str = config().getString("text_log.level", ""); int level = level_str.empty() ? INT_MAX : Poco::Logger::parseLevel(level_str); setTextLog(global_context->getTextLog(), level); } buildLoggers(config(), logger()); main_config_reloader->start(); access_control.startPeriodicReloading(); /// try to load dictionaries immediately, throw on error and die try { global_context->loadOrReloadDictionaries(config()); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "Caught exception while loading dictionaries."); throw; } /// try to load embedded dictionaries immediately, throw on error and die try { global_context->tryCreateEmbeddedDictionaries(config()); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "Caught exception while loading embedded dictionaries."); throw; } /// try to load user defined executable functions, throw on error and die try { global_context->loadOrReloadUserDefinedExecutableFunctions(config()); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "Caught exception while loading user defined executable functions."); throw; } if (has_zookeeper && config().has("distributed_ddl")) { /// DDL worker should be started after all tables were loaded String ddl_zookeeper_path = config().getString("distributed_ddl.path", "/clickhouse/task_queue/ddl/"); int pool_size = config().getInt("distributed_ddl.pool_size", 1); if (pool_size < 1) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND, "distributed_ddl.pool_size should be greater then 0"); global_context->setDDLWorker(std::make_unique(pool_size, ddl_zookeeper_path, global_context, &config(), "distributed_ddl", "DDLWorker", &CurrentMetrics::MaxDDLEntryID, &CurrentMetrics::MaxPushedDDLEntryID)); } { std::lock_guard lock(servers_lock); for (auto & server : servers) { server.start(); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for {}", server.getDescription()); } global_context->setServerCompletelyStarted(); LOG_INFO(log, "Ready for connections."); } startup_watch.stop(); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::ServerStartupMilliseconds, startup_watch.elapsedMilliseconds()); try { global_context->startClusterDiscovery(); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "Caught exception while starting cluster discovery"); } #if defined(OS_LINUX) /// Tell the service manager that service startup is finished. /// NOTE: the parent clickhouse-watchdog process must do systemdNotify("MAINPID={}\n", child_pid); before /// the child process notifies 'READY=1'. systemdNotify("READY=1\n"); #endif SCOPE_EXIT_SAFE({ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Received termination signal."); /// Stop reloading of the main config. This must be done before everything else because it /// can try to access/modify already deleted objects. /// E.g. it can recreate new servers or it may pass a changed config to some destroyed parts of ContextSharedPart. main_config_reloader.reset(); access_control.stopPeriodicReloading(); is_cancelled = true; LOG_DEBUG(log, "Waiting for current connections to close."); size_t current_connections = 0; { std::lock_guard lock(servers_lock); for (auto & server : servers) { server.stop(); current_connections += server.currentConnections(); } } if (current_connections) LOG_WARNING(log, "Closed all listening sockets. Waiting for {} outstanding connections.", current_connections); else LOG_INFO(log, "Closed all listening sockets."); /// Killing remaining queries. if (!server_settings.shutdown_wait_unfinished_queries) global_context->getProcessList().killAllQueries(); if (current_connections) current_connections = waitServersToFinish(servers, config().getInt("shutdown_wait_unfinished", 5)); if (current_connections) LOG_WARNING(log, "Closed connections. But {} remain." " Tip: To increase wait time add to config: 60", current_connections); else LOG_INFO(log, "Closed connections."); dns_cache_updater.reset(); if (current_connections) { /// There is no better way to force connections to close in Poco. /// Otherwise connection handlers will continue to live /// (they are effectively dangling objects, but they use global thread pool /// and global thread pool destructor will wait for threads, preventing server shutdown). /// Dump coverage here, because std::atexit callback would not be called. dumpCoverageReportIfPossible(); LOG_WARNING(log, "Will shutdown forcefully."); safeExit(0); } }); std::vector> metrics_transmitters; for (const auto & graphite_key : DB::getMultipleKeysFromConfig(config(), "", "graphite")) { metrics_transmitters.emplace_back(std::make_unique( global_context->getConfigRef(), graphite_key, async_metrics)); } waitForTerminationRequest(); } return Application::EXIT_OK; } catch (...) { /// Poco does not provide stacktrace. tryLogCurrentException("Application"); throw; } std::unique_ptr