namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { /** Previously, these constants were located in one enum. * But in this case there is a problem: when you add a new constant, you need to recompile * all translation units that use at least one constant (almost the whole project). * Therefore it is made so that definitions of constants are located here, in one file, * and their declaration are in different files, at the place of use. */ extern const int UNSUPPORTED_METHOD = 1; extern const int UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER = 2; extern const int UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE = 3; extern const int EXPECTED_END_OF_FILE = 4; extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_TEXT = 6; extern const int INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS = 7; extern const int THERE_IS_NO_COLUMN = 8; extern const int SIZES_OF_COLUMNS_DOESNT_MATCH = 9; extern const int NOT_FOUND_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK = 10; extern const int POSITION_OUT_OF_BOUND = 11; extern const int PARAMETER_OUT_OF_BOUND = 12; extern const int SIZES_OF_COLUMNS_IN_TUPLE_DOESNT_MATCH = 13; extern const int DUPLICATE_COLUMN = 15; extern const int NO_SUCH_COLUMN_IN_TABLE = 16; extern const int DELIMITER_IN_STRING_LITERAL_DOESNT_MATCH = 17; extern const int CANNOT_INSERT_ELEMENT_INTO_CONSTANT_COLUMN = 18; extern const int SIZE_OF_FIXED_STRING_DOESNT_MATCH = 19; extern const int NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_DOESNT_MATCH = 20; extern const int CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA_FROM_TAB_SEPARATED_INPUT = 21; extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_ALL_VALUE_FROM_TAB_SEPARATED_INPUT = 22; extern const int CANNOT_READ_FROM_ISTREAM = 23; extern const int CANNOT_WRITE_TO_OSTREAM = 24; extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = 25; extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_QUOTED_STRING = 26; extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_INPUT_ASSERTION_FAILED = 27; extern const int CANNOT_PRINT_FLOAT_OR_DOUBLE_NUMBER = 28; extern const int CANNOT_PRINT_INTEGER = 29; extern const int CANNOT_READ_SIZE_OF_COMPRESSED_CHUNK = 30; extern const int CANNOT_READ_COMPRESSED_CHUNK = 31; extern const int ATTEMPT_TO_READ_AFTER_EOF = 32; extern const int CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA = 33; extern const int TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS_FOR_FUNCTION = 34; extern const int TOO_LESS_ARGUMENTS_FOR_FUNCTION = 35; extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS = 36; extern const int UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_IN_AST = 37; extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_DATE = 38; extern const int TOO_LARGE_SIZE_COMPRESSED = 39; extern const int CHECKSUM_DOESNT_MATCH = 40; extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_DATETIME = 41; extern const int NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH = 42; extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT = 43; extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN = 44; extern const int ILLEGAL_NUMBER_OF_RESULT_COLUMNS = 45; extern const int UNKNOWN_FUNCTION = 46; extern const int UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER = 47; extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 48; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR = 49; extern const int UNKNOWN_TYPE = 50; extern const int EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_QUERIED = 51; extern const int COLUMN_QUERIED_MORE_THAN_ONCE = 52; extern const int TYPE_MISMATCH = 53; extern const int STORAGE_DOESNT_ALLOW_PARAMETERS = 54; extern const int STORAGE_REQUIRES_PARAMETER = 55; extern const int UNKNOWN_STORAGE = 56; extern const int TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 57; extern const int TABLE_METADATA_ALREADY_EXISTS = 58; extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_COLUMN_FOR_FILTER = 59; extern const int UNKNOWN_TABLE = 60; extern const int ONLY_FILTER_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK = 61; extern const int SYNTAX_ERROR = 62; extern const int UNKNOWN_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION = 63; extern const int CANNOT_READ_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION_FROM_TEXT = 64; extern const int CANNOT_WRITE_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION_AS_TEXT = 65; extern const int NOT_A_COLUMN = 66; extern const int ILLEGAL_KEY_OF_AGGREGATION = 67; extern const int CANNOT_GET_SIZE_OF_FIELD = 68; extern const int ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND = 69; extern const int CANNOT_CONVERT_TYPE = 70; extern const int CANNOT_WRITE_AFTER_END_OF_BUFFER = 71; extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_NUMBER = 72; extern const int UNKNOWN_FORMAT = 73; extern const int CANNOT_READ_FROM_FILE_DESCRIPTOR = 74; extern const int CANNOT_WRITE_TO_FILE_DESCRIPTOR = 75; extern const int CANNOT_OPEN_FILE = 76; extern const int CANNOT_CLOSE_FILE = 77; extern const int UNKNOWN_TYPE_OF_QUERY = 78; extern const int INCORRECT_FILE_NAME = 79; extern const int INCORRECT_QUERY = 80; extern const int UNKNOWN_DATABASE = 81; extern const int DATABASE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 82; extern const int DIRECTORY_DOESNT_EXIST = 83; extern const int DIRECTORY_ALREADY_EXISTS = 84; extern const int FORMAT_IS_NOT_SUITABLE_FOR_INPUT = 85; extern const int RECEIVED_ERROR_FROM_REMOTE_IO_SERVER = 86; extern const int CANNOT_SEEK_THROUGH_FILE = 87; extern const int CANNOT_TRUNCATE_FILE = 88; extern const int UNKNOWN_COMPRESSION_METHOD = 89; extern const int EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_PASSED = 90; extern const int SIZES_OF_MARKS_FILES_ARE_INCONSISTENT = 91; extern const int EMPTY_DATA_PASSED = 92; extern const int UNKNOWN_AGGREGATED_DATA_VARIANT = 93; extern const int CANNOT_MERGE_DIFFERENT_AGGREGATED_DATA_VARIANTS = 94; extern const int CANNOT_READ_FROM_SOCKET = 95; extern const int CANNOT_WRITE_TO_SOCKET = 96; extern const int CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA_FROM_CHUNKED_INPUT = 97; extern const int CANNOT_WRITE_TO_EMPTY_BLOCK_OUTPUT_STREAM = 98; extern const int UNKNOWN_PACKET_FROM_CLIENT = 99; extern const int UNKNOWN_PACKET_FROM_SERVER = 100; extern const int UNEXPECTED_PACKET_FROM_CLIENT = 101; extern const int UNEXPECTED_PACKET_FROM_SERVER = 102; extern const int RECEIVED_DATA_FOR_WRONG_QUERY_ID = 103; extern const int TOO_SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE = 104; extern const int CANNOT_READ_HISTORY = 105; extern const int CANNOT_APPEND_HISTORY = 106; extern const int FILE_DOESNT_EXIST = 107; extern const int NO_DATA_TO_INSERT = 108; extern const int CANNOT_BLOCK_SIGNAL = 109; extern const int CANNOT_UNBLOCK_SIGNAL = 110; extern const int CANNOT_MANIPULATE_SIGSET = 111; extern const int CANNOT_WAIT_FOR_SIGNAL = 112; extern const int THERE_IS_NO_SESSION = 113; extern const int CANNOT_CLOCK_GETTIME = 114; extern const int UNKNOWN_SETTING = 