import time from contextlib import contextmanager import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from import PartitionManager from helpers.test_tools import assert_eq_with_retry cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) node1 = cluster.add_instance( "node1", main_configs=["configs/remote_servers.xml"], with_zookeeper=True ) node2 = cluster.add_instance( "node2", main_configs=["configs/remote_servers.xml"], with_zookeeper=True ) node3 = cluster.add_instance( "node3", main_configs=["configs/remote_servers.xml"], with_zookeeper=True ) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: cluster.start() node_to_shards = [ (node1, [0, 2]), (node2, [0, 1]), (node3, [1, 2]), ] for node, shards in node_to_shards: for shard in shards: node.query( """ CREATE DATABASE shard_{shard}; CREATE TABLE shard_{shard}.replicated(date Date, id UInt32, shard_id UInt32) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{shard}/replicated', '{replica}', date, id, 8192); """.format( shard=shard, ) ) node.query( """ CREATE TABLE distributed(date Date, id UInt32, shard_id UInt32) ENGINE = Distributed(test_cluster, '', replicated, shard_id); """ ) # Insert some data onto different shards using the Distributed table to_insert = """\ 2017-06-16 111 0 2017-06-16 222 1 2017-06-16 333 2 """ node1.query("INSERT INTO distributed FORMAT TSV", stdin=to_insert) time.sleep(5) yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def test(started_cluster): # Check that the data has been inserted into correct tables. assert_eq_with_retry(node1, "SELECT id FROM shard_0.replicated", "111") assert_eq_with_retry(node1, "SELECT id FROM shard_2.replicated", "333") assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT id FROM shard_0.replicated", "111") assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT id FROM shard_1.replicated", "222") assert_eq_with_retry(node3, "SELECT id FROM shard_1.replicated", "222") assert_eq_with_retry(node3, "SELECT id FROM shard_2.replicated", "333") # Check that SELECT from the Distributed table works. expected_from_distributed = """\ 2017-06-16 111 0 2017-06-16 222 1 2017-06-16 333 2 """ assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT * FROM distributed ORDER BY id", expected_from_distributed ) assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "SELECT * FROM distributed ORDER BY id", expected_from_distributed ) assert_eq_with_retry( node3, "SELECT * FROM distributed ORDER BY id", expected_from_distributed ) # Now isolate node3 from other nodes and check that SELECTs on other nodes still work. with PartitionManager() as pm: pm.partition_instances(node3, node1, action="REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset") pm.partition_instances(node3, node2, action="REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset") assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT * FROM distributed ORDER BY id", expected_from_distributed ) assert_eq_with_retry( node2, "SELECT * FROM distributed ORDER BY id", expected_from_distributed ) with pytest.raises(Exception): print( node3.query_with_retry( "SELECT * FROM distributed ORDER BY id", retry_count=5 ) ) if __name__ == "__main__": with contextmanager(started_cluster)() as cluster: for name, instance in list(cluster.instances.items()): print(name, instance.ip_address) input("Cluster created, press any key to destroy...")