#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import logging
import sys
import json
import subprocess
import traceback
import re

from github import Github

from pr_info import PRInfo
from s3_helper import S3Helper
from get_robot_token import get_best_robot_token
from docker_pull_helper import get_image_with_version
from commit_status_helper import get_commit, post_commit_status
from tee_popen import TeePopen
from rerun_helper import RerunHelper

IMAGE_NAME = 'clickhouse/performance-comparison'

def get_run_command(workspace, result_path, pr_to_test, sha_to_test, additional_env, image):
    return f"docker run --privileged --volume={workspace}:/workspace --volume={result_path}:/output " \
        f"--cap-add syslog --cap-add sys_admin --cap-add sys_rawio " \
        f"-e PR_TO_TEST={pr_to_test} -e SHA_TO_TEST={sha_to_test} {additional_env} " \

class RamDrive:
    def __init__(self, path, size):
        self.path = path
        self.size = size

    def __enter__(self):
        if not os.path.exists(self.path):

        subprocess.check_call(f"sudo mount -t tmpfs -o rw,size={self.size} tmpfs {self.path}", shell=True)

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        subprocess.check_call(f"sudo umount {self.path}", shell=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    temp_path = os.getenv("TEMP_PATH", os.path.abspath("."))
    repo_path = os.getenv("REPO_COPY", os.path.abspath("../../"))
    ramdrive_path = os.getenv("RAMDRIVE_PATH", os.path.join(temp_path, "ramdrive"))
    # currently unused, doesn't make tests more stable
    ramdrive_size = os.getenv("RAMDRIVE_SIZE", '0G')
    reports_path = os.getenv("REPORTS_PATH", "./reports")

    check_name = sys.argv[1]

    if not os.path.exists(temp_path):

    with open(os.getenv('GITHUB_EVENT_PATH'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as event_file:
        event = json.load(event_file)

    gh = Github(get_best_robot_token())
    pr_info = PRInfo(event)
    commit = get_commit(gh, pr_info.sha)

    docker_env = ''

    docker_env += " -e S3_URL=https://s3.amazonaws.com/clickhouse-builds"

    if pr_info.number == 0:
        pr_link = commit.html_url
        pr_link = f"https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/pull/{pr_info.number}"

    task_url = f"https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/actions/runs/{os.getenv('GITHUB_RUN_ID')}"
    docker_env += ' -e CHPC_ADD_REPORT_LINKS="<a href={}>Job (actions)</a> <a href={}>Tested commit</a>"'.format(
        task_url, pr_link)

    if 'RUN_BY_HASH_TOTAL' in os.environ:
        run_by_hash_total = int(os.getenv('RUN_BY_HASH_TOTAL'))
        run_by_hash_num = int(os.getenv('RUN_BY_HASH_NUM'))
        docker_env += f' -e CHPC_TEST_RUN_BY_HASH_TOTAL={run_by_hash_total} -e CHPC_TEST_RUN_BY_HASH_NUM={run_by_hash_num}'
        check_name_with_group = check_name + f' [{run_by_hash_num + 1}/{run_by_hash_total}]'
        check_name_with_group = check_name

    rerun_helper = RerunHelper(gh, pr_info, check_name_with_group)
    if rerun_helper.is_already_finished_by_status():
        logging.info("Check is already finished according to github status, exiting")

    docker_image = get_image_with_version(reports_path, IMAGE_NAME)

    #with RamDrive(ramdrive_path, ramdrive_size):
    result_path = ramdrive_path
    if not os.path.exists(result_path):

    run_command = get_run_command(result_path, result_path, pr_info.number, pr_info.sha, docker_env, docker_image)
    logging.info("Going to run command %s", run_command)
    run_log_path = os.path.join(temp_path, "runlog.log")
    with TeePopen(run_command, run_log_path) as process:
        retcode = process.wait()
        if retcode == 0:
            logging.info("Run successfully")
            logging.info("Run failed")

    subprocess.check_call(f"sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu {temp_path}", shell=True)

    paths = {
        'compare.log': os.path.join(result_path, 'compare.log'),
        'output.7z': os.path.join(result_path, 'output.7z'),
        'report.html': os.path.join(result_path, 'report.html'),
        'all-queries.html': os.path.join(result_path, 'all-queries.html'),
        'queries.rep': os.path.join(result_path, 'queries.rep'),
        'all-query-metrics.tsv': os.path.join(result_path, 'report/all-query-metrics.tsv'),
        'runlog.log': run_log_path,

    check_name_prefix = check_name_with_group.lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('(', '_').replace(')', '_').replace(',', '_')
    s3_prefix = f'{pr_info.number}/{pr_info.sha}/{check_name_prefix}/'
    s3_helper = S3Helper('https://s3.amazonaws.com')
    for file in paths:
            paths[file] = s3_helper.upload_test_report_to_s3(paths[file],
                s3_prefix + file)
        except Exception:
            paths[file] = ''

    # Upload all images and flamegraphs to S3
            os.path.join(result_path, 'images'),
            s3_prefix + 'images'
    except Exception:

    # Try to fetch status from the report.
    status = ''
    message = ''
        report_text = open(os.path.join(result_path, 'report.html'), 'r').read()
        status_match = re.search('<!--[ ]*status:(.*)-->', report_text)
        message_match = re.search('<!--[ ]*message:(.*)-->', report_text)
        if status_match:
            status = status_match.group(1).strip()
        if message_match:
            message = message_match.group(1).strip()

        # TODO: Remove me, always green mode for the first time
        status = 'success'
    except Exception:
        status = 'failure'
        message = 'Failed to parse the report.'

    if not status:
        status = 'failure'
        message = 'No status in report.'
    elif not message:
        status = 'failure'
        message = 'No message in report.'

    report_url = task_url

    if paths['runlog.log']:
        report_url = paths['runlog.log']

    if paths['compare.log']:
        report_url = paths['compare.log']

    if paths['output.7z']:
        report_url = paths['output.7z']

    if paths['report.html']:
        report_url = paths['report.html']

    post_commit_status(gh, pr_info.sha, check_name_with_group, message, status, report_url)