Server::buildProtocolStackFromConfig( const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const std::string & protocol, Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams::Ptr http_params, AsynchronousMetrics & async_metrics, bool & is_secure) { auto create_factory = [&](const std::string & type, const std::string & conf_name) -> TCPServerConnectionFactory::Ptr { if (type == "tcp") return TCPServerConnectionFactory::Ptr(new TCPHandlerFactory(*this, false, false)); if (type == "tls") #if USE_SSL return TCPServerConnectionFactory::Ptr(new TLSHandlerFactory(*this, conf_name)); #else throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED, "SSL support for TCP protocol is disabled because Poco library was built without NetSSL support."); #endif if (type == "proxy1") return TCPServerConnectionFactory::Ptr(new ProxyV1HandlerFactory(*this, conf_name)); if (type == "mysql") return TCPServerConnectionFactory::Ptr(new MySQLHandlerFactory(*this)); if (type == "postgres") return TCPServerConnectionFactory::Ptr(new PostgreSQLHandlerFactory(*this)); if (type == "http") return TCPServerConnectionFactory::Ptr( new HTTPServerConnectionFactory(httpContext(), http_params, createHandlerFactory(*this, config, async_metrics, "HTTPHandler-factory")) ); if (type == "prometheus") return TCPServerConnectionFactory::Ptr( new HTTPServerConnectionFactory(httpContext(), http_params, createHandlerFactory(*this, config, async_metrics, "PrometheusHandler-factory")) ); if (type == "interserver") return TCPServerConnectionFactory::Ptr( new HTTPServerConnectionFactory(httpContext(), http_params, createHandlerFactory(*this, config, async_metrics, "InterserverIOHTTPHandler-factory")) ); throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER, "Protocol configuration error, unknown protocol name '{}'", type); }; std::string conf_name = "protocols." + protocol; std::string prefix = conf_name + "."; std::unordered_set pset {conf_name}; auto stack = std::make_unique(*this, conf_name); while (true) { // if there is no "type" - it's a reference to another protocol and this is just an endpoint if (config.has(prefix + "type")) { std::string type = config.getString(prefix + "type"); if (type == "tls") { if (is_secure) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER, "Protocol '{}' contains more than one TLS layer", protocol); is_secure = true; } stack->append(create_factory(type, conf_name)); } if (!config.has(prefix + "impl")) break; conf_name = "protocols." + config.getString(prefix + "impl"); prefix = conf_name + "."; if (!pset.insert(conf_name).second) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER, "Protocol '{}' configuration contains a loop on '{}'", protocol, conf_name); } return stack; } HTTPContextPtr Server::httpContext() const { return std::make_shared(context()); } void Server::createServers( Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const Strings & listen_hosts, const Strings & interserver_listen_hosts, bool listen_try, Poco::ThreadPool & server_pool, AsynchronousMetrics & async_metrics, std::vector & servers, bool start_servers) { const Settings & settings = global_context->getSettingsRef(); Poco::Timespan keep_alive_timeout(config.getUInt("keep_alive_timeout", 10), 0); Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams::Ptr http_params = new Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams; http_params->setTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); http_params->setKeepAliveTimeout(keep_alive_timeout); Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys protocols; config.keys("protocols", protocols); for (const auto & protocol : protocols) { std::vector hosts; if (config.has("protocols." + protocol + ".host")) hosts.push_back(config.getString("protocols." + protocol + ".host")); else hosts = listen_hosts; for (const auto & host : hosts) { std::string conf_name = "protocols." + protocol; std::string prefix = conf_name + "."; if (!config.has(prefix + "port")) continue; std::string description {" protocol"}; if (config.has(prefix + "description")) description = config.getString(prefix + "description"); std::string port_name = prefix + "port"; bool is_secure = false; auto stack = buildProtocolStackFromConfig(config, protocol, http_params, async_metrics, is_secure); if (stack->empty()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER, "Protocol '{}' stack empty", protocol); createServer(config, host, port_name.c_str(), listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config, socket, host, port, is_secure); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.send_timeout); return ProtocolServerAdapter( host, port_name.c_str(), description + ": " + address.toString(), std::make_unique( stack.release(), server_pool, socket, new Poco::Net::TCPServerParams)); }); } } for (const