#pragma once /** Allows to compare two incremental counters of type UInt32 in presence of possible overflow. * We assume that we compare values that are not too far away. * For example, when we increment 0xFFFFFFFF, we get 0. So, 0xFFFFFFFF is less than 0. */ class WrappingUInt32 { public: UInt32 value; explicit WrappingUInt32(UInt32 _value) : value(_value) {} bool operator<(const WrappingUInt32 & other) const { return value != other.value && *this <= other; } bool operator<=(const WrappingUInt32 & other) const { const UInt32 HALF = 1 << 31; return (value <= other.value && other.value - value < HALF) || (value > other.value && value - other.value > HALF); } bool operator==(const WrappingUInt32 & other) const { return value == other.value; } }; /** Conforming Zxid definition. * cf. https://github.com/apache/zookeeper/blob/631d1b284f0edb1c4f6b0fb221bf2428aec71aaa/zookeeper-docs/src/main/resources/markdown/zookeeperInternals.md#guarantees-properties-and-definitions * * But it is better to read this: https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.1.2/zookeeperProgrammers.html * * Actually here is the definition of Zxid. * Every change to the ZooKeeper state receives a stamp in the form of a zxid (ZooKeeper Transaction Id). * This exposes the total ordering of all changes to ZooKeeper. Each change will have a unique zxid * and if zxid1 is smaller than zxid2 then zxid1 happened before zxid2. */ class Zxid { public: WrappingUInt32 epoch; WrappingUInt32 counter; explicit Zxid(UInt64 _zxid) : epoch(_zxid >> 32) , counter(_zxid) {} bool operator<=(const Zxid & other) const { return (epoch < other.epoch) || (epoch == other.epoch && counter <= other.counter); } bool operator==(const Zxid & other) const { return epoch == other.epoch && counter == other.counter; } }; /* When multiple ClusterCopiers discover that the target partition is not empty, * they will attempt to clean up this partition before proceeding to copying. * * Instead of purging is_dirty, the history of cleaning work is preserved and partition hygiene is established * based on a happens-before relation between the events. * This relation is encoded by LogicalClock based on the mzxid of the is_dirty ZNode and is_dirty/cleaned. * The fact of the partition hygiene is encoded by CleanStateClock. * * For you to know what mzxid means: * * ZooKeeper Stat Structure: * The Stat structure for each znode in ZooKeeper is made up of the following fields: * * -- czxid * The zxid of the change that caused this znode to be created. * * -- mzxid * The zxid of the change that last modified this znode. * * -- ctime * The time in milliseconds from epoch when this znode was created. * * -- mtime * The time in milliseconds from epoch when this znode was last modified. * * -- version * The number of changes to the data of this znode. * * -- cversion * The number of changes to the children of this znode. * * -- aversion * The number of changes to the ACL of this znode. * * -- ephemeralOwner * The session id of the owner of this znode if the znode is an ephemeral node. * If it is not an ephemeral node, it will be zero. * * -- dataLength * The length of the data field of this znode. * * -- numChildren * The number of children of this znode. * */ class LogicalClock { public: std::optional zxid; LogicalClock() = default; explicit LogicalClock(UInt64 _zxid) : zxid(_zxid) {} bool hasHappened() const { return bool(zxid); } /// happens-before relation with a reasonable time bound bool happensBefore(const LogicalClock & other) const { return !zxid || (other.zxid && *zxid <= *other.zxid); } bool operator<=(const LogicalClock & other) const { return happensBefore(other); } /// strict equality check bool operator==(const LogicalClock & other) const { return zxid == other.zxid; } }; class CleanStateClock { public: LogicalClock discovery_zxid; std::optional discovery_version; LogicalClock clean_state_zxid; std::optional clean_state_version; std::shared_ptr stale; bool is_clean() const { return !is_stale() && (!discovery_zxid.hasHappened() || (clean_state_zxid.hasHappened() && discovery_zxid <= clean_state_zxid)); } bool is_stale() const { return stale->load(); } CleanStateClock( const zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper, const String & discovery_path, const String & clean_state_path) : stale(std::make_shared(false)) { Coordination::Stat stat{}; String _some_data; auto watch_callback = [stale = stale] (const Coordination::WatchResponse & rsp) { auto logger = &Poco::Logger::get("ClusterCopier"); if (rsp.error == Coordination::ZOK) { switch (rsp.type) { case Coordination::CREATED: LOG_DEBUG(logger, "CleanStateClock change: CREATED, at {}", rsp.path); stale->store(true); break; case Coordination::CHANGED: LOG_DEBUG(logger, "CleanStateClock change: CHANGED, at {}", rsp.path); stale->store(true); } } }; if (zookeeper->tryGetWatch(discovery_path, _some_data, &stat, watch_callback)) { discovery_zxid = LogicalClock(stat.mzxid); discovery_version = stat.version; } if (zookeeper->tryGetWatch(clean_state_path, _some_data, &stat, watch_callback)) { clean_state_zxid = LogicalClock(stat.mzxid); clean_state_version = stat.version; } } bool operator==(const CleanStateClock & other) const { return !is_stale() && !other.is_stale() && discovery_zxid == other.discovery_zxid && discovery_version == other.discovery_version && clean_state_zxid == other.clean_state_zxid && clean_state_version == other.clean_state_version; } bool operator!=(const CleanStateClock & other) const { return !(*this == other); } };