#!/usr/bin/env bash # Tags: long, no-replicated-database, no-ordinary-database # shellcheck disable=SC2015 CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) # shellcheck source=../shell_config.sh . "$CURDIR"/../shell_config.sh set -e $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS src"; $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dst"; $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query "CREATE TABLE src (n UInt64, type UInt8) ENGINE=MergeTree ORDER BY type SETTINGS old_parts_lifetime=0"; $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query "CREATE TABLE dst (n UInt64, type UInt8) ENGINE=MergeTree ORDER BY type SETTINGS old_parts_lifetime=0"; function thread_insert() { set -e val=1 while true; do $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --multiquery --query " BEGIN TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO src VALUES /* ($val, 1) */ ($val, 1); INSERT INTO src VALUES /* ($val, 2) */ ($val, 2); COMMIT;" val=$((val+1)) sleep 0.$RANDOM; done } # NOTE # ALTER PARTITION query stops merges, # but serialization error is still possible if some merge was assigned (and committed) between BEGIN and ALTER. function thread_partition_src_to_dst() { set -e count=0 sum=0 for i in {1..20}; do out=$( $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --multiquery --query " BEGIN TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO src VALUES /* ($i, 3) */ ($i, 3); INSERT INTO dst SELECT * FROM src; ALTER TABLE src DROP PARTITION ID 'all'; SET throw_on_unsupported_query_inside_transaction=0; SELECT throwIf((SELECT (count(), sum(n)) FROM merge(currentDatabase(), '') WHERE type=3) != ($count + 1, $sum + $i)) FORMAT Null; COMMIT;" 2>&1) ||: echo "$out" | grep -Fv "SERIALIZATION_ERROR" | grep -F "Received from " && $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --multiquery --query " begin transaction; set transaction snapshot 3; select $i, 'src', type, n, _part from src order by type, n; select $i, 'dst', type, n, _part from dst order by type, n; rollback" ||: echo "$out" | grep -Fa "SERIALIZATION_ERROR" >/dev/null || count=$((count+1)) echo "$out" | grep -Fa "SERIALIZATION_ERROR" >/dev/null || sum=$((sum+i)) done } function thread_partition_dst_to_src() { set -e for i in {1..20}; do action="ROLLBACK" if (( i % 2 )); then action="COMMIT" fi $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --multiquery --query " SYSTEM STOP MERGES dst; ALTER TABLE dst DROP PARTITION ID 'nonexistent'; -- STOP MERGES doesn't wait for started merges to finish, so we use this trick SYSTEM SYNC TRANSACTION LOG; BEGIN TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO dst VALUES /* ($i, 4) */ ($i, 4); INSERT INTO src SELECT * FROM dst; ALTER TABLE dst DROP PARTITION ID 'all'; SET throw_on_unsupported_query_inside_transaction=0; SYSTEM START MERGES dst; SELECT throwIf((SELECT (count(), sum(n)) FROM merge(currentDatabase(), '') WHERE type=4) != (toUInt8($i/2 + 1), (select sum(number) from numbers(1, $i) where number % 2 or number=$i))) FORMAT Null; $action;" done } function thread_select() { set -e while true; do $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --multiquery --query " BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- no duplicates SELECT type, throwIf(count(n) != countDistinct(n)) FROM src GROUP BY type FORMAT Null; SELECT type, throwIf(count(n) != countDistinct(n)) FROM dst GROUP BY type FORMAT Null; -- rows inserted by thread_insert moved together SET throw_on_unsupported_query_inside_transaction=0; SELECT _table, throwIf(arraySort(groupArrayIf(n, type=1)) != arraySort(groupArrayIf(n, type=2))) FROM merge(currentDatabase(), '') GROUP BY _table FORMAT Null; -- all rows are inserted in insert_thread SELECT type, throwIf(count(n) != max(n)), throwIf(sum(n) != max(n)*(max(n)+1)/2) FROM merge(currentDatabase(), '') WHERE type IN (1, 2) GROUP BY type ORDER BY type FORMAT Null; COMMIT;" done } thread_insert & PID_1=$! thread_select & PID_2=$! thread_partition_src_to_dst & PID_3=$! thread_partition_dst_to_src & PID_4=$! wait $PID_3 && wait $PID_4 kill -TERM $PID_1 kill -TERM $PID_2 wait wait_for_queries_to_finish $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "SELECT type, count(n) = countDistinct(n) FROM merge(currentDatabase(), '') GROUP BY type ORDER BY type" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "SELECT DISTINCT arraySort(groupArrayIf(n, type=1)) = arraySort(groupArrayIf(n, type=2)) FROM merge(currentDatabase(), '') GROUP BY _table ORDER BY _table" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "SELECT count(n), sum(n) FROM merge(currentDatabase(), '') WHERE type=4" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "SELECT type, count(n) == max(n), sum(n) == max(n)*(max(n)+1)/2 FROM merge(currentDatabase(), '') WHERE type IN (1, 2) GROUP BY type ORDER BY type" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query "DROP TABLE src"; $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query "DROP TABLE dst";