#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int CANNOT_PIPE; extern const int CANNOT_DLSYM; extern const int CANNOT_FORK; extern const int CANNOT_WAITPID; extern const int CHILD_WAS_NOT_EXITED_NORMALLY; extern const int CANNOT_CREATE_CHILD_PROCESS; } } namespace { struct Pipe { int fds_rw[2]; Pipe() { #ifndef __APPLE__ if (0 != pipe2(fds_rw, O_CLOEXEC)) DB::throwFromErrno("Cannot create pipe", DB::ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PIPE); #else if (0 != pipe(fds_rw)) DB::throwFromErrno("Cannot create pipe", DB::ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PIPE); if (0 != fcntl(fds_rw[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)) DB::throwFromErrno("Cannot create pipe", DB::ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PIPE); if (0 != fcntl(fds_rw[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)) DB::throwFromErrno("Cannot create pipe", DB::ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PIPE); #endif } ~Pipe() { if (fds_rw[0] >= 0) close(fds_rw[0]); if (fds_rw[1] >= 0) close(fds_rw[1]); } }; /// By these return codes from the child process, we learn (for sure) about errors when creating it. enum class ReturnCodes : int { CANNOT_DUP_STDIN = 0x55555555, /// The value is not important, but it is chosen so that it's rare to conflict with the program return code. CANNOT_DUP_STDOUT = 0x55555556, CANNOT_DUP_STDERR = 0x55555557, CANNOT_EXEC = 0x55555558, }; } namespace DB { ShellCommand::ShellCommand(pid_t pid, int in_fd, int out_fd, int err_fd, bool terminate_in_destructor_) : pid(pid) , terminate_in_destructor(terminate_in_destructor_) , log(&Poco::Logger::get("ShellCommand")) , in(in_fd) , out(out_fd) , err(err_fd) {} ShellCommand::~ShellCommand() { if (terminate_in_destructor) { int retcode = kill(pid, SIGTERM); if (retcode != 0) LOG_WARNING(log, "Cannot kill pid " << pid << " errno '" << errnoToString(retcode) << "'"); } else if (!wait_called) tryWait(); } std::unique_ptr ShellCommand::executeImpl(const char * filename, char * const argv[], bool pipe_stdin_only, bool terminate_in_destructor) { /** Here it is written that with a normal call `vfork`, there is a chance of deadlock in multithreaded programs, * because of the resolving of characters in the shared library * http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solaris10/subprocess-136439.html * Therefore, separate the resolving of the symbol from the call. */ static void * real_vfork = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "vfork"); if (!real_vfork) throwFromErrno("Cannot find symbol vfork in myself", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_DLSYM); Pipe pipe_stdin; Pipe pipe_stdout; Pipe pipe_stderr; pid_t pid = reinterpret_cast(real_vfork)(); if (-1 == pid) throwFromErrno("Cannot vfork", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_FORK); if (0 == pid) { /// We are in the freshly created process. /// Why `_exit` and not `exit`? Because `exit` calls `atexit` and destructors of thread local storage. /// And there is a lot of garbage (including, for example, mutex is blocked). And this can not be done after `vfork` - deadlock happens. /// Replace the file descriptors with the ends of our pipes. if (STDIN_FILENO != dup2(pipe_stdin.fds_rw[0], STDIN_FILENO)) _exit(int(ReturnCodes::CANNOT_DUP_STDIN)); if (!pipe_stdin_only) { if (STDOUT_FILENO != dup2(pipe_stdout.fds_rw[1], STDOUT_FILENO)) _exit(int(ReturnCodes::CANNOT_DUP_STDOUT)); if (STDERR_FILENO != dup2(pipe_stderr.fds_rw[1], STDERR_FILENO)) _exit(int(ReturnCodes::CANNOT_DUP_STDERR)); } execv(filename, argv); /// If the process is running, then `execv` does not return here. _exit(int(ReturnCodes::CANNOT_EXEC)); } std::unique_ptr res(new ShellCommand(pid, pipe_stdin.fds_rw[1], pipe_stdout.fds_rw[0], pipe_stderr.fds_rw[0], terminate_in_destructor)); /// Now the ownership of the file descriptors is passed to the result. pipe_stdin.fds_rw[1] = -1; pipe_stdout.fds_rw[0] = -1; pipe_stderr.fds_rw[0] = -1; return res; } std::unique_ptr ShellCommand::execute(const std::string & command, bool pipe_stdin_only, bool terminate_in_destructor) { /// Arguments in non-constant chunks of memory (as required for `execv`). /// Moreover, their copying must be done before calling `vfork`, so after `vfork` do a minimum of things. std::vector argv0("sh", &("sh"[3])); std::vector argv1("-c", &("-c"[3])); std::vector argv2(command.data(), command.data() + command.size() + 1); char * const argv[] = { argv0.data(), argv1.data(), argv2.data(), nullptr }; return executeImpl("/bin/sh", argv, pipe_stdin_only, terminate_in_destructor); } std::unique_ptr ShellCommand::executeDirect(const std::string & path, const std::vector & arguments, bool terminate_in_destructor) { size_t argv_sum_size = path.size() + 1; for (const auto & arg : arguments) argv_sum_size += arg.size() + 1; std::vector argv(arguments.size() + 2); std::vector argv_data(argv_sum_size); WriteBuffer writer(argv_data.data(), argv_sum_size); argv[0] = writer.position(); writer.write(path.data(), path.size() + 1); for (size_t i = 0, size = arguments.size(); i < size; ++i) { argv[i + 1] = writer.position(); writer.write(arguments[i].data(), arguments[i].size() + 1); } argv[arguments.size() + 1] = nullptr; return executeImpl(path.data(), argv.data(), false, terminate_in_destructor); } int ShellCommand::tryWait() { wait_called = true; int status = 0; if (-1 == waitpid(pid, &status, 0)) throwFromErrno("Cannot waitpid", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_WAITPID); if (WIFEXITED(status)) return WEXITSTATUS(status); if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) throw Exception("Child process was terminated by signal " + toString(WTERMSIG(status)), ErrorCodes::CHILD_WAS_NOT_EXITED_NORMALLY); if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) throw Exception("Child process was stopped by signal " + toString(WSTOPSIG(status)), ErrorCodes::CHILD_WAS_NOT_EXITED_NORMALLY); throw Exception("Child process was not exited normally by unknown reason", ErrorCodes::CHILD_WAS_NOT_EXITED_NORMALLY); } void ShellCommand::wait() { int retcode = tryWait(); if (retcode != EXIT_SUCCESS) { switch (retcode) { case int(ReturnCodes::CANNOT_DUP_STDIN): throw Exception("Cannot dup2 stdin of child process", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_CREATE_CHILD_PROCESS); case int(ReturnCodes::CANNOT_DUP_STDOUT): throw Exception("Cannot dup2 stdout of child process", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_CREATE_CHILD_PROCESS); case int(ReturnCodes::CANNOT_DUP_STDERR): throw Exception("Cannot dup2 stderr of child process", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_CREATE_CHILD_PROCESS); case int(ReturnCodes::CANNOT_EXEC): throw Exception("Cannot execv in child process", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_CREATE_CHILD_PROCESS); default: throw Exception("Child process was exited with return code " + toString(retcode), ErrorCodes::CHILD_WAS_NOT_EXITED_NORMALLY); } } } }