import logging import os import time import pytest from helpers.client import QueryRuntimeException from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger().addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) # Runs custom python-based S3 endpoint. def run_endpoint(cluster):"Starting custom S3 endpoint") container_id = cluster.get_container_id('resolver') current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) cluster.copy_file_to_container(container_id, os.path.join(current_dir, "s3_endpoint", ""), "") cluster.exec_in_container(container_id, ["python", ""], detach=True) # Wait for S3 endpoint start for attempt in range(10): ping_response = cluster.exec_in_container(cluster.get_container_id('resolver'), ["curl", "-s", "http://resolver:8080/"], nothrow=True) if ping_response != 'OK': if attempt == 9: assert ping_response == 'OK', 'Expected "OK", but got "{}"'.format(ping_response) else: time.sleep(1) else: break"S3 endpoint started") def fail_request(cluster, request): response = cluster.exec_in_container(cluster.get_container_id('resolver'), ["curl", "-s", "http://resolver:8080/fail_request/{}".format(request)]) assert response == 'OK', 'Expected "OK", but got "{}"'.format(response) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def cluster(): try: cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) cluster.add_instance("node", main_configs=["configs/config.d/log_conf.xml", "configs/config.d/storage_conf.xml"], with_minio=True)"Starting cluster...") cluster.start()"Cluster started") run_endpoint(cluster) yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def drop_table(cluster): yield node = cluster.instances["node"] node.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS s3_failover_test NO DELAY") # S3 request will be failed for an appropriate part file write. FILES_PER_PART_BASE = 5 # partition.dat, default_compression_codec.txt, count.txt, columns.txt, checksums.txt FILES_PER_PART_WIDE = FILES_PER_PART_BASE + 1 + 1 + 3 * 2 # Primary index, MinMax, Mark and data file for column(s) FILES_PER_PART_COMPACT = FILES_PER_PART_BASE + 1 + 1 + 2 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "min_bytes_for_wide_part,request_count", [ (0, FILES_PER_PART_WIDE), (1024 * 1024, FILES_PER_PART_COMPACT) ] ) def test_write_failover(cluster, min_bytes_for_wide_part, request_count): node = cluster.instances["node"] node.query( """ CREATE TABLE s3_failover_test ( dt Date, id Int64, data String ) ENGINE=MergeTree() ORDER BY id PARTITION BY dt SETTINGS storage_policy='s3', min_bytes_for_wide_part={} """ .format(min_bytes_for_wide_part) ) for request in range(request_count + 1): # Fail N-th request to S3. fail_request(cluster, request + 1) data = "('2020-03-01',0,'data'),('2020-03-01',1,'data')" positive = request == request_count try: node.query("INSERT INTO s3_failover_test VALUES {}".format(data)) assert positive, "Insert query should be failed, request {}".format(request) except QueryRuntimeException as e: assert not positive, "Insert query shouldn't be failed, request {}".format(request) assert str(e).find("Expected Error") != -1, "Unexpected error {}".format(str(e)) if positive: # Disable request failing. fail_request(cluster, 0) assert node.query("CHECK TABLE s3_failover_test") == '1\n' assert node.query("SELECT * FROM s3_failover_test FORMAT Values") == data