# Embed a set of resource files into a resulting object file. # # Signature: `clickhouse_embed_binaries(TARGET RESOURCE_DIR RESOURCES ...) # # This will generate a static library target named ``, which contains the contents of # each `` file. The files should be located in ``. defaults to # ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}, and the resources may not be empty. # # Each resource will result in three symbols in the final archive, based on the name ``. # These are: # 1. `_binary__start`: Points to the start of the binary data from ``. # 2. `_binary__end`: Points to the end of the binary data from ``. # 2. `_binary__size`: Points to the size of the binary data from ``. # # `` is a normalized name derived from ``, by replacing the characters "./-" with # the character "_", and the character "+" with "_PLUS_". This scheme is similar to those generated # by `ld -r -b binary`, and matches the expectations in `./base/common/getResource.cpp`. macro(clickhouse_embed_binaries) set(one_value_args TARGET RESOURCE_DIR) set(resources RESOURCES) cmake_parse_arguments(EMBED "" "${one_value_args}" ${resources} ${ARGN}) if (NOT DEFINED EMBED_TARGET) message(FATAL_ERROR "A target name must be provided for embedding binary resources into") endif() if (NOT DEFINED EMBED_RESOURCE_DIR) set(EMBED_RESOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") endif() list(LENGTH EMBED_RESOURCES N_RESOURCES) if (N_RESOURCES LESS 1) message(FATAL_ERROR "The list of binary resources to embed may not be empty") endif() # If cross-compiling, ensure we use the toolchain file and target the # actual target architecture if (CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) set(CROSS_COMPILE_FLAGS "--target=${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET} --gcc-toolchain=${TOOLCHAIN_FILE}") else() set(CROSS_COMPILE_FLAGS "") endif() set(EMBED_TEMPLATE_FILE "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/programs/embed_binary.S.in") set(RESOURCE_OBJS) foreach(RESOURCE_FILE ${EMBED_RESOURCES}) set(RESOURCE_OBJ "${RESOURCE_FILE}.o") list(APPEND RESOURCE_OBJS "${RESOURCE_OBJ}") # Normalize the name of the resource set(BINARY_FILE_NAME "${RESOURCE_FILE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "[\./-]" "_" SYMBOL_NAME "${RESOURCE_FILE}") # - must be last in regex string(REPLACE "+" "_PLUS_" SYMBOL_NAME "${SYMBOL_NAME}") set(ASSEMBLY_FILE_NAME "${RESOURCE_FILE}.S") # Put the configured assembly file in the output directory. # This is so we can clean it up as usual, and we CD to the # source directory before compiling, so that the assembly # `.incbin` directive can find the file. configure_file("${EMBED_TEMPLATE_FILE}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${ASSEMBLY_FILE_NAME}" @ONLY) # Generate the output object file by compiling the assembly, in the directory of # the sources so that the resource file may also be found add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${RESOURCE_OBJ} COMMAND cd "${EMBED_RESOURCE_DIR}" && ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} "${CROSS_COMPILE_FLAGS}" -c -o "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${RESOURCE_OBJ}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${ASSEMBLY_FILE_NAME}" ) set_source_files_properties("${RESOURCE_OBJ}" PROPERTIES EXTERNAL_OBJECT true GENERATED true) endforeach() add_library("${EMBED_TARGET}" STATIC ${RESOURCE_OBJS}) set_target_properties("${EMBED_TARGET}" PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE C) endmacro()