auto & listen_host : listen_hosts) { /// HTTP const char * port_name = "http_port"; createServer(config, listen_host, port_name, listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config, socket, listen_host, port); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.http_send_timeout); return ProtocolServerAdapter( listen_host, port_name, "http://" + address.toString(), std::make_unique( httpContext(), createHandlerFactory(*this, config, async_metrics, "HTTPHandler-factory"), server_pool, socket, http_params)); }); /// HTTPS port_name = "https_port"; createServer(config, listen_host, port_name, listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { #if USE_SSL Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config, socket, listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.http_send_timeout); return ProtocolServerAdapter( listen_host, port_name, "https://" + address.toString(), std::make_unique( httpContext(), createHandlerFactory(*this, config, async_metrics, "HTTPSHandler-factory"), server_pool, socket, http_params)); #else UNUSED(port); throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED, "HTTPS protocol is disabled because Poco library was built without NetSSL support."); #endif }); /// TCP port_name = "tcp_port"; createServer(config, listen_host, port_name, listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config, socket, listen_host, port); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.send_timeout); return ProtocolServerAdapter( listen_host, port_name, "native protocol (tcp): " + address.toString(), std::make_unique( new TCPHandlerFactory(*this, /* secure */ false, /* proxy protocol */ false), server_pool, socket, new Poco::Net::TCPServerParams)); }); /// TCP with PROXY protocol, see https://github.com/wolfeidau/proxyv2/blob/master/docs/proxy-protocol.txt port_name = "tcp_with_proxy_port"; createServer(config, listen_host, port_name, listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config, socket, listen_host, port); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.send_timeout); return ProtocolServerAdapter( listen_host, port_name, "native protocol (tcp) with PROXY: " + address.toString(), std::make_unique( new TCPHandlerFactory(*this, /* secure */ false, /* proxy protocol */ true), server_pool, socket, new Poco::Net::TCPServerParams)); }); /// TCP with SSL port_name = "tcp_port_secure"; createServer(config, listen_host, port_name, listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { #if USE_SSL Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config, socket, listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.send_timeout); return ProtocolServerAdapter( listen_host, port_name, "secure native protocol (tcp_secure): " + address.toString(), std::make_unique( new TCPHandlerFactory(*this, /* secure */ true, /* proxy protocol */ false), server_pool, socket, new Poco::Net::TCPServerParams)); #else UNUSED(port); throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED, "SSL support for TCP protocol is disabled because Poco library was built without NetSSL support."); #endif }); port_name = "mysql_port"; createServer(config, listen_host, port_name, listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config, socket, listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(Poco::Timespan()); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.send_timeout); return ProtocolServerAdapter( listen_host, port_name, "MySQL compatibility protocol: " + address.toString(), std::make_unique(new MySQLHandlerFactory(*this), server_pool, socket, new Poco::Net::TCPServerParams)); }); port_name = "postgresql_port"; createServer(config, listen_host, port_name, listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config, socket, listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(Poco::Timespan()); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.send_timeout); return ProtocolServerAdapter( listen_host, port_name, "PostgreSQL compatibility protocol: " + address.toString(), std::make_unique(new PostgreSQLHandlerFactory(*this), server_pool, socket, new Poco::Net::TCPServerParams)); }); #if USE_GRPC port_name = "grpc_port"; createServer(config, listen_host, port_name, listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { Poco::Net::SocketAddress server_address(listen_host, port); return ProtocolServerAdapter( listen_host, port_name, "gRPC protocol: " + server_address.toString(), std::make_unique(*this, makeSocketAddress(listen_host, port, &logger()))); }); #endif /// Prometheus (if defined and not setup yet with http_port) port_name = "prometheus.port"; createServer(config, listen_host, port_name, listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config, socket, listen_host, port); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.http_send_timeout); return