115; extern const int THERE_IS_NO_DEFAULT_VALUE = 116; extern const int INCORRECT_DATA = 117; extern const int ENGINE_REQUIRED = 119; extern const int CANNOT_INSERT_VALUE_OF_DIFFERENT_SIZE_INTO_TUPLE = 120; extern const int UNKNOWN_SET_DATA_VARIANT = 121; extern const int INCOMPATIBLE_COLUMNS = 122; extern const int UNKNOWN_TYPE_OF_AST_NODE = 123; extern const int INCORRECT_ELEMENT_OF_SET = 124; extern const int INCORRECT_RESULT_OF_SCALAR_SUBQUERY = 125; extern const int CANNOT_GET_RETURN_TYPE = 126; extern const int ILLEGAL_INDEX = 127; extern const int TOO_LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE = 128; extern const int FUNCTION_IS_SPECIAL = 129; extern const int CANNOT_READ_ARRAY_FROM_TEXT = 130; extern const int TOO_LARGE_STRING_SIZE = 131; extern const int CANNOT_CREATE_TABLE_FROM_METADATA = 132; extern const int AGGREGATE_FUNCTION_DOESNT_ALLOW_PARAMETERS = 133; extern const int PARAMETERS_TO_AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS_MUST_BE_LITERALS = 134; extern const int ZERO_ARRAY_OR_TUPLE_INDEX = 135; extern const int UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG = 137; extern const int EXCESSIVE_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG = 138; extern const int NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG = 139; extern const int ALL_REQUESTED_COLUMNS_ARE_MISSING = 140; extern const int SAMPLING_NOT_SUPPORTED = 141; extern const int NOT_FOUND_NODE = 142; extern const int FOUND_MORE_THAN_ONE_NODE = 143; extern const int FIRST_DATE_IS_BIGGER_THAN_LAST_DATE = 144; extern const int UNKNOWN_OVERFLOW_MODE = 145; extern const int QUERY_SECTION_DOESNT_MAKE_SENSE = 146; extern const int NOT_FOUND_FUNCTION_ELEMENT_FOR_AGGREGATE = 147; extern const int NOT_FOUND_RELATION_ELEMENT_FOR_CONDITION = 148; extern const int NOT_FOUND_RHS_ELEMENT_FOR_CONDITION = 149; extern const int NO_ATTRIBUTES_LISTED = 150; extern const int INDEX_OF_COLUMN_IN_SORT_CLAUSE_IS_OUT_OF_RANGE = 151; extern const int UNKNOWN_DIRECTION_OF_SORTING = 152; extern const int ILLEGAL_DIVISION = 153; extern const int AGGREGATE_FUNCTION_NOT_APPLICABLE = 154; extern const int UNKNOWN_RELATION = 155; extern const int DICTIONARIES_WAS_NOT_LOADED = 156; extern const int ILLEGAL_OVERFLOW_MODE = 157; extern const int TOO_MANY_ROWS = 158; extern const int TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED = 159; extern const int TOO_SLOW = 160; extern const int TOO_MANY_COLUMNS = 161; extern const int TOO_DEEP_SUBQUERIES = 162; extern const int TOO_DEEP_PIPELINE = 163; extern const int READONLY = 164; extern const int TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_COLUMNS = 165; extern const int TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_NON_CONST_COLUMNS = 166; extern const int TOO_DEEP_AST = 167; extern const int TOO_BIG_AST = 168; extern const int BAD_TYPE_OF_FIELD = 169; extern const int BAD_GET = 170; extern const int BLOCKS_HAVE_DIFFERENT_STRUCTURE = 171; extern const int CANNOT_CREATE_DIRECTORY = 172; extern const int CANNOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY = 173; extern const int CYCLIC_ALIASES = 174; extern const int CHUNK_NOT_FOUND = 176; extern const int DUPLICATE_CHUNK_NAME = 177; extern const int MULTIPLE_ALIASES_FOR_EXPRESSION = 178; extern const int MULTIPLE_EXPRESSIONS_FOR_ALIAS = 179; extern const int THERE_IS_NO_PROFILE = 180; extern const int ILLEGAL_FINAL = 181; extern const int ILLEGAL_PREWHERE = 182; extern const int UNEXPECTED_EXPRESSION = 183; extern const int ILLEGAL_AGGREGATION = 184; extern