import pytest import random from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from helpers.test_tools import assert_eq_with_retry DICTIONARY_FILES = [ "configs/dictionaries/dep_x.xml", "configs/dictionaries/dep_y.xml", "configs/dictionaries/dep_z.xml", "configs/dictionaries/node.xml", ] cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) instance = cluster.add_instance( "instance", main_configs=["configs/config.xml"], dictionaries=DICTIONARY_FILES, stay_alive=True, ) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: cluster.start() instance.query( """ CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS dict ENGINE=Dictionary; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test; """ ) yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def get_status(dictionary_name): return instance.query( "SELECT status FROM system.dictionaries WHERE name='" + dictionary_name + "'" ).rstrip("\n") def test_dict_get_data(started_cluster): query = instance.query query( "CREATE TABLE test.elements (id UInt64, a String, b Int32, c Float64) ENGINE=Log;" ) query( "INSERT INTO test.elements VALUES (0, 'water', 10, 1), (1, 'air', 40, 0.01), (2, 'earth', 100, 1.7);" ) # dictionaries_lazy_load == false, so these dictionary are not loaded. assert get_status("dep_x") == "NOT_LOADED" assert get_status("dep_y") == "NOT_LOADED" assert get_status("dep_z") == "NOT_LOADED" # Dictionary 'dep_x' depends on 'dep_z', which depends on 'dep_y'. # So they all should be loaded at once. assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_x', 'a', toUInt64(1))") == "air\n" assert get_status("dep_x") == "LOADED" assert get_status("dep_y") == "LOADED" assert get_status("dep_z") == "LOADED" # Other dictionaries should work too. assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_y', 'a', toUInt64(1))") == "air\n" assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_z', 'a', toUInt64(1))") == "air\n" assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_x', 'a', toUInt64(3))") == "XX\n" assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_y', 'a', toUInt64(3))") == "YY\n" assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_z', 'a', toUInt64(3))") == "ZZ\n" # Update the source table. query("INSERT INTO test.elements VALUES (3, 'fire', 30, 8)") # Wait for dictionaries to be reloaded. assert_eq_with_retry( instance, "SELECT dictHas('dep_x', toUInt64(3))", "1", sleep_time=2, retry_count=10, ) assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_x', 'a', toUInt64(3))") == "fire\n" assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_y', 'a', toUInt64(3))") == "fire\n" assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_z', 'a', toUInt64(3))") == "fire\n" # dep_z (and hence dep_x) are updated only when there `intDiv(count(), 4)` is changed, now `count()==4`, # so dep_x and dep_z are not going to be updated after the following INSERT. query("INSERT INTO test.elements VALUES (4, 'ether', 404, 0.001)") assert_eq_with_retry( instance, "SELECT dictHas('dep_y', toUInt64(4))", "1", sleep_time=2, retry_count=10, ) assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_x', 'a', toUInt64(4))") == "XX\n" assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_y', 'a', toUInt64(4))") == "ether\n" assert query("SELECT dictGetString('dep_z', 'a', toUInt64(4))") == "ZZ\n" query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.elements;") instance.restart_clickhouse() def dependent_tables_assert(): res = instance.query("select database || '.' || name from system.tables") assert "system.join" in res assert "default.src" in res assert "dict.dep_y" in res assert "lazy.log" in res assert "test.d" in res assert "default.join" in res assert "a.t" in res def test_dependent_tables(started_cluster): query = instance.query query("create database lazy engine=Lazy(10)") query("create database a") query("create table lazy.src (n int, m int) engine=Log") query( "create dictionary a.d (n int default 0, m int default 42) primary key n " "source(clickhouse(host 'localhost' port tcpPort() user 'default' table 'src' password '' db 'lazy'))" "lifetime(min 1 max 10) layout(flat())" ) query("create table system.join (n int, m int) engine=Join(any, left, n)") query("insert into system.join values (1, 1)") for i in range(2, 100): query(f"insert into system.join values (1, {i})") query( "create table src (n int, m default joinGet('system.join', 'm', 1::int)," "t default dictGetOrNull('a.d', 'm', toUInt64(3))," "k default dictGet('a.d', 'm', toUInt64(4))) engine=MergeTree order by n" ) query( "create dictionary test.d (n int default 0, m int default 42) primary key n " "source(clickhouse(host 'localhost' port tcpPort() user 'default' table 'src' password '' db 'default'))" "lifetime(min 1 max 10) layout(flat())" ) query( "create table join (n int, m default dictGet('a.d', 'm', toUInt64(3))," "k default dictGet('test.d', 'm', toUInt64(0))) engine=Join(any, left, n)" ) query( "create table lazy.log (n default dictGet(test.d, 'm', toUInt64(0))) engine=Log" ) query( "create table a.t (n default joinGet('system.join', 'm', 1::int)," "m default dictGet('test.d', 'm', toUInt64(3))," "k default joinGet(join, 'm', 1::int)) engine=MergeTree order by n" ) dependent_tables_assert() instance.restart_clickhouse() dependent_tables_assert() query("drop table a.t") query("drop table lazy.log") query("drop table join") query("drop dictionary test.d") query("drop table src") query("drop table system.join") query("drop database a") query("drop database lazy") def test_multiple_tables(started_cluster): query = instance.query tables_count = 20 for i in range(tables_count): query( f"create table test.table_{i} (n UInt64, s String) engine=MergeTree order by n as select number, randomString(100) from numbers(100)" ) instance.restart_clickhouse() order = [i for i in range(tables_count)] random.shuffle(order) for i in order: assert query(f"select count() from test.table_{i}") == "100\n" for i in range(tables_count): query(f"drop table test.table_{i} sync")