import logging import time import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger().addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def cluster(): try: cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) cluster.add_instance("node1", main_configs=["configs/config.d/s3.xml"], macros={'replica': '1'}, with_minio=True, with_zookeeper=True) cluster.add_instance("node2", main_configs=["configs/config.d/s3.xml"], macros={'replica': '2'}, with_minio=True, with_zookeeper=True)"Starting cluster...") cluster.start()"Cluster started") yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def get_large_objects_count(cluster, size=100): minio = cluster.minio_client counter = 0 for obj in minio.list_objects(cluster.minio_bucket, 'data/'): if obj.size >= size: counter = counter + 1 return counter @pytest.mark.parametrize( "policy", ["s3"] ) def test_s3_zero_copy_replication(cluster, policy): node1 = cluster.instances["node1"] node2 = cluster.instances["node2"] node1.query( """ CREATE TABLE s3_test ON CLUSTER test_cluster (id UInt32, value String) ENGINE=ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/s3_test', '{}') ORDER BY id SETTINGS storage_policy='{}' """ .format('{replica}', policy) ) node1.query("INSERT INTO s3_test VALUES (0,'data'),(1,'data')") time.sleep(1) assert node1.query("SELECT * FROM s3_test order by id FORMAT Values") == "(0,'data'),(1,'data')" assert node2.query("SELECT * FROM s3_test order by id FORMAT Values") == "(0,'data'),(1,'data')" # Based on version 20.x - should be only one file with size 100+ (checksums.txt), used by both nodes assert get_large_objects_count(cluster) == 1 node2.query("INSERT INTO s3_test VALUES (2,'data'),(3,'data')") time.sleep(1) assert node2.query("SELECT * FROM s3_test order by id FORMAT Values") == "(0,'data'),(1,'data'),(2,'data'),(3,'data')" assert node1.query("SELECT * FROM s3_test order by id FORMAT Values") == "(0,'data'),(1,'data'),(2,'data'),(3,'data')" # Based on version 20.x - two parts assert get_large_objects_count(cluster) == 2 node1.query("OPTIMIZE TABLE s3_test") time.sleep(1) # Based on version 20.x - after merge, two old parts and one merged assert get_large_objects_count(cluster) == 3 # Based on version 20.x - after cleanup - only one merged part countdown = 60 while countdown > 0: if get_large_objects_count(cluster) == 1: break time.sleep(1) countdown -= 1 assert get_large_objects_count(cluster) == 1 node1.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS s3_test NO DELAY") node2.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS s3_test NO DELAY")