const int UNSUPPORTED_MYISAM_BLOCK_TYPE = 185; extern const int UNSUPPORTED_COLLATION_LOCALE = 186; extern const int COLLATION_COMPARISON_FAILED = 187; extern const int UNKNOWN_ACTION = 188; extern const int TABLE_MUST_NOT_BE_CREATED_MANUALLY = 189; extern const int SIZES_OF_ARRAYS_DOESNT_MATCH = 190; extern const int SET_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 191; extern const int UNKNOWN_USER = 192; extern const int WRONG_PASSWORD = 193; extern const int REQUIRED_PASSWORD = 194; extern const int IP_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED = 195; extern const int UNKNOWN_ADDRESS_PATTERN_TYPE = 196; extern const int SERVER_REVISION_IS_TOO_OLD = 197; extern const int DNS_ERROR = 198; extern const int UNKNOWN_QUOTA = 199; extern const int QUOTA_DOESNT_ALLOW_KEYS = 200; extern const int QUOTA_EXPIRED = 201; extern const int TOO_MANY_SIMULTANEOUS_QUERIES = 202; extern const int NO_FREE_CONNECTION = 203; extern const int CANNOT_FSYNC = 204; extern const int NESTED_TYPE_TOO_DEEP = 205; extern const int ALIAS_REQUIRED = 206; extern const int AMBIGUOUS_IDENTIFIER = 207; extern const int EMPTY_NESTED_TABLE = 208; extern const int SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 209; extern const int NETWORK_ERROR = 210; extern const int EMPTY_QUERY = 211; extern const int UNKNOWN_LOAD_BALANCING = 212; extern const int UNKNOWN_TOTALS_MODE = 213; extern const int CANNOT_STATVFS = 214; extern const int NOT_AN_AGGREGATE = 215; extern const int QUERY_WITH_SAME_ID_IS_ALREADY_RUNNING = 216; extern const int CLIENT_HAS_CONNECTED_TO_WRONG_PORT = 217; extern const int TABLE_IS_DROPPED = 218; extern const int DATABASE_NOT_EMPTY = 219; extern const int DUPLICATE_INTERSERVER_IO_ENDPOINT = 220; extern const int NO_SUCH_INTERSERVER_IO_ENDPOINT = 221; extern const int ADDING_REPLICA_TO_NON_EMPTY_TABLE = 222; extern const int UNEXPECTED_AST_STRUCTURE = 223; extern const int REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_ACTIVE = 224; extern const int NO_ZOOKEEPER = 225; extern const int NO_FILE_IN_DATA_PART = 226; extern const int UNEXPECTED_FILE_IN_DATA_PART = 227; extern const int BAD_SIZE_OF_FILE_IN_DATA_PART = 228; extern const int QUERY_IS_TOO_LARGE = 229; extern const int NOT_FOUND_EXPECTED_DATA_PART = 230; extern const int TOO_MANY_UNEXPECTED_DATA_PARTS = 231; extern const int NO_SUCH_DATA_PART = 232; extern const int BAD_DATA_PART_NAME = 233; extern const int NO_REPLICA_HAS_PART = 234; extern const int DUPLICATE_DATA_PART = 235; extern const int ABORTED = 236; extern const int NO_REPLICA_NAME_GIVEN = 237; extern const int FORMAT_VERSION_TOO_OLD = 238; extern const int CANNOT_MUNMAP = 239; extern const int CANNOT_MREMAP = 240; extern const int MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 241; extern const int TABLE_IS_READ_ONLY = 242; extern const int NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE = 243; extern const int UNEXPECTED_ZOOKEEPER_ERROR = 244; extern const int CORRUPTED_DATA = 246; extern const int INCORRECT_MARK = 247; extern const int INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE = 248; extern const int NOT_ENOUGH_BLOCK_NUMBERS = 250; extern const int NO_SUCH_REPLICA = 251; extern const int TOO_MANY_PARTS = 252; extern const int REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_EXIST = 253; extern const int NO_ACTIVE_REPLICAS = 254; extern const int TOO_MANY_RETRIES_TO_FETCH_PARTS = 255; extern const int PARTITION_ALREADY_EXISTS = 256; extern const int PARTITION_DOESNT_EXIST = 257; extern const int