#include "ClusterCopier.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NO_ZOOKEEPER; extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; extern const int UNKNOWN_TABLE; extern const int UNFINISHED; extern const int UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG; } using ConfigurationPtr = Poco::AutoPtr; static ConfigurationPtr getConfigurationFromXMLString(const std::string & xml_data) { std::stringstream ss(xml_data); Poco::XML::InputSource input_source{ss}; return {new Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration{&input_source}}; } namespace { using DatabaseAndTableName = std::pair; String getQuotedTable(const String & database, const String & table) { if (database.empty()) { return backQuoteIfNeed(table); } return backQuoteIfNeed(database) + "." + backQuoteIfNeed(table); } String getQuotedTable(const DatabaseAndTableName & db_and_table) { return getQuotedTable(db_and_table.first, db_and_table.second); } enum class TaskState { Started = 0, Finished, Unknown }; /// Used to mark status of shard partition tasks struct TaskStateWithOwner { TaskStateWithOwner() = default; TaskStateWithOwner(TaskState state_, const String & owner_) : state(state_), owner(owner_) {} TaskState state{TaskState::Unknown}; String owner; static String getData(TaskState state, const String & owner) { return TaskStateWithOwner(state, owner).toString(); } String toString() { WriteBufferFromOwnString wb; wb << static_cast(state) << "\n" << escape << owner; return wb.str(); } static TaskStateWithOwner fromString(const String & data) { ReadBufferFromString rb(data); TaskStateWithOwner res; UInt32 state; rb >> state >> "\n" >> escape >> res.owner; if (state >= static_cast(TaskState::Unknown)) throw Exception("Unknown state " + data, ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); res.state = static_cast(state); return res; } }; /// Hierarchical description of the tasks struct ShardPartition; struct TaskShard; struct TaskTable; struct TaskCluster; struct ClusterPartition; using TasksPartition = std::map>; using ShardInfo = Cluster::ShardInfo; using TaskShardPtr = std::shared_ptr; using TasksShard = std::vector; using TasksTable = std::list; using ClusterPartitions = std::map>; /// Just destination partition of a shard struct ShardPartition { ShardPartition(TaskShard & parent, const String & name_quoted_) : task_shard(parent), name(name_quoted_) {} String getPartitionPath() const; String getPartitionCleanStartPath() const; String getCommonPartitionIsDirtyPath() const; String getCommonPartitionIsCleanedPath() const; String getPartitionActiveWorkersPath() const; String getActiveWorkerPath() const; String getPartitionShardsPath() const; String getShardStatusPath() const; TaskShard & task_shard; String name; }; struct ShardPriority { UInt8 is_remote = 1; size_t hostname_difference = 0; UInt8 random = 0; static bool greaterPriority(const ShardPriority & current, const ShardPriority & other) { return std::forward_as_tuple(current.is_remote, current.hostname_difference, current.random) < std::forward_as_tuple(other.is_remote, other.hostname_difference, other.random); } }; struct TaskShard { TaskShard(TaskTable & parent, const ShardInfo & info_) : task_table(parent), info(info_) {} TaskTable & task_table; ShardInfo info; UInt32 numberInCluster() const { return info.shard_num; } UInt32 indexInCluster() const { return info.shard_num - 1; } String getDescription() const; String getHostNameExample() const; /// Used to sort clusters by their proximity ShardPriority priority; /// Column with unique destination partitions (computed from engine_push_partition_key expr.) in the shard ColumnWithTypeAndName partition_key_column; /// There is a task for each destination partition TasksPartition partition_tasks; /// Which partitions have been checked for existence /// If some partition from this lists is exists, it is in partition_tasks std::set checked_partitions; /// Last CREATE TABLE query of the table of the shard ASTPtr current_pull_table_create_query; /// Internal distributed tables DatabaseAndTableName table_read_shard; DatabaseAndTableName table_split_shard; }; /// Contains info about all shards that contain a partition struct ClusterPartition { double elapsed_time_seconds = 0; UInt64 bytes_copied = 0; UInt64 rows_copied = 0; UInt64 blocks_copied = 0; UInt64 total_tries = 0; }; struct TaskTable { TaskTable(TaskCluster & parent, const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & prefix, const String & table_key); TaskCluster & task_cluster; String getPartitionPath(const String & partition_name) const; String getPartitionIsDirtyPath(const String & partition_name) const; String getPartitionIsCleanedPath(const String & partition_name) const; String getPartitionTaskStatusPath(const String & partition_name) const; String name_in_config; /// Used as task ID String table_id; /// Source cluster and table String cluster_pull_name; DatabaseAndTableName table_pull; /// Destination cluster and table String cluster_push_name; DatabaseAndTableName table_push; /// Storage of destination table String engine_push_str; ASTPtr engine_push_ast; ASTPtr engine_push_partition_key_ast; /// A Distributed table definition used to split data String sharding_key_str; ASTPtr sharding_key_ast; ASTPtr engine_split_ast; /// Additional WHERE expression to filter input data String where_condition_str; ASTPtr where_condition_ast; /// Resolved clusters ClusterPtr cluster_pull; ClusterPtr cluster_push; /// Filter partitions that should be copied bool has_enabled_partitions = false; Strings enabled_partitions; NameSet enabled_partitions_set; /// Prioritized list of shards TasksShard all_shards; TasksShard local_shards; ClusterPartitions cluster_partitions; NameSet finished_cluster_partitions; /// Parition names to process in user-specified order Strings ordered_partition_names; ClusterPartition & getClusterPartition(const String & partition_name) { auto it = cluster_partitions.find(partition_name); if (it == cluster_partitions.end()) throw Exception("There are no cluster partition " + partition_name + " in " + table_id, ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); return it->second; } Stopwatch watch; UInt64 bytes_copied = 0; UInt64 rows_copied = 0; template void initShards(RandomEngine && random_engine); }; struct TaskCluster { TaskCluster(const String & task_zookeeper_path_, const String & default_local_database_) : task_zookeeper_path(task_zookeeper_path_), default_local_database(default_local_database_) {} void loadTasks(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & base_key = ""); /// Set (or update) settings and max_workers param void reloadSettings(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & base_key = ""); /// Base node for all tasks. Its structure: /// workers/ - directory with active workers (amount of them is less or equal max_workers) /// description - node with task configuration /// table_table1/ - directories with per-partition copying status String task_zookeeper_path; /// Database used to create temporary Distributed tables String default_local_database; /// Limits number of simultaneous workers UInt64 max_workers = 0; /// Base settings for pull and push Settings settings_common; /// Settings used to fetch data Settings settings_pull; /// Settings used to insert data Settings settings_push; String clusters_prefix; /// Subtasks TasksTable table_tasks; std::random_device random_device; pcg64 random_engine; }; struct MultiTransactionInfo { int32_t code; Coordination::Requests requests; Coordination::Responses responses; }; // Creates AST representing 'ENGINE = Distributed(cluster, db, table, [sharding_key]) std::shared_ptr createASTStorageDistributed( const String & cluster_name, const String & database, const String & table, const ASTPtr & sharding_key_ast = nullptr) { auto args = std::make_shared(); args->children.emplace_back(std::make_shared(cluster_name)); args->children.emplace_back(std::make_shared(database)); args->children.emplace_back(std::make_shared(table)); if (sharding_key_ast) args->children.emplace_back(sharding_key_ast); auto engine = std::make_shared(); engine->name = "Distributed"; engine->arguments = args; auto storage = std::make_shared(); storage->set(storage->engine, engine); return storage; } BlockInputStreamPtr squashStreamIntoOneBlock(const BlockInputStreamPtr & stream) { return std::make_shared( stream, std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::max()); } Block getBlockWithAllStreamData(const BlockInputStreamPtr & stream) { return squashStreamIntoOneBlock(stream)->read(); } /// Path getters String TaskTable::getPartitionPath(const String & partition_name) const { return task_cluster.task_zookeeper_path // root + "/tables/" + table_id // tables/dst_cluster.merge.hits + "/" + escapeForFileName(partition_name); // 201701 } String ShardPartition::getPartitionCleanStartPath() const { return getPartitionPath() + "/clean_start"; } String ShardPartition::getPartitionPath() const { return task_shard.task_table.getPartitionPath(name); } String ShardPartition::getShardStatusPath() const { // schema: //tables///shards/ // e.g. /root/table_test.hits/201701/shards/1 return getPartitionShardsPath() + "/" + toString(task_shard.numberInCluster()); } String ShardPartition::getPartitionShardsPath() const { return getPartitionPath() + "/shards"; } String ShardPartition::getPartitionActiveWorkersPath() const { return getPartitionPath() + "/partition_active_workers"; } String ShardPartition::getActiveWorkerPath() const { return getPartitionActiveWorkersPath() + "/" + toString(task_shard.numberInCluster()); } String