#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int COLUMN_QUERIED_MORE_THAN_ONCE; extern const int DUPLICATE_COLUMN; extern const int EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_PASSED; extern const int EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_QUERIED; extern const int NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE; extern const int NOT_FOUND_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK; extern const int TYPE_MISMATCH; extern const int SETTINGS_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED; extern const int UNKNOWN_SETTING; extern const int TABLE_IS_DROPPED; extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } IStorage::IStorage(StorageID storage_id_, ColumnsDescription virtuals_) : storage_id(std::move(storage_id_)), virtuals(std::move(virtuals_)) { } const ColumnsDescription & IStorage::getColumns() const { return columns; } const ColumnsDescription & IStorage::getVirtuals() const { return virtuals; } const IndicesDescription & IStorage::getIndices() const { return indices; } const ConstraintsDescription & IStorage::getConstraints() const { return constraints; } NameAndTypePair IStorage::getColumn(const String & column_name) const { /// By default, we assume that there are no virtual columns in the storage. return getColumns().getPhysical(column_name); } bool IStorage::hasColumn(const String & column_name) const { /// By default, we assume that there are no virtual columns in the storage. return getColumns().hasPhysical(column_name); } Block IStorage::getSampleBlock() const { Block res; for (const auto & column : getColumns().getAllPhysical()) res.insert({column.type->createColumn(), column.type, column.name}); return res; } Block IStorage::getSampleBlockWithVirtuals() const { auto res = getSampleBlock(); for (const auto & column : getColumns().getVirtuals()) res.insert({column.type->createColumn(), column.type, column.name}); return res; } Block IStorage::getSampleBlockNonMaterialized() const { Block res; for (const auto & column : getColumns().getOrdinary()) res.insert({column.type->createColumn(), column.type, column.name}); return res; } Block IStorage::getSampleBlockForColumns(const Names & column_names) const { Block res; NamesAndTypesList all_columns = getColumns().getAll(); std::unordered_map columns_map; for (const auto & elem : all_columns) columns_map.emplace(elem.name, elem.type); for (const auto & name : column_names) { auto it = columns_map.find(name); if (it != columns_map.end()) { res.insert({it->second->createColumn(), it->second, it->first}); } else { /// Virtual columns. NameAndTypePair elem = getColumn(name); res.insert({elem.type->createColumn(), elem.type, elem.name}); } } return res; } namespace { using NamesAndTypesMap = ::google::dense_hash_map; using UniqueStrings = ::google::dense_hash_set; String listOfColumns(const NamesAndTypesList & available_columns) { std::stringstream ss; for (auto it = available_columns.begin(); it != available_columns.end(); ++it) { if (it != available_columns.begin()) ss << ", "; ss << it->name; } return ss.str(); } NamesAndTypesMap getColumnsMap(const NamesAndTypesList & columns) { NamesAndTypesMap res; res.set_empty_key(StringRef()); for (const auto & column : columns) res.insert({column.name, column.type.get()}); return res; } UniqueStrings initUniqueStrings() { UniqueStrings strings; strings.set_empty_key(StringRef()); return strings; } } void IStorage::check(const Names & column_names, bool include_virtuals) const { NamesAndTypesList available_columns = getColumns().getAllPhysical(); if (include_virtuals) available_columns.splice(available_columns.end(), getColumns().getVirtuals()); const String list_of_columns = listOfColumns(available_columns); if (column_names.empty()) throw Exception("Empty list of columns queried. There are columns: " + list_of_columns, ErrorCodes::EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_QUERIED); const auto columns_map = getColumnsMap(available_columns); auto unique_names = initUniqueStrings(); for (const auto & name : column_names) { if (columns_map.end() == columns_map.find(name)) throw Exception( "There is no column with name " + backQuote(name) + " in table " + getStorageID().getNameForLogs() + ". There are columns: " + list_of_columns, ErrorCodes::NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE); if (unique_names.end() != unique_names.find(name)) throw Exception("Column " + name + " queried more than once", ErrorCodes::COLUMN_QUERIED_MORE_THAN_ONCE); unique_names.insert(name); } } void IStorage::check(const NamesAndTypesList & provided_columns) const { const NamesAndTypesList & available_columns = getColumns().getAllPhysical(); const auto columns_map = getColumnsMap(available_columns); auto unique_names = initUniqueStrings(); for (const NameAndTypePair & column : provided_columns) { auto it = columns_map.find(column.name); if (columns_map.end() == it) throw Exception( "There is no column with name " + column.name + ". There are columns: " + listOfColumns(available_columns), ErrorCodes::NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE); if (!column.type->equals(*it->second)) throw Exception( "Type mismatch for column " + column.name + ". Column has type " + it->second->getName() + ", got type " + column.type->getName(), ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH); if (unique_names.end() != unique_names.find(column.name)) throw Exception("Column " + column.name + " queried more than once", ErrorCodes::COLUMN_QUERIED_MORE_THAN_ONCE); unique_names.insert(column.name); } } void IStorage::check(const NamesAndTypesList & provided_columns, const Names & column_names) const { const NamesAndTypesList & available_columns = getColumns().getAllPhysical(); const auto available_columns_map = getColumnsMap(available_columns); const auto & provided_columns_map = getColumnsMap(provided_columns); if (column_names.empty()) throw Exception( "Empty list of columns queried. There are columns: " + listOfColumns(available_columns), ErrorCodes::EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_QUERIED); auto unique_names = initUniqueStrings(); for (const String & name : column_names) { auto it = provided_columns_map.find(name); if (provided_columns_map.end() == it) continue; auto jt = available_columns_map.find(name); if (available_columns_map.end() == jt) throw Exception( "There is no column with name " + name + ". There are columns: " + listOfColumns(available_columns), ErrorCodes::NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE); if (!it->second->equals(*jt->second)) throw Exception( "Type mismatch for column " + name + ". Column has type " + jt->second->getName() + ", got type " + it->second->getName(), ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH); if (unique_names.end() != unique_names.find(name)) throw Exception("Column " + name + " queried more than once", ErrorCodes::COLUMN_QUERIED_MORE_THAN_ONCE); unique_names.insert(name); } } void IStorage::check(const Block & block, bool need_all) const { const NamesAndTypesList & available_columns = getColumns().getAllPhysical(); const auto columns_map = getColumnsMap(available_columns); NameSet names_in_block; block.checkNumberOfRows(); for (const auto & column : block) { if (names_in_block.count(column.name)) throw Exception("Duplicate column " + column.name + " in block", ErrorCodes::DUPLICATE_COLUMN); names_in_block.insert(column.name); auto it = columns_map.find(column.name); if (columns_map.end() == it) throw Exception( "There is no column with name " + column.name + ". There are columns: " + listOfColumns(available_columns), ErrorCodes::NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE); if (!column.type->equals(*it->second)) throw Exception( "Type mismatch for column " + column.name + ". Column has type " + it->second->getName() + ", got type " + column.type->getName(), ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH); } if (need_all && names_in_block.size() < columns_map.size()) { for (auto it = available_columns.begin(); it != available_columns.end(); ++it) { if (!names_in_block.count(it->name)) throw Exception("Expected column " + it->name, ErrorCodes::NOT_FOUND_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK); } } } void IStorage::setColumns(ColumnsDescription columns_) { if (columns_.getOrdinary().empty()) throw Exception("Empty list of columns passed", ErrorCodes::EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_PASSED); columns = std::move(columns_); for (const auto & column : virtuals) { if (!columns.has(column.name)) columns.add(column); } } void IStorage::setIndices(IndicesDescription