UNION_ALL_RESULT_STRUCTURES_MISMATCH = 258; extern const int CLIENT_OUTPUT_FORMAT_SPECIFIED = 260; extern const int UNKNOWN_BLOCK_INFO_FIELD = 261; extern const int BAD_COLLATION = 262; extern const int CANNOT_COMPILE_CODE = 263; extern const int INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_OF_JOIN = 264; extern const int NO_AVAILABLE_REPLICA = 265; extern const int MISMATCH_REPLICAS_DATA_SOURCES = 266; extern const int STORAGE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_PARALLEL_REPLICAS = 267; extern const int CPUID_ERROR = 268; extern const int INFINITE_LOOP = 269; extern const int CANNOT_COMPRESS = 270; extern const int CANNOT_DECOMPRESS = 271; extern const int CANNOT_IO_SUBMIT = 272; extern const int CANNOT_IO_GETEVENTS = 273; extern const int AIO_READ_ERROR = 274; extern const int AIO_WRITE_ERROR = 275; extern const int INDEX_NOT_USED = 277; extern const int LEADERSHIP_LOST = 278; extern const int ALL_CONNECTION_TRIES_FAILED = 279; extern const int NO_AVAILABLE_DATA = 280; extern const int DICTIONARY_IS_EMPTY = 281; extern const int INCORRECT_INDEX = 282; extern const int UNKNOWN_DISTRIBUTED_PRODUCT_MODE = 283; extern const int UNKNOWN_GLOBAL_SUBQUERIES_METHOD = 284; extern const int TOO_LESS_LIVE_REPLICAS = 285; extern const int UNSATISFIED_QUORUM_FOR_PREVIOUS_WRITE = 286; extern const int UNKNOWN_FORMAT_VERSION = 287; extern const int DISTRIBUTED_IN_JOIN_SUBQUERY_DENIED = 288; extern const int REPLICA_IS_NOT_IN_QUORUM = 289; extern const int LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 290; extern const int DATABASE_ACCESS_DENIED = 291; extern const int LEADERSHIP_CHANGED = 292; extern const int MONGODB_CANNOT_AUTHENTICATE = 293; extern const int INVALID_BLOCK_EXTRA_INFO = 294; extern const int RECEIVED_EMPTY_DATA = 295; extern const int NO_REMOTE_SHARD_FOUND = 296; extern const int SHARD_HAS_NO_CONNECTIONS = 297; extern const int CANNOT_PIPE = 298; extern const int CANNOT_FORK = 299; extern const int CANNOT_DLSYM = 300; extern const int CANNOT_CREATE_CHILD_PROCESS = 301; extern const int CHILD_WAS_NOT_EXITED_NORMALLY = 302; extern const int CANNOT_SELECT = 303; extern const int CANNOT_WAITPID = 304; extern const int TABLE_WAS_NOT_DROPPED = 305; extern const int TOO_DEEP_RECURSION = 306; extern const int TOO_MANY_BYTES = 307; extern const int UNEXPECTED_NODE_IN_ZOOKEEPER = 308; extern const int FUNCTION_CANNOT_HAVE_PARAMETERS = 309; extern const int INVALID_SHARD_WEIGHT = 317; extern const int INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER = 318; extern const int UNKNOWN_STATUS_OF_INSERT = 319; extern const int VALUE_IS_OUT_OF_RANGE_OF_DATA_TYPE = 321; extern const int BARRIER_TIMEOUT = 335; extern const int UNKNOWN_DATABASE_ENGINE = 336; extern const int DDL_GUARD_IS_ACTIVE = 337; extern const int UNFINISHED = 341; extern const int METADATA_MISMATCH = 342; extern const int SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED = 344; extern const int TABLE_DIFFERS_TOO_MUCH = 345; extern const int CANNOT_CONVERT_CHARSET = 346; extern const int CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIG = 347; extern const int CANNOT_INSERT_NULL_IN_ORDINARY_COLUMN = 349; extern const int INCOMPATIBLE_SOURCE_TABLES = 350; extern const int AMBIGUOUS_TABLE_NAME = 351; extern const int AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_NAME = 352; extern const int INDEX_OF_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT_IS_OUT_OF_RANGE = 353; extern const int ZLIB_INFLATE_FAILED = 354; extern const int ZLIB_DEFLATE_FAILED = 355; extern const int BAD_LAMBDA = 356; extern const int RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_NAME = 357; extern const int INTO_OUTFILE_NOT_ALLOWED = 358; extern const int TABLE_SIZE_EXCEEDS_MAX_DROP_SIZE_LIMIT = 359; extern const int CANNOT_CREATE_CHARSET_CONVERTER = 360; extern const int SEEK_POSITION_OUT_OF_BOUND = 361; extern const int CURRENT_WRITE_BUFFER_IS_EXHAUSTED = 362; extern const int CANNOT_CREATE_IO_BUFFER = 363; extern const int RECEIVED_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = 364; extern const int OUTPUT_IS_NOT_SORTED = 365; extern const int SIZES_OF_NESTED_COLUMNS_ARE_INCONSISTENT = 366; extern const int TOO_MANY_FETCHES = 367; extern const int BAD_CAST = 368; extern const int ALL_REPLICAS_ARE_STALE = 369; extern const int DATA_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_USED_IN_TABLES = 370; extern const int INCONSISTENT_CLUSTER_DEFINITION = 371; extern const int SESSION_NOT_FOUND = 372; extern const int SESSION_IS_LOCKED = 373; extern const int INVALID_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 374; extern const int CANNOT_DLOPEN = 375; extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_UUID = 376; extern const int ILLEGAL_SYNTAX_FOR_DATA_TYPE = 377; extern const int DATA_TYPE_CANNOT_HAVE_ARGUMENTS = 378; extern const int UNKNOWN_STATUS_OF_DISTRIBUTED_DDL_TASK = 379; extern const int CANNOT_KILL = 380; extern const int HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 381; extern const int CANNOT_LOAD_CATBOOST_MODEL = 382; extern const int CANNOT_APPLY_CATBOOST_MODEL = 383; extern const int PART_IS_TEMPORARILY_LOCKED = 384; extern const int MULTIPLE_STREAMS_REQUIRED = 385; extern const int NO_COMMON_TYPE = 386; extern const int EXTERNAL_LOADABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 387; extern const int CANNOT_ASSIGN_OPTIMIZE = 388; extern const int INSERT_WAS_DEDUPLICATED = 389; extern const int CANNOT_GET_CREATE_TABLE_QUERY = 390; extern const int EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_ERROR = 391; extern const int QUERY_IS_PROHIBITED = 392; extern const int THERE_IS_NO_QUERY = 393; extern const int QUERY_WAS_CANCELLED = 394; extern const int FUNCTION_THROW_IF_VALUE_IS_NON_ZERO = 395; extern const int TOO_MANY_ROWS_OR_BYTES = 396; extern const int QUERY_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_MATERIALIZED_VIEW = 397; extern const int UNKNOWN_MUTATION_COMMAND = 398; extern const int FORMAT_IS_NOT_SUITABLE_FOR_OUTPUT = 399; extern const int CANNOT_STAT = 400; extern const int FEATURE_IS_NOT_ENABLED_AT_BUILD_TIME = 401; extern const int CANNOT_IOSETUP = 402; extern const int INVALID_JOIN_ON_EXPRESSION = 403; extern const int BAD_ODBC_CONNECTION_STRING = 404; extern const int PARTITION_SIZE_EXCEEDS_MAX_DROP_SIZE_LIMIT = 405; extern const int TOP_AND_LIMIT_TOGETHER = 406; extern const int DECIMAL_OVERFLOW = 407; extern const int BAD_REQUEST_PARAMETER = 408; extern const int EXTERNAL_EXECUTABLE_NOT_FOUND = 409; extern const int EXTERNAL_SERVER_IS_NOT_RESPONDING = 410; extern const int PTHREAD_ERROR = 411; extern const int NETLINK_ERROR = 412; extern const int CANNOT_SET_SIGNAL_HANDLER = 413; extern const int CANNOT_READLINE = 414; extern const int KEEPER_EXCEPTION = 999; extern const int POCO_EXCEPTION = 1000; extern const int STD_EXCEPTION = 1001; extern const int UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION = 1002; extern const int CONDITIONAL_TREE_PARENT_NOT_FOUND = 2001; extern const int ILLEGAL_PROJECTION_MANIPULATOR = 2002; } }