ProtocolServerAdapter( listen_host, port_name, "Prometheus: http://" + address.toString(), std::make_unique( httpContext(), createHandlerFactory(*this, config, async_metrics, "PrometheusHandler-factory"), server_pool, socket, http_params)); }); } /// Now iterate over interserver_listen_hosts for (const auto & interserver_listen_host : interserver_listen_hosts) { /// Interserver IO HTTP const char * port_name = "interserver_http_port"; createServer(config, interserver_listen_host, port_name, listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config, socket, interserver_listen_host, port); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.http_send_timeout); return ProtocolServerAdapter( interserver_listen_host, port_name, "replica communication (interserver): http://" + address.toString(), std::make_unique( httpContext(), createHandlerFactory(*this, config, async_metrics, "InterserverIOHTTPHandler-factory"), server_pool, socket, http_params)); }); port_name = "interserver_https_port"; createServer(config, interserver_listen_host, port_name, listen_try, start_servers, servers, [&](UInt16 port) -> ProtocolServerAdapter { #if USE_SSL Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(config, socket, interserver_listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.http_send_timeout); return ProtocolServerAdapter( interserver_listen_host, port_name, "secure replica communication (interserver): https://" + address.toString(), std::make_unique( httpContext(), createHandlerFactory(*this, config, async_metrics, "InterserverIOHTTPSHandler-factory"), server_pool, socket, http_params)); #else UNUSED(port); throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED, "SSL support for TCP protocol is disabled because Poco library was built without NetSSL support."); #endif }); } } void Server::updateServers( Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, Poco::ThreadPool & server_pool, AsynchronousMetrics & async_metrics, std::vector & servers) { Poco::Logger * log = &logger(); const auto listen_hosts = getListenHosts(config); const auto interserver_listen_hosts = getInterserverListenHosts(config); const auto listen_try = getListenTry(config); /// Remove servers once all their connections are closed auto check_server = [&log](const char prefix[], auto & server) { if (!server.isStopping()) return false; size_t current_connections = server.currentConnections(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Server {}{}: {} ({} connections)", server.getDescription(), prefix, !current_connections ? "finished" : "waiting", current_connections); return !current_connections; }; std::erase_if(servers, std::bind_front(check_server, " (from one of previous reload)")); Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & previous_config = latest_config ? *latest_config : this->config(); for (auto & server : servers) { if (!server.isStopping()) { std::string port_name = server.getPortName(); bool has_host = false; bool is_http = false; if (port_name.starts_with("protocols.")) { std::string protocol = port_name.substr(0, port_name.find_last_of('.')); has_host = config.has(protocol + ".host"); std::string conf_name = protocol; std::string prefix = protocol + "."; std::unordered_set pset {conf_name}; while (true) { if (config.has(prefix + "type")) { std::string type = config.getString(prefix + "type"); if (type == "http") { is_http = true; break; } } if (!config.has(prefix + "impl")) break; conf_name = "protocols." + config.getString(prefix + "impl"); prefix = conf_name + "."; if (!pset.insert(conf_name).second) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER, "Protocol '{}' configuration contains a loop on '{}'", protocol, conf_name); } } else { /// NOTE: better to compare using getPortName() over using /// dynamic_cast<> since HTTPServer is also used for prometheus and /// internal replication communications. is_http = server.getPortName() == "http_port" || server.getPortName() == "https_port"; } if (!has_host) has_host = std::find(listen_hosts.begin(), listen_hosts.end(), server.getListenHost()) != listen_hosts.end(); bool has_port = !config.getString(port_name, "").empty(); bool force_restart = is_http && !isSameConfiguration(previous_config, config, "http_handlers"); if (force_restart) LOG_TRACE(log, " had been changed, will reload {}", server.getDescription()); if (!has_host || !has_port || config.getInt(server.getPortName()) != server.portNumber() || force_restart) { server.stop(); LOG_INFO(log, "Stopped listening for {}", server.getDescription()); } } } createServers(config, listen_hosts, interserver_listen_hosts, listen_try, server_pool, async_metrics, servers, /* start_servers= */ true); std::erase_if(servers, std::bind_front(check_server, "")); } }