ShardPartition::getCommonPartitionIsDirtyPath() const { return getPartitionPath() + "/is_dirty"; } String ShardPartition::getCommonPartitionIsCleanedPath() const { return getCommonPartitionIsDirtyPath() + "/cleaned"; } String TaskTable::getPartitionIsDirtyPath(const String & partition_name) const { return getPartitionPath(partition_name) + "/is_dirty"; } String TaskTable::getPartitionIsCleanedPath(const String & partition_name) const { return getPartitionIsDirtyPath(partition_name) + "/cleaned"; } String TaskTable::getPartitionTaskStatusPath(const String & partition_name) const { return getPartitionPath(partition_name) + "/shards"; } String DB::TaskShard::getDescription() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "N" << numberInCluster() << " (having a replica " << getHostNameExample() << ", pull table " + getQuotedTable(task_table.table_pull) << " of cluster " + task_table.cluster_pull_name << ")"; return ss.str(); } String DB::TaskShard::getHostNameExample() const { auto & replicas = task_table.cluster_pull->getShardsAddresses().at(indexInCluster()); return replicas.at(0).readableString(); } static bool isExtendedDefinitionStorage(const ASTPtr & storage_ast) { const auto & storage = storage_ast->as(); return storage.partition_by || storage.order_by || storage.sample_by; } static ASTPtr extractPartitionKey(const ASTPtr & storage_ast) { String storage_str = queryToString(storage_ast); const auto & storage = storage_ast->as(); const auto & engine = storage.engine->as(); if (!endsWith(engine.name, "MergeTree")) { throw Exception("Unsupported engine was specified in " + storage_str + ", only *MergeTree engines are supported", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); } if (isExtendedDefinitionStorage(storage_ast)) { if (storage.partition_by) return storage.partition_by->clone(); static const char * all = "all"; return std::make_shared(Field(all, strlen(all))); } else { bool is_replicated = startsWith(engine.name, "Replicated"); size_t min_args = is_replicated ? 3 : 1; if (!engine.arguments) throw Exception("Expected arguments in " + storage_str, ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); ASTPtr arguments_ast = engine.arguments->clone(); ASTs & arguments = arguments_ast->children; if (arguments.size() < min_args) throw Exception("Expected at least " + toString(min_args) + " arguments in " + storage_str, ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); ASTPtr & month_arg = is_replicated ? arguments[2] : arguments[1]; return makeASTFunction("toYYYYMM", month_arg->clone()); } } TaskTable::TaskTable(TaskCluster & parent, const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & prefix_, const String & table_key) : task_cluster(parent) { String table_prefix = prefix_ + "." + table_key + "."; name_in_config = table_key; cluster_pull_name = config.getString(table_prefix + "cluster_pull"); cluster_push_name = config.getString(table_prefix + "cluster_push"); table_pull.first = config.getString(table_prefix + "database_pull"); table_pull.second = config.getString(table_prefix + "table_pull"); table_push.first = config.getString(table_prefix + "database_push"); table_push.second = config.getString(table_prefix + "table_push"); /// Used as node name in ZooKeeper table_id = escapeForFileName(cluster_push_name) + "." + escapeForFileName(table_push.first) + "." + escapeForFileName(table_push.second); engine_push_str = config.getString(table_prefix + "engine"); { ParserStorage parser_storage; engine_push_ast = parseQuery(parser_storage, engine_push_str, 0); engine_push_partition_key_ast = extractPartitionKey(engine_push_ast); } sharding_key_str = config.getString(table_prefix + "sharding_key"); { ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias parser_expression(false); sharding_key_ast = parseQuery(parser_expression, sharding_key_str, 0); engine_split_ast = createASTStorageDistributed(cluster_push_name, table_push.first, table_push.second, sharding_key_ast); } where_condition_str = config.getString(table_prefix + "where_condition", ""); if (!where_condition_str.empty()) { ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias parser_expression(false); where_condition_ast = parseQuery(parser_expression, where_condition_str, 0); // Will use canonical expression form where_condition_str = queryToString(where_condition_ast); } String enabled_partitions_prefix = table_prefix + "enabled_partitions"; has_enabled_partitions = config.has(enabled_partitions_prefix); if (has_enabled_partitions) { Strings keys; config.keys(enabled_partitions_prefix, keys); if (keys.empty()) { /// Parse list of partition from space-separated string String partitions_str = config.getString(table_prefix + "enabled_partitions"); boost::trim_if(partitions_str, isWhitespaceASCII); boost::split(enabled_partitions, partitions_str, isWhitespaceASCII, boost::token_compress_on); } else { /// Parse sequence of ... for (const String & key : keys) { if (!startsWith(key, "partition")) throw Exception("Unknown key " + key + " in " + enabled_partitions_prefix, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG); enabled_partitions.emplace_back(config.getString(enabled_partitions_prefix + "." + key)); } } std::copy(enabled_partitions.begin(), enabled_partitions.end(), std::inserter(enabled_partitions_set, enabled_partitions_set.begin())); } } static ShardPriority getReplicasPriority(const Cluster::Addresses & replicas, const std::string & local_hostname, UInt8 random) { ShardPriority res; if (replicas.empty()) return res; res.is_remote = 1; for (auto & replica : replicas) { if (isLocalAddress(DNSResolver::instance().resolveHost(replica.host_name))) { res.is_remote = 0; break; } } res.hostname_difference = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (auto & replica : replicas) { size_t difference = getHostNameDifference(local_hostname, replica.host_name); res.hostname_difference = std::min(difference, res.hostname_difference); } res.random = random; return res; } template void TaskTable::initShards(RandomEngine && random_engine) { const String & fqdn_name = getFQDNOrHostName(); std::uniform_int_distribution get_urand(0, std::numeric_limits::max()); // Compute the priority for (auto & shard_info : cluster_pull->getShardsInfo()) { TaskShardPtr task_shard = std::make_shared(*this, shard_info); const auto & replicas = cluster_pull->getShardsAddresses().at(task_shard->indexInCluster()); task_shard->priority = getReplicasPriority(replicas, fqdn_name, get_urand(random_engine)); all_shards.emplace_back(task_shard); } // Sort by priority std::sort(all_shards.begin(), all_shards.end(), [] (const TaskShardPtr & lhs, const TaskShardPtr & rhs) { return ShardPriority::greaterPriority(lhs->priority, rhs->priority); }); // Cut local shards auto it_first_remote = std::lower_bound(all_shards.begin(), all_shards.end(), 1, [] (const TaskShardPtr & lhs, UInt8 is_remote) { return lhs->priority.is_remote < is_remote; }); local_shards.assign(all_shards.begin(), it_first_remote); } void DB::TaskCluster::loadTasks(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & base_key) { String prefix = base_key.empty() ? "" : base_key + "."; clusters_prefix = prefix + "remote_servers"; if (!config.has(clusters_prefix)) throw Exception("You should specify list of clusters in " + clusters_prefix, ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys tables_keys; config.keys(prefix + "tables", tables_keys); for (const auto & table_key : tables_keys) { table_tasks.emplace_back(*this, config, prefix + "tables", table_key); } } void DB::TaskCluster::reloadSettings(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & base_key) { String prefix = base_key.empty() ? "" : base_key + "."; max_workers = config.getUInt64(prefix + "max_workers"); settings_common = Settings(); if (config.has(prefix + "settings")) settings_common.loadSettingsFromConfig(prefix + "settings", config); settings_pull = settings_common; if (config.has(prefix + "settings_pull")) settings_pull.loadSettingsFromConfig(prefix + "settings_pull", config); settings_push = settings_common; if (config.has(prefix + "settings_push")) settings_push.loadSettingsFromConfig(prefix + "settings_push", config); auto set_default_value = [] (auto && setting, auto && default_value) { setting = setting.changed ? setting.value : default_value; }; /// Override important settings settings_pull.readonly = 1; settings_push.insert_distributed_sync = 1; set_default_value(settings_pull.load_balancing, LoadBalancing::NEAREST_HOSTNAME); set_default_value(settings_pull.max_threads, 1); set_default_value(settings_pull.max_block_size, 8192UL); set_default_value(settings_pull.preferred_block_size_bytes, 0); set_default_value(settings_push.insert_distributed_timeout, 0); } } // end of an anonymous namespace class ClusterCopier { public: ClusterCopier(const String & task_path_, const String & host_id_, const String & proxy_database_name_, Context & context_) : task_zookeeper_path(task_path_), host_id(host_id_), working_database_name(proxy_database_name_), context(context_), log(&Poco::Logger::get("ClusterCopier")) { } void init() { auto zookeeper = context.getZooKeeper(); task_description_watch_callback = [this] (const Coordination::WatchResponse & response) { if (response.error != Coordination::ZOK) return; UInt64 version = ++task_descprtion_version; LOG_DEBUG(log, "Task description should be updated, local version " << version); }; task_description_path = task_zookeeper_path + "/description"; task_cluster = std::make_unique(task_zookeeper_path, working_database_name); reloadTaskDescription(); task_cluster_initial_config = task_cluster_current_config; task_cluster->loadTasks(*task_cluster_initial_config); context.setClustersConfig(task_cluster_initial_config, task_cluster->clusters_prefix); /// Set up shards and their priority task_cluster->random_engine.seed(task_cluster->random_device()); for (auto & task_table : task_cluster->table_tasks) { task_table.cluster_pull = context.getCluster(task_table.cluster_pull_name); task_table.cluster_push = context.getCluster(task_table.cluster_push_name); task_table.initShards(task_cluster->random_engine); } LOG_DEBUG(log, "Will process " << task_cluster->table_tasks.size() << " table tasks"); /// Do not initialize tables, will make deferred initialization in process() zookeeper->createAncestors(getWorkersPathVersion() + "/"); zookeeper->createAncestors(getWorkersPath() + "/"); } template decltype(auto) retry(T && func, UInt64 max_tries = 100) { std::exception_ptr exception; for (UInt64 try_number = 1; try_number <= max_tries; ++try_number) { try { return func(); } catch (...) { exception = std::current_exception(); if (try_number < max_tries) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "Will retry"); std::this_thread::sleep_for(default_sleep_time); } } } std::rethrow_exception(exception); } void discoverShardPartitions(const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts, const TaskShardPtr & task_shard) { TaskTable & task_table = task_shard->task_table; LOG_INFO(log, "Discover partitions of shard " << task_shard->getDescription()); auto get_partitions = [&] () { return getShardPartitions(timeouts, *task_shard); }; auto existing_partitions_names = retry(get_partitions, 60); Strings filtered_partitions_names; Strings missing_partitions; /// Check that user specified correct partition names auto check_partition_format = [] (const DataTypePtr & type, const String & partition_text_quoted) { MutableColumnPtr column_dummy = type->createColumn(); ReadBufferFromString rb(partition_text_quoted); try { type->deserializeAsTextQuoted(*column_dummy, rb, FormatSettings()); } catch (Exception & e) { throw Exception("Partition " + partition_text_quoted + " has incorrect format. " + e.displayText(), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); } }; if (task_table.has_enabled_partitions) { /// Process partition in order specified by for (const String & partition_name : task_table.enabled_partitions) { /// Check that user specified correct partition names check_partition_format(task_shard->partition_key_column.type, partition_name); auto it = existing_partitions_names.find(partition_name); /// Do not process partition if it is not in enabled_partitions list if (it == existing_partitions_names.end()) { missing_partitions.emplace_back(partition_name); continue; } filtered_partitions_names.emplace_back(*it); } for (const String & partition_name : existing_partitions_names) { if (!task_table.enabled_partitions_set.count(partition_name)) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Partition " << partition_name << " will not be processed, since it is not in " << "enabled_partitions of " << task_table.table_id); } } } else { for (const String & partition_name : existing_partitions_names) filtered_partitions_names.emplace_back(partition_name); } for (const String & partition_name : filtered_partitions_names) { task_shard->partition_tasks.emplace(partition_name, ShardPartition(*task_shard, partition_name)); task_shard->checked_partitions.emplace(partition_name, true); } if (!missing_partitions.empty()) { std::stringstream ss; for (const String & missing_partition : missing_partitions) ss << " " << missing_partition; LOG_WARNING(log, "There are no " << missing_partitions.size() << " partitions from enabled_partitions in shard " << task_shard->getDescription() << " :" << ss.str()); } LOG_DEBUG(log, "Will copy " << task_shard->partition_tasks.size() << " partitions from shard " << task_shard->getDescription()); } /// Compute set of partitions, assume set of partitions aren't changed during the processing void discoverTablePartitions(const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts, TaskTable & task_table, UInt64 num_threads = 0) { /// Fetch partitions list from a shard { ThreadPool thread_pool(num_threads ? num_threads : 2 * getNumberOfPhysicalCPUCores()); for (const TaskShardPtr & task_shard : task_table.all_shards) thread_pool.scheduleOrThrowOnError([this, timeouts, task_shard]() { discoverShardPartitions(timeouts, task_shard); }); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Waiting for " << thread_pool.active() << " setup jobs"); thread_pool.wait(); } } void uploadTaskDescription(const std::string & task_path, const std::string & task_file, const bool force) { auto local_task_description_path = task_path + "/description"; String task_config_str; { ReadBufferFromFile in(task_file); readStringUntilEOF(task_config_str, in); } if (task_config_str.empty()) return; auto zookeeper = context.getZooKeeper(); zookeeper->createAncestors(local_task_description_path); auto code = zookeeper->tryCreate(local_task_description_path, task_config_str, zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent); if (code && force) zookeeper->createOrUpdate(local_task_description_path, task_config_str, zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Task description " << ((code && !force) ? "not " : "") << "uploaded to " << local_task_description_path << " with result " << code << " ("<< zookeeper->error2string(code) << ")"); } void reloadTaskDescription() { auto zookeeper = context.getZooKeeper(); task_description_watch_zookeeper = zookeeper; String task_config_str; Coordination::Stat stat; int code; zookeeper->tryGetWatch(task_description_path, task_config_str, &stat, task_description_watch_callback, &code); if (code) throw Exception("Can't get description node " + task_description_path, ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Loading description, zxid=" << task_descprtion_current_stat.czxid); auto config = getConfigurationFromXMLString(task_config_str); /// Setup settings task_cluster->reloadSettings(*config); context.getSettingsRef() = task_cluster->settings_common; task_cluster_current_config = config; task_descprtion_current_stat = stat; } void updateConfigIfNeeded() { UInt64 version_to_update = task_descprtion_version; bool is_outdated_version = task_descprtion_current_version != version_to_update; bool is_expired_session = !task_description_watch_zookeeper || task_description_watch_zookeeper->expired(); if (!is_outdated_version && !is_expired_session) return; LOG_DEBUG(log, "Updating task description"); reloadTaskDescription(); task_descprtion_current_version = version_to_update; } void process(const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts) { for (TaskTable & task_table : task_cluster->table_tasks) { LOG_INFO(log, "Process table task " << task_table.table_id << " with " << task_table.all_shards.size() << " shards, " << task_table.local_shards.size() << " of them are local ones"); if (task_table.all_shards.empty()) continue; /// Discover partitions of each shard and total set of partitions if (!task_table.has_enabled_partitions) { /// If there are no specified enabled_partitions, we must discover them manually discoverTablePartitions(timeouts, task_table); /// After partitions of each shard are initialized, initialize cluster partitions for (const TaskShardPtr & task_shard : task_table.all_shards) { for (const auto & partition_elem : task_shard->partition_tasks) { const String & partition_name = partition_elem.first; task_table.cluster_partitions.emplace(partition_name, ClusterPartition{}); } } for (auto & partition_elem : task_table.cluster_partitions) { const String & partition_name = partition_elem.first; for (const TaskShardPtr & task_shard : task_table.all_shards) task_shard->checked_partitions.emplace(partition_name); task_table.ordered_partition_names.emplace_back(partition_name); } } else { /// If enabled_partitions are specified, assume that each shard has all partitions /// We will refine partition set of each shard in future for (const String & partition_name : task_table.enabled_partitions) { task_table.cluster_partitions.emplace(partition_name, ClusterPartition{}); task_table.ordered_partition_names.emplace_back(partition_name); } } task_table.watch.restart(); /// Retry table processing bool table_is_done = false; for (UInt64 num_table_tries = 0; num_table_tries < max_table_tries; ++num_table_tries) { if (tryProcessTable(timeouts, task_table)) { table_is_done = true; break; } } if (!table_is_done) { throw Exception("Too many tries to process table " + task_table.table_id + ". Abort remaining execution", ErrorCodes::UNFINISHED); } } } /// Disables DROP PARTITION commands that used to clear data after errors void setSafeMode(bool is_safe_mode_ = true) { is_safe_mode = is_safe_mode_; } void setCopyFaultProbability(double copy_fault_probability_) { copy_fault_probability = copy_fault_probability_; } protected: String getWorkersPath() const { return task_cluster->task_zookeeper_path + "/task_active_workers"; } String getWorkersPathVersion() const { return getWorkersPath() + "_version"; } String getCurrentWorkerNodePath() const { return getWorkersPath() + "/" + host_id; } zkutil::EphemeralNodeHolder::Ptr createTaskWorkerNodeAndWaitIfNeed( const zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper, const String & description, bool unprioritized) { std::chrono::milliseconds current_sleep_time = default_sleep_time; static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds max_sleep_time(30000); // 30 sec if (unprioritized) std::this_thread::sleep_for(current_sleep_time); String workers_version_path = getWorkersPathVersion(); String workers_path = getWorkersPath(); String current_worker_path = getCurrentWorkerNodePath(); UInt64 num_bad_version_errors = 0; while (true) { updateConfigIfNeeded(); Coordination::Stat stat; zookeeper->get(workers_version_path, &stat); auto version = stat.version; zookeeper->get(workers_path, &stat); if (static_cast(stat.numChildren) >= task_cluster->max_workers) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Too many workers (" << stat.numChildren << ", maximum " << task_cluster->max_workers << ")" << ". Postpone processing " << description); if (unprioritized) current_sleep_time = std::min(max_sleep_time, current_sleep_time + default_sleep_time); std::this_thread::sleep_for(current_sleep_time); num_bad_version_errors = 0; } else { Coordination::Requests ops; ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeSetRequest(workers_version_path, description, version)); ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(current_worker_path, description, zkutil::CreateMode::Ephemeral)); Coordination::Responses responses; auto code = zookeeper->tryMulti(ops, responses); if (code == Coordination::ZOK || code == Coordination::ZNODEEXISTS) return std::make_shared(current_worker_path, *zookeeper, false, false, description); if (code == Coordination::ZBADVERSION) { ++num_bad_version_errors; /// Try to make fast retries if (num_bad_version_errors > 3) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "A concurrent worker has just been added, will check free worker slots again"); std::chrono::milliseconds random_sleep_time(std::uniform_int_distribution(1, 1000)(task_cluster->random_engine)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(random_sleep_time); num_bad_version_errors = 0; } } else throw Coordination::Exception(code); } } } /** Checks that the whole partition of a table was copied. We should do it carefully due to dirty lock. * State of some task could change during the processing. * We have to ensure that all shards have the finished state and there is no dirty flag. * Moreover, we have to check status twice and check zxid, because state can change during the checking. */ bool checkPartitionIsDone(const TaskTable & task_table, const String & partition_name, const TasksShard & shards_with_partition) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Check that all shards processed partition " << partition_name << " successfully"); auto zookeeper = context.getZooKeeper(); Strings status_paths; for (auto & shard : shards_with_partition) { ShardPartition & task_shard_partition = shard->partition_tasks.find(partition_name)->second; status_paths.emplace_back(task_shard_partition.getShardStatusPath()); } std::vector zxid1, zxid2; try { std::vector get_futures; for (const String & path : status_paths) get_futures.emplace_back(zookeeper->asyncGet(path)); // Check that state is Finished and remember zxid for (auto & future : get_futures) { auto res = future.get(); TaskStateWithOwner status = TaskStateWithOwner::fromString(res.data); if (status.state != TaskState::Finished) { LOG_INFO(log, "The task " << res.data << " is being rewritten by " << status.owner << ". Partition will be rechecked"); return false; } zxid1.push_back(res.stat.pzxid); } // Check that partition is not dirty { CleanStateClock clean_state_clock ( zookeeper, task_table.getPartitionIsDirtyPath(partition_name), task_table.getPartitionIsCleanedPath(partition_name) ); Coordination::Stat stat; LogicalClock task_start_clock; if (zookeeper->exists(task_table.getPartitionTaskStatusPath(partition_name), &stat)) task_start_clock = LogicalClock(stat.mzxid); zookeeper->get(task_table.getPartitionTaskStatusPath(partition_name), &stat); if (!clean_state_clock.is_clean() || task_start_clock <= clean_state_clock.discovery_zxid) { LOG_INFO(log, "Partition " << partition_name << " become dirty"); return false; } } get_futures.clear(); for (const String & path : status_paths) get_futures.emplace_back(zookeeper->asyncGet(path)); // Remember zxid of states again for (auto & future : get_futures) { auto res = future.get(); zxid2.push_back(res.stat.pzxid); } } catch (const Coordination::Exception & e) { LOG_INFO(log, "A ZooKeeper error occurred while checking partition " << partition_name << ". Will recheck the partition. Error: " << e.displayText()); return false; } // If all task is finished and zxid is not changed then partition could not become dirty again for (UInt64 shard_num = 0; shard_num < status_paths.size(); ++shard_num) { if (zxid1[shard_num] != zxid2[shard_num]) { LOG_INFO(log, "The task " << status_paths[shard_num] << " is being modified now. Partition will be rechecked"); return false; } } LOG_INFO(log, "Partition " << partition_name << " is copied successfully"); return true; } /// Removes MATERIALIZED and ALIAS columns from create table query static ASTPtr removeAliasColumnsFromCreateQuery(const ASTPtr & query_ast) { const ASTs & column_asts = query_ast->as().columns_list->columns->children; auto new_columns = std::make_shared(); for (const ASTPtr & column_ast : column_asts) { const auto & column = column_ast->as(); if (!column.default_specifier.empty()) { ColumnDefaultKind kind = columnDefaultKindFromString(column.default_specifier); if (kind == ColumnDefaultKind::Materialized || kind == ColumnDefaultKind::Alias) continue; } new_columns->children.emplace_back(column_ast->clone()); } ASTPtr new_query_ast = query_ast->clone(); auto & new_query = new_query_ast->as(); auto new_columns_list = std::make_shared(); new_columns_list->set(new_columns_list->columns, new_columns); if (auto indices = query_ast->as()->columns_list->indices) new_columns_list->set(new_columns_list->indices, indices->clone()); new_query.replace(new_query.columns_list, new_columns_list); return new_query_ast; } /// Replaces ENGINE and table name in a create query std::shared_ptr rewriteCreateQueryStorage(const ASTPtr & create_query_ast, const DatabaseAndTableName & new_table, const ASTPtr & new_storage_ast) { const auto & create = create_query_ast->as(); auto res = std::make_shared(create); if (create.storage == nullptr || new_storage_ast == nullptr) throw Exception("Storage is not specified", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); res->database = new_table.first; res->table = new_table.second; res->children.clear(); res->set(res->columns_list, create.columns_list->clone()); res->set(res->storage, new_storage_ast->clone()); return res; } /** Allows to compare two incremental counters of type UInt32 in presence of possible overflow. * We assume that we compare values that are not too far away. * For example, when we increment 0xFFFFFFFF, we get 0. So, 0xFFFFFFFF is less than 0. */ class WrappingUInt32 { public: UInt32 value; WrappingUInt32(UInt32 _value) : value(_value) {} bool operator<(const WrappingUInt32 & other) const { return value != other.value && *this <= other; } bool operator<=(const WrappingUInt32 & other) const { const UInt32 HALF = 1 << 31; return (value <= other.value && other.value - value < HALF) || (value > other.value && value - other.value > HALF); } bool operator==(const WrappingUInt32 & other) const { return value == other.value; } }; /** Conforming Zxid definition. * cf. https://github.com/apache/zookeeper/blob/631d1b284f0edb1c4f6b0fb221bf2428aec71aaa/zookeeper-docs/src/main/resources/markdown/zookeeperInternals.md#guarantees-properties-and-definitions */ class Zxid { public: WrappingUInt32 epoch; WrappingUInt32 counter; Zxid(UInt64 _zxid) : epoch(_zxid >> 32) , counter(_zxid) {} bool operator<=(const Zxid & other) const { return (epoch < other.epoch) || (epoch == other.epoch && counter <= other.counter); } bool operator==(const Zxid & other) const { return epoch == other.epoch && counter == other.counter; } }; class LogicalClock { public: std::optional zxid; LogicalClock() = default; LogicalClock(UInt64 _zxid) : zxid(_zxid) {} bool hasHappened() const { return bool(zxid); } // happens-before relation with a reasonable time bound bool happensBefore(const LogicalClock & other) const { return !zxid || (other.zxid && *zxid <= *other.zxid); } bool operator<=(const LogicalClock & other) const { return happensBefore(other); } // strict equality check bool operator==(const LogicalClock & other) const { return zxid == other.zxid; } }; class CleanStateClock { public: LogicalClock discovery_zxid; std::optional discovery_version; LogicalClock clean_state_zxid; std::optional clean_state_version; std::shared_ptr stale; bool is_clean() const { return !is_stale() && ( !discovery_zxid.hasHappened() || (clean_state_zxid.hasHappened() && discovery_zxid <= clean_state_zxid)); } bool is_stale() const { return stale->load(); } CleanStateClock( const zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper, const String & discovery_path, const String & clean_state_path) : stale(std::make_shared(false)) { Coordination::Stat stat; String _some_data; auto watch_callback = [stale = stale] (const Coordination::WatchResponse & rsp) { auto logger = &Poco::Logger::get("ClusterCopier"); if (rsp.error == Coordination::ZOK) { switch (rsp.type) { case Coordination::CREATED: LOG_DEBUG(logger, "CleanStateClock change: CREATED, at " << rsp.path); stale->store(true); break; case Coordination::CHANGED: LOG_DEBUG(logger, "CleanStateClock change: CHANGED, at" << rsp.path); stale->store(true); } } }; if (zookeeper->tryGetWatch(discovery_path, _some_data, &stat, watch_callback)) { discovery_zxid = LogicalClock(stat.mzxid); discovery_version = stat.version; } if (zookeeper->tryGetWatch(clean_state_path, _some_data, &stat, watch_callback)) { clean_state_zxid = LogicalClock(stat.mzxid); clean_state_version = stat.version; } } bool operator==(const CleanStateClock & other) const { return !is_stale() && !other.is_stale() && discovery_zxid == other.discovery_zxid && discovery_version == other.discovery_version && clean_state_zxid == other.clean_state_zxid && clean_state_version == other.clean_state_version; } bool operator!