#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import os import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import List from ci_config import CI_CONFIG, Build from env_helper import ( GITHUB_JOB_URL, GITHUB_REPOSITORY, GITHUB_SERVER_URL, REPORT_PATH, TEMP_PATH, ) from pr_info import PRInfo from report import ( ERROR, PENDING, SUCCESS, BuildResult, JobReport, create_build_html_report, get_worst_status, ) from stopwatch import Stopwatch # Old way to read the neads_data NEEDS_DATA_PATH = os.getenv("NEEDS_DATA_PATH", "") # Now it's set here. Two-steps migration for backward compatibility NEEDS_DATA = os.getenv("NEEDS_DATA", "") def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) stopwatch = Stopwatch() temp_path = Path(TEMP_PATH) reports_path = Path(REPORT_PATH) temp_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) logging.info( "Reports found:\n %s", "\n ".join(p.as_posix() for p in reports_path.rglob("*.json")), ) build_check_name = sys.argv[1] pr_info = PRInfo() builds_for_check = CI_CONFIG.get_builds_for_report( build_check_name, release=pr_info.is_release(), backport=pr_info.head_ref.startswith("backport/"), ) required_builds = len(builds_for_check) missing_builds = 0 # Collect reports from json artifacts build_results = [] # type: List[BuildResult] for build_name in builds_for_check: build_result = BuildResult.load_any( build_name, pr_info.number, pr_info.head_ref ) if not build_result: if build_name == Build.FUZZERS: logging.info("Build [%s] is missing - skip", Build.FUZZERS) continue logging.warning("Build results for %s is missing", build_name) build_result = BuildResult.missing_result("missing") build_result.job_name = build_name build_result.status = PENDING logging.info( "There is missing report for %s, created a dummy result %s", build_name, build_result, ) missing_builds += 1 build_results.insert(0, build_result) else: assert ( pr_info.head_ref == build_result.head_ref or pr_info.number > 0 ), "BUG. if not a PR, report must be created on the same branch" build_results.append(build_result) # Calculate artifact groups like packages and binaries total_groups = sum(len(br.grouped_urls) for br in build_results) ok_groups = sum( len(br.grouped_urls) for br in build_results if br.status == SUCCESS ) logging.info("Totally got %s artifact groups", total_groups) if total_groups == 0: logging.error("No success builds, failing check without creating a status") sys.exit(1) branch_url = f"{GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/commits/master" branch_name = "master" if pr_info.number != 0: branch_name = f"PR #{pr_info.number}" branch_url = f"{GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/pull/{pr_info.number}" commit_url = f"{GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/commit/{pr_info.sha}" task_url = GITHUB_JOB_URL() report = create_build_html_report( build_check_name, build_results, task_url, branch_url, branch_name, commit_url, ) report_path = temp_path / "report.html" report_path.write_text(report, encoding="utf-8") # Prepare a commit status summary_status = get_worst_status(br.status for br in build_results) # Check if there are no builds at all, do not override bad status if summary_status == SUCCESS: if missing_builds: summary_status = PENDING elif ok_groups == 0: summary_status = ERROR addition = "" if missing_builds: addition = ( f" ({required_builds - missing_builds} of {required_builds} builds are OK)" ) description = f"{ok_groups}/{total_groups} artifact groups are OK{addition}" JobReport( description=description, test_results=[], status=summary_status, start_time=stopwatch.start_time_str, duration=stopwatch.duration_seconds, additional_files=[report_path], ).dump() # We should fail the report job to rerun it in the following attempts if summary_status != SUCCESS: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()