-- Tags: no-parallel DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS 02961_db1; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS 02961_db1; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS 02961_db2; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS 02961_db2; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 02961_db1.02961_tb1 (id UInt32) Engine=Memory(); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 02961_db1.02961_tb2 (id UInt32) Engine=Memory(); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 02961_db2.02961_tb3 (id UInt32) Engine=Memory(); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 02961_db2.02961_tb4 (id UInt32) Engine=Memory(); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 02961_db2.02961_tb5 (id UInt32) Engine=Memory(); DROP TABLE 02961_db1.02961_tb1, 02961_db1.02961_tb2, 02961_db2.02961_tb3; SELECT '-- check which tables exist in 02961_db1'; SHOW TABLES FROM 02961_db1; SELECT '-- check which tables exist in 02961_db2'; SHOW TABLES FROM 02961_db2; SELECT 'Test when deletion of existing table fails'; DROP TABLE 02961_db2.02961_tb4, 02961_db1.02961_tb1, 02961_db2.02961_tb5; -- { serverError UNKNOWN_TABLE } SELECT '-- check which tables exist in 02961_db1'; SHOW TABLES FROM 02961_db1; SELECT '-- check which tables exist in 02961_db2'; SHOW TABLES FROM 02961_db2; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tab1, tab2, tab3; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tab1 (id UInt32) Engine=Memory(); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tab2 (id UInt32) Engine=Memory(); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tab3 (id UInt32) Engine=Memory(); INSERT INTO tab2 SELECT number FROM system.numbers limit 10; DROP TABLE IF EMPTY tab1, tab2, tab3; -- { serverError TABLE_NOT_EMPTY } SELECT 'Test when deletion of not empty table fails'; SHOW TABLES; TRUNCATE TABLE tab2, tab3; -- { clientError SYNTAX_ERROR } DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tab1, tab2, tab3; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS 02961_db1; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS 02961_db2;