=(const CleanStateClock & other) const { return !(*this == other); } }; bool tryDropPartition(ShardPartition & task_partition, const zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper, const CleanStateClock & clean_state_clock) { if (is_safe_mode) throw Exception("DROP PARTITION is prohibited in safe mode", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); TaskTable & task_table = task_partition.task_shard.task_table; const String current_shards_path = task_partition.getPartitionShardsPath(); const String current_partition_active_workers_dir = task_partition.getPartitionActiveWorkersPath(); const String is_dirty_flag_path = task_partition.getCommonPartitionIsDirtyPath(); const String dirt_cleaner_path = is_dirty_flag_path + "/cleaner"; const String is_dirt_cleaned_path = task_partition.getCommonPartitionIsCleanedPath(); zkutil::EphemeralNodeHolder::Ptr cleaner_holder; try { cleaner_holder = zkutil::EphemeralNodeHolder::create(dirt_cleaner_path, *zookeeper, host_id); } catch (const Coordination::Exception & e) { if (e.code == Coordination::ZNODEEXISTS) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " is cleaning now by somebody, sleep"); std::this_thread::sleep_for(default_sleep_time); return false; } throw; } Coordination::Stat stat; if (zookeeper->exists(current_partition_active_workers_dir, &stat)) { if (stat.numChildren != 0) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " contains " << stat.numChildren << " active workers while trying to drop it. Going to sleep."); std::this_thread::sleep_for(default_sleep_time); return false; } else { zookeeper->remove(current_partition_active_workers_dir); } } { zkutil::EphemeralNodeHolder::Ptr active_workers_lock; try { active_workers_lock = zkutil::EphemeralNodeHolder::create(current_partition_active_workers_dir, *zookeeper, host_id); } catch (const Coordination::Exception & e) { if (e.code == Coordination::ZNODEEXISTS) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " is being filled now by somebody, sleep"); return false; } throw; } // Lock the dirty flag zookeeper->set(is_dirty_flag_path, host_id, clean_state_clock.discovery_version.value()); zookeeper->tryRemove(task_partition.getPartitionCleanStartPath()); CleanStateClock my_clock(zookeeper, is_dirty_flag_path, is_dirt_cleaned_path); /// Remove all status nodes { Strings children; if (zookeeper->tryGetChildren(current_shards_path, children) == Coordination::ZOK) for (const auto & child : children) { zookeeper->removeRecursive(current_shards_path + "/" + child); } } String query = "ALTER TABLE " + getQuotedTable(task_table.table_push); query += " DROP PARTITION " + task_partition.name + ""; /// TODO: use this statement after servers will be updated up to 1.1.54310 // query += " DROP PARTITION ID '" + task_partition.name + "'"; ClusterPtr & cluster_push = task_table.cluster_push; Settings settings_push = task_cluster->settings_push; /// It is important, DROP PARTITION must be done synchronously settings_push.replication_alter_partitions_sync = 2; LOG_DEBUG(log, "Execute distributed DROP PARTITION: " << query); /// Limit number of max executing replicas to 1 UInt64 num_shards = executeQueryOnCluster(cluster_push, query, nullptr, &settings_push, PoolMode::GET_ONE, 1); if (num_shards < cluster_push->getShardCount()) { LOG_INFO(log, "DROP PARTITION wasn't successfully executed on " << cluster_push->getShardCount() - num_shards << " shards"); return false; } /// Update the locking node if (!my_clock.is_stale()) { zookeeper->set(is_dirty_flag_path, host_id, my_clock.discovery_version.value()); if (my_clock.clean_state_version) zookeeper->set(is_dirt_cleaned_path, host_id, my_clock.clean_state_version.value()); else zookeeper->create(is_dirt_cleaned_path, host_id, zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent); } else { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Clean state is altered when dropping the partition, cowardly bailing"); /// clean state is stale return false; } LOG_INFO(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " was dropped on cluster " << task_table.cluster_push_name); if (zookeeper->tryCreate(current_shards_path, host_id, zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent) == Coordination::ZNODEEXISTS) zookeeper->set(current_shards_path, host_id); } LOG_INFO(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " is safe for work now."); return true; } static constexpr UInt64 max_table_tries = 1000; static constexpr UInt64 max_shard_partition_tries = 600; bool tryProcessTable(const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts, TaskTable & task_table) { /// An heuristic: if previous shard is already done, then check next one without sleeps due to max_workers constraint bool previous_shard_is_instantly_finished = false; /// Process each partition that is present in cluster for (const String & partition_name : task_table.ordered_partition_names) { if (!task_table.cluster_partitions.count(partition_name)) throw Exception("There are no expected partition " + partition_name + ". It is a bug", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); ClusterPartition & cluster_partition = task_table.cluster_partitions[partition_name]; Stopwatch watch; TasksShard expected_shards; UInt64 num_failed_shards = 0; ++cluster_partition.total_tries; LOG_DEBUG(log, "Processing partition " << partition_name << " for the whole cluster"); /// Process each source shard having current partition and copy current partition /// NOTE: shards are sorted by "distance" to current host bool has_shard_to_process = false; for (const TaskShardPtr & shard : task_table.all_shards) { /// Does shard have a node with current partition? if (shard->partition_tasks.count(partition_name) == 0) { /// If not, did we check existence of that partition previously? if (shard->checked_partitions.count(partition_name) == 0) { auto check_shard_has_partition = [&] () { return checkShardHasPartition(timeouts, *shard, partition_name); }; bool has_partition = retry(check_shard_has_partition); shard->checked_partitions.emplace(partition_name); if (has_partition) { shard->partition_tasks.emplace(partition_name, ShardPartition(*shard, partition_name)); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Discovered partition " << partition_name << " in shard " << shard->getDescription()); } else { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Found that shard " << shard->getDescription() << " does not contain current partition " << partition_name); continue; } } else { /// We have already checked that partition, but did not discover it previous_shard_is_instantly_finished = true; continue; } } auto it_shard_partition = shard->partition_tasks.find(partition_name); if (it_shard_partition == shard->partition_tasks.end()) throw Exception("There are no such partition in a shard. This is a bug.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); auto & partition = it_shard_partition->second; expected_shards.emplace_back(shard); /// Do not sleep if there is a sequence of already processed shards to increase startup bool is_unprioritized_task = !previous_shard_is_instantly_finished && shard->priority.is_remote; PartitionTaskStatus task_status = PartitionTaskStatus::Error; bool was_error = false; has_shard_to_process = true; for (UInt64 try_num = 0; try_num < max_shard_partition_tries; ++try_num) { task_status = tryProcessPartitionTask(timeouts, partition, is_unprioritized_task); /// Exit if success if (task_status == PartitionTaskStatus::Finished) break; was_error = true; /// Skip if the task is being processed by someone if (task_status == PartitionTaskStatus::Active) break; /// Repeat on errors std::this_thread::sleep_for(default_sleep_time); } if (task_status == PartitionTaskStatus::Error) ++num_failed_shards; previous_shard_is_instantly_finished = !was_error; } cluster_partition.elapsed_time_seconds += watch.elapsedSeconds(); /// Check that whole cluster partition is done /// Firstly check the number of failed partition tasks, then look into ZooKeeper and ensure that each partition is done bool partition_is_done = num_failed_shards == 0; try { partition_is_done = !has_shard_to_process || (partition_is_done && checkPartitionIsDone(task_table, partition_name, expected_shards)); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log); partition_is_done = false; } if (partition_is_done) { task_table.finished_cluster_partitions.emplace(partition_name); task_table.bytes_copied += cluster_partition.bytes_copied; task_table.rows_copied += cluster_partition.rows_copied; double elapsed = cluster_partition.elapsed_time_seconds; LOG_INFO(log, "It took " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << elapsed << " seconds to copy partition " << partition_name << ": " << formatReadableSizeWithDecimalSuffix(cluster_partition.bytes_copied) << " uncompressed bytes" << ", " << formatReadableQuantity(cluster_partition.rows_copied) << " rows" << " and " << cluster_partition.blocks_copied << " source blocks are copied"); if (cluster_partition.rows_copied) { LOG_INFO(log, "Average