indices_) { indices = std::move(indices_); } void IStorage::setConstraints(ConstraintsDescription constraints_) { constraints = std::move(constraints_); } bool IStorage::isVirtualColumn(const String & column_name) const { return getColumns().get(column_name).is_virtual; } TableStructureReadLockHolder IStorage::lockStructureForShare(bool will_add_new_data, const String & query_id) { TableStructureReadLockHolder result; if (will_add_new_data) result.new_data_structure_lock = new_data_structure_lock->getLock(RWLockImpl::Read, query_id); result.structure_lock = structure_lock->getLock(RWLockImpl::Read, query_id); if (is_dropped) throw Exception("Table is dropped", ErrorCodes::TABLE_IS_DROPPED); return result; } TableStructureWriteLockHolder IStorage::lockAlterIntention(const String & query_id) { TableStructureWriteLockHolder result; result.alter_intention_lock = alter_intention_lock->getLock(RWLockImpl::Write, query_id); if (is_dropped) throw Exception("Table is dropped", ErrorCodes::TABLE_IS_DROPPED); return result; } void IStorage::lockNewDataStructureExclusively(TableStructureWriteLockHolder & lock_holder, const String & query_id) { if (!lock_holder.alter_intention_lock) throw Exception("Alter intention lock for table " + getStorageID().getNameForLogs() + " was not taken. This is a bug.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); lock_holder.new_data_structure_lock = new_data_structure_lock->getLock(RWLockImpl::Write, query_id); } void IStorage::lockStructureExclusively(TableStructureWriteLockHolder & lock_holder, const String & query_id) { if (!lock_holder.alter_intention_lock) throw Exception("Alter intention lock for table " + getStorageID().getNameForLogs() + " was not taken. This is a bug.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); if (!lock_holder.new_data_structure_lock) lock_holder.new_data_structure_lock = new_data_structure_lock->getLock(RWLockImpl::Write, query_id); lock_holder.structure_lock = structure_lock->getLock(RWLockImpl::Write, query_id); } TableStructureWriteLockHolder IStorage::lockExclusively(const String & query_id) { TableStructureWriteLockHolder result; result.alter_intention_lock = alter_intention_lock->getLock(RWLockImpl::Write, query_id); if (is_dropped) throw Exception("Table is dropped", ErrorCodes::TABLE_IS_DROPPED); result.new_data_structure_lock = new_data_structure_lock->getLock(RWLockImpl::Write, query_id); result.structure_lock = structure_lock->getLock(RWLockImpl::Write, query_id); return result; } StorageInMemoryMetadata IStorage::getInMemoryMetadata() const { return { .columns = getColumns(), .indices = getIndices(), .constraints = getConstraints(), }; } void IStorage::alter( const AlterCommands & params, const Context & context, TableStructureWriteLockHolder & table_lock_holder) { lockStructureExclusively(table_lock_holder, context.getCurrentQueryId()); auto table_id = getStorageID(); StorageInMemoryMetadata metadata = getInMemoryMetadata(); params.apply(metadata); context.getDatabase(table_id.database_name)->alterTable(context, table_id.table_name, metadata); setColumns(std::move(metadata.columns)); } void IStorage::checkAlterIsPossible(const AlterCommands & commands, const Settings & /* settings */) { for (const auto & command : commands) { if (!command.isCommentAlter()) throw Exception( "Alter of type '" + alterTypeToString(command.type) + "' is not supported by storage " + getName(), ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } } BlockInputStreams IStorage::readStreams( const Names & column_names, const SelectQueryInfo & query_info, const Context & context, QueryProcessingStage::Enum processed_stage, size_t max_block_size, unsigned num_streams) { ForceTreeShapedPipeline enable_tree_shape(query_info); auto pipes = read(column_names, query_info, context, processed_stage, max_block_size, num_streams); BlockInputStreams res; res.reserve(pipes.size()); for (auto & pipe : pipes) res.emplace_back(std::make_shared(std::move(pipe))); return res; } StorageID IStorage::getStorageID() const { std::lock_guard lock(id_mutex); return storage_id; } void IStorage::renameInMemory(const String & new_database_name, const String & new_table_name) { std::lock_guard lock(id_mutex); storage_id.database_name = new_database_name; storage_id.table_name = new_table_name; } }