partition speed: " << formatReadableSizeWithDecimalSuffix(cluster_partition.bytes_copied / elapsed) << " per second."); } if (task_table.rows_copied) { LOG_INFO(log, "Average table " << task_table.table_id << " speed: " << formatReadableSizeWithDecimalSuffix(task_table.bytes_copied / elapsed) << " per second."); } } } UInt64 required_partitions = task_table.cluster_partitions.size(); UInt64 finished_partitions = task_table.finished_cluster_partitions.size(); bool table_is_done = finished_partitions >= required_partitions; if (!table_is_done) { LOG_INFO(log, "Table " + task_table.table_id + " is not processed yet." << "Copied " << finished_partitions << " of " << required_partitions << ", will retry"); } return table_is_done; } /// Execution status of a task enum class PartitionTaskStatus { Active, Finished, Error, }; PartitionTaskStatus tryProcessPartitionTask(const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts, ShardPartition & task_partition, bool is_unprioritized_task) { PartitionTaskStatus res; try { res = processPartitionTaskImpl(timeouts, task_partition, is_unprioritized_task); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "An error occurred while processing partition " + task_partition.name); res = PartitionTaskStatus::Error; } /// At the end of each task check if the config is updated try { updateConfigIfNeeded(); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "An error occurred while updating the config"); } return res; } PartitionTaskStatus processPartitionTaskImpl(const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts, ShardPartition & task_partition, bool is_unprioritized_task) { TaskShard & task_shard = task_partition.task_shard; TaskTable & task_table = task_shard.task_table; ClusterPartition & cluster_partition = task_table.getClusterPartition(task_partition.name); /// We need to update table definitions for each partition, it could be changed after ALTER createShardInternalTables(timeouts, task_shard); auto zookeeper = context.getZooKeeper(); const String is_dirty_flag_path = task_partition.getCommonPartitionIsDirtyPath(); const String is_dirt_cleaned_path = task_partition.getCommonPartitionIsCleanedPath(); const String current_task_is_active_path = task_partition.getActiveWorkerPath(); const String current_task_status_path = task_partition.getShardStatusPath(); /// Auxiliary functions: /// Creates is_dirty node to initialize DROP PARTITION auto create_is_dirty_node = [&, this] (const CleanStateClock & clock) { if (clock.is_stale()) LOG_DEBUG(log, "Clean state clock is stale while setting dirty flag, cowardly bailing"); else if (!clock.is_clean()) LOG_DEBUG(log, "Thank you, Captain Obvious"); else if (clock.discovery_version) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Updating clean state clock"); zookeeper->set(is_dirty_flag_path, host_id, clock.discovery_version.value()); } else { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Creating clean state clock"); zookeeper->create(is_dirty_flag_path, host_id, zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent); } }; /// Returns SELECT query filtering current partition and applying user filter auto get_select_query = [&] (const DatabaseAndTableName & from_table, const String & fields, String limit = "") { String query; query += "SELECT " + fields + " FROM " + getQuotedTable(from_table); /// TODO: Bad, it is better to rewrite with ASTLiteral(partition_key_field) query += " WHERE (" + queryToString(task_table.engine_push_partition_key_ast) + " = (" + task_partition.name + " AS partition_key))"; if (!task_table.where_condition_str.empty()) query += " AND (" + task_table.where_condition_str + ")"; if (!limit.empty()) query += " LIMIT " + limit; ParserQuery p_query(query.data() + query.size()); return parseQuery(p_query, query, 0); }; /// Load balancing auto worker_node_holder = createTaskWorkerNodeAndWaitIfNeed(zookeeper, current_task_status_path, is_unprioritized_task); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Processing " << current_task_status_path); CleanStateClock clean_state_clock (zookeeper, is_dirty_flag_path, is_dirt_cleaned_path); LogicalClock task_start_clock; { Coordination::Stat stat; if (zookeeper->exists(task_partition.getPartitionShardsPath(), &stat)) task_start_clock = LogicalClock(stat.mzxid); } /// Do not start if partition is dirty, try to clean it if (clean_state_clock.is_clean() && (!task_start_clock.hasHappened() || clean_state_clock.discovery_zxid <= task_start_clock)) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " appears to be clean"); zookeeper->createAncestors(current_task_status_path); } else { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " is dirty, try to drop it"); try { tryDropPartition(task_partition, zookeeper, clean_state_clock); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "An error occurred when clean partition"); } return PartitionTaskStatus::Error; } /// Create ephemeral node to mark that we are active and process the partition zookeeper->createAncestors(current_task_is_active_path); zkutil::EphemeralNodeHolderPtr partition_task_node_holder; try { partition_task_node_holder = zkutil::EphemeralNodeHolder::create(current_task_is_active_path, *zookeeper, host_id); } catch (const Coordination::Exception & e) { if (e.code == Coordination::ZNODEEXISTS) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Someone is already processing " << current_task_is_active_path); return PartitionTaskStatus::Active; } throw; } /// Exit if task has been already processed; /// create blocking node to signal cleaning up if it is abandoned { String status_data; if (zookeeper->tryGet(current_task_status_path, status_data)) { TaskStateWithOwner status = TaskStateWithOwner::fromString(status_data); if (status.state == TaskState::Finished) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Task " << current_task_status_path << " has been successfully executed by " << status.owner); return PartitionTaskStatus::Finished; } // Task is abandoned, initialize DROP PARTITION LOG_DEBUG(log, "Task " << current_task_status_path << " has not been successfully finished by " << status.owner << ". Partition will be dropped and refilled."); create_is_dirty_node(clean_state_clock); return PartitionTaskStatus::Error; } } /// Check that destination partition is empty if we are first worker /// NOTE: this check is incorrect if pull and push tables have different partition key! String clean_start_status; if (!zookeeper->tryGet(task_partition.getPartitionCleanStartPath(), clean_start_status) || clean_start_status != "ok") { zookeeper->createIfNotExists(task_partition.getPartitionCleanStartPath(), ""); auto checker = zkutil::EphemeralNodeHolder::create(task_partition.getPartitionCleanStartPath() + "/checker", *zookeeper, host_id); // Maybe we are the first worker ASTPtr query_select_ast = get_select_query(task_shard.table_split_shard, "count()"); UInt64 count; { Context local_context = context; // Use pull (i.e. readonly) settings, but fetch data from destination servers local_context.getSettingsRef() = task_cluster->settings_pull; local_context.getSettingsRef().skip_unavailable_shards = true; Block block = getBlockWithAllStreamData(InterpreterFactory::get(query_select_ast, local_context)->execute().in); count = (block) ? block.safeGetByPosition(0).column->getUInt(0) : 0; } if (count != 0) { Coordination::Stat stat_shards; zookeeper->get(task_partition.getPartitionShardsPath(), &stat_shards); /// NOTE: partition is still fresh if dirt discovery happens before cleaning if (stat_shards.numChildren == 0) { LOG_WARNING(log, "There are no workers for partition " << task_partition.name << ", but destination table contains " << count << " rows" << ". Partition will be dropped and refilled."); create_is_dirty_node(clean_state_clock); return PartitionTaskStatus::Error; } } zookeeper->set(task_partition.getPartitionCleanStartPath(), "ok"); } /// At this point, we need to sync that the destination table is clean /// before any actual work /// Try start processing, create node about it { String start_state = TaskStateWithOwner::getData(TaskState::Started, host_id); CleanStateClock new_clean_state_clock (zookeeper, is_dirty_flag_path, is_dirt_cleaned_path); if (clean_state_clock != new_clean_state_clock) { LOG_INFO(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " clean state changed, cowardly bailing"); return PartitionTaskStatus::Error; } else if (!new_clean_state_clock.is_clean()) { LOG_INFO(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " is dirty and will be dropped and refilled"); create_is_dirty_node(new_clean_state_clock); return PartitionTaskStatus::Error; } zookeeper->create(current_task_status_path, start_state, zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent); } /// Try create table (if not exists) on each shard { auto create_query_push_ast = rewriteCreateQueryStorage(task_shard.current_pull_table_create_query, task_table.table_push, task_table.engine_push_ast); create_query_push_ast->as().if_not_exists = true; String query = queryToString(create_query_push_ast); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Create destination tables. Query: " << query); UInt64 shards = executeQueryOnCluster(task_table.cluster_push, query, create_query_push_ast, &task_cluster->settings_push, PoolMode::GET_MANY); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Destination tables " << getQuotedTable(task_table.table_push) << " have been created on " << shards << " shards of " << task_table.cluster_push->getShardCount()); } /// Do the copying { bool inject_fault = false; if (copy_fault_probability > 0) { double value = std::uniform_real_distribution<>(0, 1)(task_table.task_cluster.random_engine); inject_fault = value < copy_fault_probability; } // Select all fields ASTPtr query_select_ast = get_select_query(task_shard.table_read_shard, "*", inject_fault ? "1" : ""); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Executing SELECT query and pull from " << task_shard.getDescription() << " : " << queryToString(query_select_ast)); ASTPtr query_insert_ast; { String query; query += "INSERT INTO " + getQuotedTable(task_shard.table_split_shard) + " VALUES "; ParserQuery p_query(query.data() + query.size()); query_insert_ast = parseQuery(p_query, query, 0); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Executing INSERT query: " << query); } try { /// Custom INSERT SELECT implementation Context context_select = context; context_select.getSettingsRef() = task_cluster->settings_pull; Context context_insert = context; context_insert.getSettingsRef() = task_cluster->settings_push; BlockInputStreamPtr input; BlockOutputStreamPtr output; { BlockIO io_select = InterpreterFactory::get(query_select_ast, context_select)->execute(); BlockIO io_insert = InterpreterFactory::get(query_insert_ast, context_insert)->execute(); input = io_select.in; output = io_insert.out; } /// Fail-fast optimization to abort copying when the current clean state expires std::future future_is_dirty_checker; Stopwatch watch(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE); constexpr UInt64 check_period_milliseconds = 500; /// Will asynchronously check that ZooKeeper connection and is_dirty flag appearing while copying data auto cancel_check = [&] () { if (zookeeper->expired()) throw Exception("ZooKeeper session is expired, cancel INSERT SELECT", ErrorCodes::UNFINISHED); if (!future_is_dirty_checker.valid()) future_is_dirty_checker = zookeeper->asyncExists(is_dirty_flag_path); /// check_period_milliseconds should less than average insert time of single block /// Otherwise, the insertion will slow a little bit if (watch.elapsedMilliseconds() >= check_period_milliseconds) { Coordination::ExistsResponse status = future_is_dirty_checker.get(); if (status.error != Coordination::ZNONODE) { LogicalClock dirt_discovery_epoch (status.stat.mzxid); if (dirt_discovery_epoch == clean_state_clock.discovery_zxid) return false; throw Exception("Partition is dirty, cancel INSERT SELECT", ErrorCodes::UNFINISHED); } } return false; }; /// Update statistics /// It is quite rough: bytes_copied don't take into account DROP PARTITION. auto update_stats = [&cluster_partition] (const Block & block) { cluster_partition.bytes_copied += block.bytes(); cluster_partition.rows_copied += block.rows(); cluster_partition.blocks_copied += 1; }; /// Main work is here copyData(*input, *output, cancel_check, update_stats); // Just in case if (future_is_dirty_checker.valid()) future_is_dirty_checker.get(); if (inject_fault) throw Exception("Copy fault injection is activated", ErrorCodes::UNFINISHED); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "An error occurred during copying, partition will be marked as dirty"); return PartitionTaskStatus::Error; } } /// Finalize the processing, change state of current partition task (and also check is_dirty flag) { String state_finished = TaskStateWithOwner::getData(TaskState::Finished, host_id); CleanStateClock new_clean_state_clock (zookeeper, is_dirty_flag_path, is_dirt_cleaned_path); if (clean_state_clock != new_clean_state_clock) { LOG_INFO(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " clean state changed, cowardly bailing"); return PartitionTaskStatus::Error; } else if (!new_clean_state_clock.is_clean()) { LOG_INFO(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " became dirty and will be dropped and refilled"); create_is_dirty_node(new_clean_state_clock); return PartitionTaskStatus::Error; } zookeeper->set(current_task_status_path, state_finished, 0); } LOG_INFO(log, "Partition " << task_partition.name << " copied"); return PartitionTaskStatus::Finished; } void dropAndCreateLocalTable(const ASTPtr & create_ast) { const auto & create = create_ast->as(); dropLocalTableIfExists({create.database, create.table}); InterpreterCreateQuery interpreter(create_ast, context); interpreter.execute(); } void dropLocalTableIfExists(const DatabaseAndTableName & table_name) const { auto drop_ast = std::make_shared(); drop_ast->if_exists = true; drop_ast->database = table_name.first; drop_ast->table = table_name.second; InterpreterDropQuery interpreter(drop_ast, context); interpreter.execute(); } String getRemoteCreateTable(const DatabaseAndTableName & table, Connection & connection, const Settings * settings = nullptr) { String query = "SHOW CREATE TABLE " + getQuotedTable(table); Block block = getBlockWithAllStreamData(std::make_shared( connection, query, InterpreterShowCreateQuery::getSampleBlock(), context, settings)); return typeid_cast(*block.safeGetByPosition(0).column).getDataAt(0).toString(); } ASTPtr getCreateTableForPullShard(const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts, TaskShard & task_shard) { /// Fetch and parse (possibly) new definition auto connection_entry = task_shard.info.pool->get(timeouts, &task_cluster->settings_pull); String create_query_pull_str = getRemoteCreateTable( task_shard.task_table.table_pull, *connection_entry, &task_cluster->settings_pull); ParserCreateQuery parser_create_query; return parseQuery(parser_create_query, create_query_pull_str, 0); } void createShardInternalTables(const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts, TaskShard & task_shard, bool create_split = true) { TaskTable & task_table = task_shard.task_table; /// We need to update table definitions for each part, it could be changed after ALTER task_shard.current_pull_table_create_query = getCreateTableForPullShard(timeouts, task_shard); /// Create local Distributed tables: /// a table fetching data from current shard and a table inserting data to the whole destination cluster String read_shard_prefix = ".read_shard_" + toString(task_shard.indexInCluster()) + "."; String split_shard_prefix = ".split."; task_shard.table_read_shard = DatabaseAndTableName(working_database_name, read_shard_prefix + task_table.table_id); task_shard.table_split_shard = DatabaseAndTableName(working_database_name, split_shard_prefix + task_table.table_id); /// Create special cluster with single shard String shard_read_cluster_name = read_shard_prefix + task_table.cluster_pull_name; ClusterPtr cluster_pull_current_shard = task_table.cluster_pull->getClusterWithSingleShard(task_shard.indexInCluster()); context.setCluster(shard_read_cluster_name, cluster_pull_current_shard); auto storage_shard_ast = createASTStorageDistributed(shard_read_cluster_name, task_table.table_pull.first, task_table.table_pull.second); const auto & storage_split_ast = task_table.engine_split_ast; auto create_query_ast = removeAliasColumnsFromCreateQuery(task_shard.current_pull_table_create_query); auto create_table_pull_ast = rewriteCreateQueryStorage(create_query_ast, task_shard.table_read_shard, storage_shard_ast); auto create_table_split_ast = rewriteCreateQueryStorage(create_query_ast, task_shard.table_split_shard, storage_split_ast); dropAndCreateLocalTable(create_table_pull_ast); if (create_split) dropAndCreateLocalTable(create_table_split_ast); } std::set getShardPartitions(const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts, TaskShard & task_shard) { createShardInternalTables(timeouts, task_shard, false); TaskTable & task_table = task_shard.task_table; String query; { WriteBufferFromOwnString wb; wb << "SELECT DISTINCT " << queryToString(task_table.engine_push_partition_key_ast) << " AS partition FROM" << " " << getQuotedTable(task_shard.table_read_shard) << " ORDER BY partition DESC"; query = wb.str(); } ParserQuery parser_query(query.data() + query.size()); ASTPtr query_ast = parseQuery(parser_query, query, 0); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Computing destination partition set, executing query: " << query); Context local_context = context; local_context.setSettings(task_cluster->settings_pull); Block block = getBlockWithAllStreamData(InterpreterFactory::get(query_ast, local_context)->execute().in); std::set res; if (block) { ColumnWithTypeAndName & column = block.getByPosition(0); task_shard.partition_key_column = column; for (size_t i = 0; i < column.column->size(); ++i) { WriteBufferFromOwnString wb; column.type->serializeAsTextQuoted(*column.column, i, wb, FormatSettings()); res.emplace(wb.str()); } } LOG_DEBUG(log, "There are " << res.size() << " destination partitions in shard " << task_shard.getDescription()); return res; } bool checkShardHasPartition(const ConnectionTimeouts & timeouts, TaskShard & task_shard, const String & partition_quoted_name) { createShardInternalTables(timeouts, task_shard, false); TaskTable & task_table = task_shard.task_table; std::string query = "SELECT 1 FROM " + getQuotedTable(task_shard.table_read_shard) + " WHERE (" + queryToString(task_table.engine_push_partition_key_ast) + " = (" + partition_quoted_name + " AS partition_key))"; if (!task_table.where_condition_str.empty()) query += " AND (" + task_table.where_condition_str + ")"; query += " LIMIT 1"; LOG_DEBUG(log, "Checking shard " << task_shard.getDescription() << " for partition " << partition_quoted_name << " existence, executing query: " << query); ParserQuery parser_query(query.data() + query.size()); ASTPtr query_ast = parseQuery(parser_query, query, 0); Context local_context = context; local_context.setSettings(task_cluster->settings_pull); return InterpreterFactory::get(query_ast, local_context)->execute().in->read().rows() != 0; } /** Executes simple query (without output streams, for example DDL queries) on each shard of the cluster * Returns number of shards for which at least one replica executed query successfully */ UInt64 executeQueryOnCluster( const ClusterPtr & cluster, const String & query, const ASTPtr & query_ast_ = nullptr, const Settings * settings = nullptr, PoolMode pool_mode = PoolMode::GET_ALL, UInt64 max_successful_executions_per_shard = 0) const { auto num_shards = cluster->getShardsInfo().size(); std::vector per_shard_num_successful_replicas(num_shards, 0); ASTPtr query_ast; if (query_ast_ == nullptr) { ParserQuery p_query(query.data() + query.size()); query_ast = parseQuery(p_query, query, 0); } else query_ast = query_ast_; /// We need to execute query on one replica at least auto do_for_shard = [&] (UInt64 shard_index) { const Cluster::ShardInfo & shard = cluster->getShardsInfo().at(shard_index); UInt64 & num_successful_executions = per_shard_num_successful_replicas.at(shard_index); num_successful_executions = 0; auto increment_and_check_exit = [&] () { ++num_successful_executions; return max_successful_executions_per_shard && num_successful_executions >= max_successful_executions_per_shard; }; UInt64 num_replicas = cluster->getShardsAddresses().at(shard_index).size(); UInt64 num_local_replicas = shard.getLocalNodeCount(); UInt64 num_remote_replicas = num_replicas - num_local_replicas; /// In that case we don't have local replicas, but do it just in case for (UInt64 i = 0; i < num_local_replicas; ++i) { auto interpreter = InterpreterFactory::get(query_ast, context); interpreter->execute(); if (increment_and_check_exit()) return; } /// Will try to make as many as possible queries if (shard.hasRemoteConnections()) { Settings current_settings = settings ? *settings : task_cluster->settings_common; current_settings.max_parallel_replicas = num_remote_replicas ? num_remote_replicas : 1; auto timeouts = ConnectionTimeouts::getTCPTimeoutsWithFailover(current_settings).getSaturated(current_settings.max_execution_time); auto connections = shard.pool->getMany(timeouts, ¤t_settings, pool_mode); for (auto & connection : connections) { if (connection.isNull()) continue; try { /// CREATE TABLE and DROP PARTITION queries return empty block RemoteBlockInputStream stream{*connection, query, Block{}, context, ¤t_settings}; NullBlockOutputStream output{Block{}}; copyData(stream, output); if (increment_and_check_exit()) return; } catch (const Exception &) { LOG_INFO(log, getCurrentExceptionMessage(false, true)); } } } }; { ThreadPool thread_pool(std::min(num_shards, getNumberOfPhysicalCPUCores())); for (UInt64 shard_index = 0; shard_index < num_shards; ++shard_index) thread_pool.scheduleOrThrowOnError([=] { do_for_shard(shard_index); }); thread_pool.wait(); } UInt64 successful_shards = 0; for (UInt64 num_replicas : per_shard_num_successful_replicas) successful_shards += (num_replicas > 0); return successful_shards; } private: String task_zookeeper_path; String task_description_path; String host_id; String working_database_name; /// Auto update config stuff UInt64 task_descprtion_current_version = 1; std::atomic task_descprtion_version{1}; Coordination::WatchCallback task_description_watch_callback; /// ZooKeeper session used to set the callback zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr task_description_watch_zookeeper; ConfigurationPtr task_cluster_initial_config; ConfigurationPtr task_cluster_current_config; Coordination::Stat task_descprtion_current_stat{}; std::unique_ptr task_cluster; bool is_safe_mode = false; double copy_fault_probability = 0.0; Context & context; Poco::Logger * log; std::chrono::milliseconds default_sleep_time{1000}; }; /// ClusterCopierApp void ClusterCopierApp::initialize(Poco::Util::Application & self) { is_help = config().has("help"); if (is_help) return; config_xml_path = config().getString("config-file"); task_path = config().getString("task-path"); log_level = config().getString("log-level", "debug"); is_safe_mode = config().has("safe-mode"); if (config().has("copy-fault-probability")) copy_fault_probability = std::max(std::min(config().getDouble("copy-fault-probability"), 1.0), 0.0); base_dir = (config().has("base-dir")) ? config().getString("base-dir") : Poco::Path::current(); // process_id is '#_' time_t timestamp = Poco::Timestamp().epochTime(); auto curr_pid = Poco::Process::id(); process_id = std::to_string(DateLUT::instance().toNumYYYYMMDDhhmmss(timestamp)) + "_" + std::to_string(curr_pid); host_id = escapeForFileName(getFQDNOrHostName()) + '#' + process_id; process_path = Poco::Path(base_dir + "/clickhouse-copier_" + process_id).absolute().toString(); Poco::File(process_path).createDirectories(); /// Override variables for BaseDaemon if (config().has("log-level")) config().setString("logger.level", config().getString("log-level")); if (config().has("base-dir") || !config().has("logger.log")) config().setString("logger.log", process_path + "/log.log"); if (config().has("base-dir") || !config().has("logger.errorlog")) config().setString("logger.errorlog", process_path + "/log.err.log"); Base::initialize(self); } void ClusterCopierApp::handleHelp(const std::string &, const std::string &) { Poco::Util::HelpFormatter helpFormatter(options()); helpFormatter.setCommand(commandName()); helpFormatter.setHeader("Copies tables from one cluster to another"); helpFormatter.setUsage("--config-file --task-path "); helpFormatter.format(std::cerr); stopOptionsProcessing(); } void ClusterCopierApp::defineOptions(Poco::Util::OptionSet & options) { Base::defineOptions(options); options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("task-path", "", "path to task in ZooKeeper") .argument("task-path").binding("task-path")); options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("task-file", "", "path to task file for uploading in ZooKeeper to task-path") .argument("task-file").binding("task-file")); options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("task-upload-force", "", "Force upload task-file even node already exists") .argument("task-upload-force").binding("task-upload-force")); options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("safe-mode", "", "disables ALTER DROP PARTITION in case of errors") .binding("safe-mode")); options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("copy-fault-probability", "", "the copying fails with specified probability (used to test partition state recovering)") .argument("copy-fault-probability").binding("copy-fault-probability")); options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("log-level", "", "sets log level") .argument("log-level").binding("log-level")); options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("base-dir", "", "base directory for copiers, consecutive copier launches will populate /base-dir/launch_id/* directories") .argument("base-dir").binding("base-dir")); using Me = std::decay_t; options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("help", "", "produce this help message").binding("help") .callback(Poco::Util::OptionCallback(this, &Me::handleHelp))); } void ClusterCopierApp::mainImpl() { StatusFile status_file(process_path + "/status"); ThreadStatus thread_status; auto log = &logger(); LOG_INFO(log, "Starting clickhouse-copier (" << "id " << process_id << ", " << "host_id " << host_id << ", " << "path " << process_path << ", " << "revision " << ClickHouseRevision::get() << ")"); auto context = std::make_unique(Context::createGlobal()); context->makeGlobalContext(); SCOPE_EXIT(context->shutdown()); context->setConfig(loaded_config.configuration); context->setApplicationType(Context::ApplicationType::LOCAL); context->setPath(process_path); registerFunctions(); registerAggregateFunctions(); registerTableFunctions(); registerStorages(); registerDictionaries(); registerDisks(); static const std::string default_database = "_local"; DatabaseCatalog::instance().attachDatabase(default_database, std::make_shared(default_database)); context->setCurrentDatabase(default_database); /// Initialize query scope just in case. CurrentThread::QueryScope query_scope(*context); auto copier = std::make_unique(task_path, host_id, default_database, *context); copier->setSafeMode(is_safe_mode); copier->setCopyFaultProbability(copy_fault_probability); auto task_file = config().getString("task-file", ""); if (!task_file.empty()) copier->uploadTaskDescription(task_path, task_file, config().getBool("task-upload-force", false)); copier->init(); copier->process(ConnectionTimeouts::getTCPTimeoutsWithoutFailover(context->getSettingsRef())); /// Reset ZooKeeper before removing ClusterCopier. /// Otherwise zookeeper watch can call callback which use already removed ClusterCopier object. context->resetZooKeeper(); } int ClusterCopierApp::main(const std::vector &) { if (is_help) return 0; try { mainImpl(); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(&Poco::Logger::root(), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); auto code = getCurrentExceptionCode(); return (code) ? code : -1; } return 0; } } #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-declarations" int mainEntryClickHouseClusterCopier(int argc, char ** argv) { try { DB::ClusterCopierApp app; return app.run(argc, argv); } catch (...) { std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true) << "\n"; auto code = DB::getCurrentExceptionCode(); return (code) ? code : -1; } }